Write Your Ideas for Activities at the Congress

Write your ideas for the following activities at the congress in the comment form below:

* Opening and Closing Ceremony – We are looking for unique ideas suitable for these occasions that could uplift everyone.
* Activities – Other than lessons, Yeshivot Haverim (Friends’ Gatherings), workshops and cultural evenings, there will be an extra one-hour long activity each day. This could be something like a TV game show, like say Who Can Bestow the Most? We are looking for ideas.
* Yeshivot Haverim (Friends’ Gatherings) – We are looking for friends with inspiring stories of “How did I come to Kabbalah?”
* Recess – We are looking for ideas on anything that could take place in recess times and between different activities.

2 Replies to “Write Your Ideas for Activities at the Congress”

  1. I would like to hear how women who came to Kabbalah before their husbands encouraged their husbands to study and were successful at bringing them in to this wonderful wisdom. Since it is our task as women to bring the men to the study, I believe that it would be a great uniting force for those women who successfuly brought their husbands to the study to work with those of us who havent yet succeeded. Women understand very well how to help eachother in family matters, and the reward would be great, knowing that they are an agent of the Creator in putting an end to suffering.

  2. The Connection and Light needs to be revealed through THE ARVUT and I feel strongly in developing This Desire as we progress towards the congress and exist within its framework currently; as such, I would like to propose a:


    We begin this as soon as possible and we keep writing it– developing it. It doesn’t end. We specifically write words that encourage the LOVE OF FRIENDS and PASS IT FORWARD. Over and over and over again…

    In this way, we join hands and create a marvelous circuit– an unbreakable connection.

    Love to you all,

    Sandra E. Watson

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