Write Your Story for the Yeshivat Haverim

Write your story for the Yeshivat Haverim in the comment form below.

Write on one or more of the following topics:

* How did you come to Kabbalah?
* Why meeting others who share the same desire is important for you?
* What benefits do you wish to derive from this special gathering, which you cannot acquire alone?

8 Replies to “Write Your Story for the Yeshivat Haverim”

  1. * How did I come to Kabalah?
    O, yes, my dear friends, I asked myself? How did this fascinating science came to me?
    I’ll try to be short.
    Through, let me say four moments:
    1.Genuine words for my intuitive perceptions, both questions and answers that I truly hope I’ll find in understanding all around me, including my actions the same as the actions anothr people.Of course my intuitive perceptions the whole Nature, Universum that I see the same way. My great will to receive something similar to my inner sensations, and also will to continue to stydy, step by step, as I’v already wrote to You.
    2.One interesting dream three years and a bit more ago of Hebrew older lady in black writing to me somewhere in my ”dream place” concenctric circles in shape of somekind rombus.
    3. Lot of Hebrew persons I have had oportunity to introduce through one short period of my previeus job, feeling of closeness from my side.
    4. My Grand father Old Testemony I’v discovered this summer in house I’v grew up, with wontherfull King David’s Psalms that one of them no.91- I’v already have written in my note book.
    With full respects,

  2. My story is a long one and i try to make it simple, it starts with a mother that suffers from paranoid schitofrenia ever since i was 2. i was diagnoised with dyslexia at age 5 mainly because i kept reading and writting not only back wards but right to left instead of left to right. growing up with these two situations in a town in texas being one of the only three familys that were jewish was not easy. faught most every day of my life and never understood why …. started searching early for answers but just could not find any and all the rabis that i would ask would not even talk to me about kabbalah because i did not speak hebrew and because my command of english was poor at best. i learned a lot of other sources to help me seek what i was looking for and each and every time i learned one it was not enough i needed more …. reiki tarot, iching, runes, handwritting analysis, feng shui, chi gung and the list goes on. but none of them have ever braught me what Kabbalah h as. for once in my life i have an understanding of the suffering and why i have gone thru what i have. I have known for a long time that the ego was the problem. and one day at work i was having an extremly difficult time and broke …. emotionaly broke and attacked verbaly several differnt techs in my shop, I went outside to have a smoke and calm down and found my self inside crying and asking why cant i do this and help me please…. so i calmed down and went back inside to my office got back on line and opened up mozilla and on this web browser there were buttons and one said tv, so i pressed it and then saw israel so i pressed it and then saw kabbalah and that is how i found the rav. the moment i saw him it was like reuniting with a long lost friend …. i do not miss lessons and am on almost every night the same with tony, igal , and mike and mark …… I went to the St. Louis congress and man what an experience that was. and to experience Yeshivat Haverim was un believable to say the least to connect with all these people of wich not a one was a stranger, with the same goal the same intent the same heart …… the same soul…. it was more then mere words can desicribe. i hope i can share in this one it is electiric to say the least. the only benifit i seek from all of this is total unification with all of you and the creator. I love each of you all of my brothers and sisters and now know and understand that we are all on the only path that can in fact make a difference.
    Bless you all my friends and brothers and sister
    Le’Chaim William S. Becker

  3. Four years ago I was riding a subway train in Toronto when a short announcement in the newspaper caught my eye. There was to be an introductory Kabbalah lecture at my local library and although I was totally unfamiliar with the word Kabbalah, I somehow felt that it might hold the key to my lifelong search for meaning in my life.

    This initial lecture by Tony Kosinec led to my joining the Toronto group and since then my life has changed totally with plenty of meaning and a never ending struggle to rise above the will to receive.

    I expect the congress to be the culmination of our efforts to unify our Toronto group with all the other groups into one world kli with the goal of adhesion with the creator and eventually leading all of humanity to reintegration into the soul of Adam HaRishon.

    Even now the Toronto group is working hard together with New York and the other groups to ensure that we will arrive in Israel in a unified state.
    Does this mean that we will cross the Machsom barrier? I don’t know – there are many aspects that I don’t fully understand but I do expect that unifying into a world kli will allow me to exit myself and this petty egoistic existence that really has no meaning or significance.

  4. First of all, a good deal of my life that I seem to remember I always asked Questions ”WHY”?

    In School & in my life as things(not so easy) happened to me!

    When I attended Synagoue, I always would ask myself or someone else, what do these words mean? What & to whom Am I praying too & why?

    I saw the website of BB some years ago!!! & never really paid Too much attention!
    Then about 4 years ago a friend(women) who I work with told me about BB & since then I’ve been More or less connected, with different desires etc!
    Thw meeting with the World Kli is like a MUST for me to attain that CONNECTION & PURPOSE that I feel burning within me!

    I cannot attain this on my own, because there are other souls like myself that share the same goal.

    Can’t describe completely in words the feeling I have to link with you all.

    Please share your stories with me:))

    L’chaim to you all!!

  5. My Dearest Friend,

    I can not wait to meet you all! Here my answers….

    * How did you come to Kabbalah?

    I have been searching for the truth my entire life. First of all I thought I could find it in church but when I raised my finger to ask questions, my mother would punish me for being so rude. In 2000 my search brought me to paganism and for a while my ego was quite happy there. But after some time it just wasn’t enough.. I wanted more! So my path led me to healing and I became a reiki master, aura reader, psychic etc. But that too wasn’t enough… I wanted more. I wanted to know the truth! Why am I here and why does humanity suffer so badly… And even more:”What can I do to change the world?”. God brought me Kabbalah and here I am. Studying Kabbalah for almost a year now at Ari Online. And the best thing is… they don’t tell me what to believe or think.. they say:”Kabbalists tell it is like that… and now you go and find out if they were right!”. Fantastic! I have found my home and I am here to stay!

    * Why meeting others who share the same desire is important for you?

    Imagine.. you are on a mountain top with an incredible view. It is so beautiful that you will never be able to put into words what you just saw. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have friends up there with you who want to see the same view? I would carry my friends on my back to share this view with them.

    We all have the same goal and it is fantastic to be able to share Kabbalah with you all… my friends who don’t think I should be hospitalized when I talk about Kabbalah 😉 My family who think about me before they think about themself and vise versa…. how beautiful!

    * What benefits do you wish to derive from this special gathering, which you cannot acquire alone?

    Building the desire to rocket you all in Spirituality 🙂 Building the Kelim for us all and “calling my desire to unite humanity” (Right Seth!)


    *I will accept, realize, and observe the precept: “Love Thy Friend as Thyself.”
    The rest of the 612 precepts and The Whole Torah which allows us to
    observe without reservation The Love of the Others.
    The interpretations of the One Precept: “the Love of the Friend.”
    Meaning to constanlty guard that Love just as one will guard the Love
    He has for himself, in order to serve the needs of the entire nation (others).

    (there is NO loophole in this precept. . .)

    So, in order to observe the Law of the Love of the Friend, the “master” must enslave
    himself to the “servant,” seeing that the needs of the servant are equal to, or greater
    than his own, tending to those needs with care that is equal to his own self-care. For
    Both the servant and the master are interdependant upon one another. But how can this
    “care” be completely genuine? By constant thought? By forming an Intention?

    There is not one thing in existence without purpose. . .

    The entire goal, from the moment of Creation, was for the Creator to reveal His Godliness
    to others – for the Creation to manifest the concept of Love untill it reaches the desired
    measure. Only through Torah and Mitzvot can we rize, reaching adhesion with the

    To Love My friend as myself still seems impossible. My only hope is the preparation and the Work ahead.


    Daniel Tucker

  7. Oh, Man. . . now here I am, I put the Wrong text in the wrong place, and cannot erase it. Now, I have to explain My self. . .I sit here, tugging at my earlobes, pulling at my eyelashes, pulling at my lower lip – wondering what to say and/how to go about putting this thing into words. . . 11 years ago, I put this crazy idea in My head: that somehow, eventually, I would become a “spiritual” person or something. I’d no idea then, just how much work would be involved. There are times when I’d like to say how much I really don’t like this whole process – I’m faced with pieces of this self that i Hate. What a dirty animal I am sometimes. I know that I can be the most “wild Ass.” I think of My friends, and I know that Most times, I’ll walk in shoes that aren’t mine. I get so confused sometimes and I wonder if I’ll be able to explain correctly. . . I know that It matters; Someday – I’d like to express it. . .

  8. Good God – where do I start?

    Me and my husband have had a roller-coaster of a ride spiritually speaking… I’ll try and keep it short-ish…

    When we first met we laughed 6 hours solidly – much to the dismay of some mutual friends – I say this because if we didn’t have this then I’m not sure we would have made it through the 15 years we have been together… we have had revelations, joined the Catholic Church which we had good, bad and dangerous times in, was advised to leave the Church as we were too controversial! was in the wilderness for a few years, not sure what to do or where to go, continuously searching whilst trying to understand the paranormal happenings that were keeping us awake at night – this was happening for at least 10 years of our time together… thinking of converting to Judaism as that’s where we felt most at home but it is hugely long process, we would have to be ultra-orthodox… decided against that…

    Phew… now we can rest… we have come home.

    Kabbalah has answered all our questions, hopes and dreams.

    We no longer have paranormal happenings and we feel the happiest we have ever felt, we can’t stress enough that we have found the right path!!!

    And that really was a short version!!

    Kim & Peter

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