The congress has already started! Share your inspiration, impressions and enthusiasm in preparation for the congress with friends from all around the world in the Virtual Global Yeshivat Haverim forum.
The purpose of the forum is to act as a means for friends to post their impressions on moving toward the desired spiritual unity among friends, and among humanity, in preparation for the 2008 International Kabbalah Congress.
Post Your Messages in the Comment Submission Form Below!
Unification means we set aside our ego and replace it with our desire to bond with the friends. There are no more obstacles between us and we are bonded in the strength of our common desire to achieve correction.
I arrive at the congress….I don’t see cultures, I don’t hear languages, I can’t even think about this anymore. I only see friends with a desire similar to mine. I want to merge my desire with theirs.
Unification is the process whereby thoughts are fueled by corrected intentions
to bring contentment upon the Creator. This means that a man allows himself to
feel – with the totality of his being – the same desire his friend has to achieve the “love of friends”.
He pours into his friends, not only his actions and intentions of love for his friends, but also his desire for advancement. In this way his love has become unconditional since through nullification of self-love his friend is lifted up and bonded to him in fulfillment of the law.
Tomorrow, maybe we will see
that the group acts only in bestowal
And upon the old thoughts we will
carry a screen with intention.
All this is not a fable, and it’s not a dream, it’s as right
as the light in the afternoon.
All this will come tomorrow if not today, and if not tomorrow, then two days later.
Tomorrow, we will feel all the world sin our heart
without any limitation.
You will really love the Creator and your friend as yourself.
All this is not a fable…
Tomorrow, the world will become happy
Thanks to your work.
We will grow, upon the basis of the words“Love thy neighbor…”
All this is not a fable…
“Gathering of Friends”
This is incredible! We now have a World Kli Blog where we can meet and share our connection.
Let me begin by sharing how long I have yearned for this day! Looking daily for YOU my FRIENDS! I feel as if I can now write you a letter from my heart which will somehow convey what is in there. Is this even possible, to somehow open my heart and let you feel what is in it? Words fall so short, but I must try, because somehow I must let know that I am here, waiting each day till I step on that plane from the LAX Airport to come and be with YOU! I have been searching for you for 42 years amongst all these alien thoughts within me! I must exit them and be with you NOW!
Thank you BB for providing a gathering place where all the Friends can connect!
What is It?
Something sits here and quietly, while it gains it’s momentum. It watches and waits, all the while, we await. . .The Sensation – this Light; and we’ve already tried everything else as we seek this – LOVE that shines now, under the Skin and all around us as respite from the shadows.
Change is going on and happening all around us and with help from one another, it will happen within, too. . . KAVANA
From Childhood; Past The Shadow Man: To Israel
The Importance of Preparation
From The Preparation for The Lesson November 30, 2005
All of a person’s primary work happens not when he comes to the gathering of friends or attends lessons, but during his preparation for them. This is just like war; preparation determines the outcome.
It was a long time ago, when I first was given amethyst clouds of Fairy Dust– childhood dreams. And then I discovered, I’d went away– too far– I’d wandered deep into the woods with the pine and delicate wildflowers, but I grew sick from wandering alone. Until one day, the glint of the sun appeared poking holes in the shadows. “Hail! Is that you?” I shouted excitedly. But what! No! Is this a nightmare now instead of a dream?
“What do you seek?” The Shadow Man asked, as he picked a pine needle from my shoulder like it was a piece of dandruff and then I fell down. “You want altruism? Goodness? Isn’t that all just bunk? What God allows suffering?”
Now, on my knees, weakened, I gazed at his feet, but I summoned all of my strength, lifted my head, and fastened to his stare.
“It will not last,” I whispered crawling past him.
And I took all of my pain, my disease, my condition, the human condition; and rose to my feet. The shofar sounded loudly while I took the dust and used it to carry me over the ocean, towards Israel.
Strengthening the Bond
“Let our hearts see the merits of our friends and not their faults. And let us each speak to our friends in the upright way, which is desirable to you. And let no hate rise from one over one’s friend. And strengthen our bond with love for You, as it is known and revealed to you…”
–Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, “A Prayer before a Prayer”
A Poem
To those gathered together in celebration of the
greatness of the goal, what more
could I ask for from these warriors who fight steadily
for the correction of my soul.
They stretched their hand down and pulled me up high, just when
I had lost hope and thought it better to lay there and die.
Few words can express what is burning deep within me, given to me in love from my great friends inside this world kli.
As one we march forward against those high gates, bringing our friends with us as we accelerate the changes of our states.
We can never do this alone but with the help of our friends
we approach the goal, and as we move forward we become connected
with the root of our soul.
My friends are my lifeline and it is with them I prepare, for thisgreat congress where we shall become bonded and nothing shall tear.
The threads that unite us, with cords of love, with which it all
started with an awakening from above.
Who could have thought this, especially from the start, that we stand here today as one man and one heart!
Joshua – DC Kli
Oh Sandra…that is beautiful!..
I’ve been wanting to return to Israel all my life long; I lived there as a child, but reality bit me in the you-know-what…ahh…
Alas, little did I know that I was there all the time. 🙂
It is forbidden for man to think about the next moment. And so from the moment we accept this, we must keep the intention alive and current in our thoughts at all times. For those planning on physical travel to the congress and those who shall be joining virtually, all need to keep the moment we are experiencing now AS the congress. It is! Love and Light to each one…..Peace
Yes, River. This is so very true! Now is the moment! We must focus on bringing this important goal of unity to its highest point of awareness.
Shall we reverse History?
This is the tide that turns back the sands of time and brings us home. We are the crew of this vessel that turns us around and makes way for the Heavens. It is us as one that we chase, a goal so pure, so real, that we can’t imagine but most attain. This is what we are going to realizes at Congress. We are the goal.
Recognizing that wherever it is that we gaze our focus, that is where our answers will come from. Throughout the corridors of time, as far back as we can remember, we have been focusing and looking at the Me-first. At the splintered “I”, separated as it may appear to us on an island alone. Seeking what “I” can gain out of our interaction with the rest of mankind….the converse being true as well. Perhaps this is why we got the wrong information about the “I” and the Me-first paradigm. Perhaps this was a necessary part of our history. However now we have an opportunity to raise our conciousness from the Me-first to FOR ANOTHER.
More than perhaps, now is the time in history that we are granted Mercy from above to look at The Big Picture. In this lies the richness of intra-person abundance that would herald a new frontier of the highest and finest fullness of our collective hearts, that would give expression to new perception of the Collective “I”. This higher consciousness will aid us in balancing and healing the root of our soul, Mankind. The common root from which we were broadcasted and scattered. Now, in this generation, we will make our way back. May the Shofar blast bring us back from the four corners, into the Common Kli.
And may our trunks grow as we stand in close proximity and exercise our deep grasp of each other while our brances interwine. This time around when we speak together, as we once knew, may it be that we have a deeper communication. And may this serve as a contact soul to soul. And may it’s meeting place be in more tangible region, very real, very deep. And may we invoke the Upper Worlds through this interaction of love redifined.
My friends we are at the beginings of this kind of Love. May it be that we will be grateful for the Creator for granting us and opportunity, through the help of Benei Baruch, to accomplish this new means of loving our neighbours. In returning to each other, the common Kli aid the whole returning to our Beloved, the Source and Sustainer, our Creator. May we do and think and live FOR ANOTHER.
When we are in a group , with our lessons and books , we must try to understand this also is an environment.”A place that affects the existence and development of an individual”. A place where one receives the right thoughts , books , and teachings is truly a blessing. Where what comes from ones mouth is a hearts felt truth in the spoken form about our fellow group friends. Where not the amount of work or hours at the goal make the top mark ,but the qualitative work within the group in whatever hours, is what counts. A qualitative work habit , a true intention along with a real desire for your friends to grow will bring us from this suffering state in this corporeal into the upper state of spiritual awareness. “TASTE AND SEE THE LORD IS GOOD” The real work is keeping the desire NOW,for this is it! the past is gone ,and the future far off. GRAB IT…….”ONE SHOULD NOT THINK IT IS BY CHANCE THAT ONE HAS RECEIVED THIS PRESENT AWAKING”……BA’AL HASULAM.SHAMATI
Physical Gathering
We are obliged to physically connect because we are, after all, physical beings and are not advanced enough to skip this process.
If one makes his/her own calculations and honestly assesses that they are really not ready, they should not come. That decision is a positive step in the process. If one comes with another agenda, they will not be accepted and will be asked to leave. This is important.
If all one can do is bring the point in the heart and a ‘mindlessness’, an openness like an embryo, willing to be guided, with a desire to participate, and they prepare….then this will suffice.
The preparation for the Congress is more important than its execution.
Unity For Humanity!!!
Discovering Our Connection with the Upper Force
“All kinds of unpleasant situations are sent to us so that we will finally understand that it is not the external things that we should fear, but the lack of contact with the Upper One, the absence of spirituality.” Awakening to Kabbalah, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD
If we were aware of the Upper Force that’s always influencing us and arranging everything in our lives, then we would know the secret of life. We would know what life’s grand purpose is and how everything in our life is led by that purpose.
So how do we reveal this Upper Force? We have to learn from the people who’ve already revealed it. Such people are called Kabbalists, and they have written books that can help anyone discover what they have discovered. By reading their books, one gradually begins to feel and understand how the Upper Force motivates his life and why it brings about the things that happen to him in life.
The authentic wisdom of Kabbalah deals with this only: revealing the Upper Force to a person in this world. Or as Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam commentary on The Book of Zohar, puts it: “This wisdom is no more and no less, than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and consequence, in fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as–“the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.” (The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah)
Authentic Kabbalah has nothing to do with temporary distractions like lucky charms and magic spells, red strings or holy water. Rather, it is an ancient, time-tested wisdom that helps people open their eyes and discover their interrelation with the Upper Force.
This is not something you will feel in your imagination one moment and forget about it the next instant. It is a discovery of a whole new reality that you did not feel before. Kabbalah explains that there is a vast spiritual world concealed behind the picture of reality surrounding us. And this hidden reality is intended for us. Once we discover it with the help of Kabbalah books, we will feel life’s perfect and eternal flow, and experience genuine, lasting joy. Studying Kabbalah, one suddenly realizes where everything comes from and that life has no coincidences. One tangibly feels that everything in our world comes from the Upper Force. As a result, one begins living in harmony with the Upper Force and avoids making mistakes in life.
In practical terms, learning about the Upper Force gives us real knowledge about how to live correctly. We become conscious of what is harmful to us and are able to avoid it. One gains a spiritual vision, where he sees the full scope of existence, the entire system of reality and how to use it to benefit the world. Hence, Kabbalah is a practical and essential wisdom.
Critical Mass
“Each item in the 613 Mitzvot in the Torah revolves on the axis of the one Mitzva, ‘love thy friend as thyself.’ This axis can only be sustainable within the framework of a whole nation, whose members are all willing and ready for it.”
–Baal HaSulam, “The Revelation of Godliness”
One thing common to all
“We see that there is one thing that is common to all—the spirit. It is said, ‘A concern in one’s heart, let him speak of it with others.’ This is because with regard to feeling high-spirited, neither wealth nor erudition can be of assistance. Rather, it is one person who can help another… It turns out that each and every one must pay attention and think, how he can help his friend, uplift his spirit, because regarding one’s spirit, anyone can find a needy place in one’s friend, which he can fulfill.”
-Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, “They Helped Every One His Friend”
Only One
‘There is none else besides him.’
There is only the oneness of the Creator. We, the portion that was built with the striving to receive, are but the Creature of the Creator; fragmented and confused by the veils that hide this world from the reality of the spiritual world to give us some small degree of free choice. First we discover the illusion of ourselves. Next we notice others. Then the group becomes one. And finally, with the correction made with the point in the heart growing into the will to bestow, we move above the illusion and all is indeed one! ‘Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is One!’
This is simple, this is indivisable, as truth should always be. Love to the family/kli Stan
As we all anticipate our participation at this whole world kli event remember that we are representatives of those long ago souls in Babylon that were present at Tower of Babel.
We are the same souls who also gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai as one united group.
We have waited a long time to come together. Now we are coming from all parts of the globe to unite once again and together gather the surrounding light.
Hold tight each and everyone so that indeed we may be the conduit to the rest of the world.
We advance spiritually together to return to the center, to the Creator.
As Rav has said:
“Our path has already been set….we are already in a perfect state. Our task now is to go back to the same path from which we drifted from Above… rise by ourselves to the preliminary state from which we descended.”
The Kabbalah Experience
Discovering Our Connection with the Upper Force
“All kinds of unpleasant situations are sent to us so that we will finally understand that it is not the external things that we should fear, but the lack of contact with the Upper One, the absence of spirituality.” Awakening to Kabbalah, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD
If we were aware of the Upper Force that’s always influencing us and arranging everything in our lives, then we would know the secret of life. We would know what life’s grand purpose is and how everything in our life is led by that purpose.
So how do we reveal this Upper Force? We have to learn from the people who’ve already revealed it. Such people are called Kabbalists, and they have written books that can help anyone discover what they have discovered. By reading their books, one gradually begins to feel and understand how the Upper Force motivates his life and why it brings about the things that happen to him in life.
The authentic wisdom of Kabbalah deals with this only: revealing the Upper Force to a person in this world. Or as Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam commentary on The Book of Zohar, puts it: “This wisdom is no more and no less, than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and consequence, in fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as–”the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.” (The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah)
Authentic Kabbalah has nothing to do with temporary distractions like lucky charms and magic spells, red strings or holy water. Rather, it is an ancient, time-tested wisdom that helps people open their eyes and discover their interrelation with the Upper Force.
This is not something you will feel in your imagination one moment and forget about it the next instant. It is a discovery of a whole new reality that you did not feel before. Kabbalah explains that there is a vast spiritual world concealed behind the picture of reality surrounding us. And this hidden reality is intended for us. Once we discover it with the help of Kabbalah books, we will feel life’s perfect and eternal flow, and experience genuine, lasting joy. Studying Kabbalah, one suddenly realizes where everything comes from and that life has no coincidences. One tangibly feels that everything in our world comes from the Upper Force. As a result, one begins living in harmony with the Upper Force and avoids making mistakes in life.
In practical terms, learning about the Upper Force gives us real knowledge about how to live correctly. We become conscious of what is harmful to us and are able to avoid it. One gains a spiritual vision, where he sees the full scope of existence, the entire system of reality and how to use it to benefit the world. Hence, Kabbalah is a practical and essential wisdom.
The Need for the Love of Friends
When man comes to the wisdom of Kabbalah he places
himself in a position to “receive”.
Receive what? Man receives in his heart and mind, understanding, feelings and sensations, the infinite World of Ein Sof.
This is the “true state”, the “true reality” in
which we exist, however, we do not experience it; we are detached from it.
Man feels only his own self, separate and disconnected from the entire system that
sustains his life. In this condition man
suffers tremendous lack and want for fulfillment.
The wisdom of Kabbalah provides man with a quick and convenient remedy that
eliminates suffering and delivers pleasure.
In order for man to reveal himself as existing
in that true state of perfection and abundance, he must know
that there is no private action in the “system”, in the world of Ein Sof, and that he is intrinsically interconnected
to each and every friend in the group.
The group provides him with mutually interconnecting desires for correction, yet each focuses solely
on the correction of his own part.
Returning to the force of Nature, through the group, man cleanses his actions and sensations, and the by power of the group, literally corrects the system, breaking its concealments
through 125 degrees of revelation.
The “love of friends” and the group is the only means of the revelation.
The Group and the Congress-now ONE!
As Rav (Rabi Leitman) said, the souls of all the Kabbalists will be at/with the Congress. Time and space are not real in the spiritual realm, only illusions of this world. We do the preparation to create the event as it occurs in the preparation; the final outcome is contained in the first thought. We all exist only in the moment.
Taken together, this means that we all; no matter who we are, no matter where we are, even no matter WHEN we are/were, will be together working on the bonding/Arvut to the world group/kli! Every soul with the point in the heart to desire the bond, and with the desire to learn to bestow to be like the Creator; are already being united by this effort! The person with the proper prayer from across the world is adding as much as any other, the apparent location of our bodies is unimportant. It is our similarity in form (our mutual intent, desire, effort) that has placed us together in the spiritual world!
It is very humbling to the piece of self desiring ego that believes it is ‘me’ to realize the presence and the greatness of the company of souls already in attendence now! Sense them! Be with them! Feel the ‘fear and awe’ at knowing we’re together! Where-ever you are, when-ever you are, join us all at the point in the heart! ‘Taste and see that the Creator is Good!’ We are ONE!
Le’ Chaim! To the Kli!
Love of Friends
We proceed from complete ignorance of the system to revelation, realizing the profit of the connection with the group and our place in it.
One must constantly remind oneself of the purpose of the group….love of fellow man. We are butressed by the intentions of each other.
Our stupor diminishes by our connection with the group. The ‘breaking’ of the connection is restored! We use the ‘Light which Reforms’.
The group affects the rest of humanity in a very profound way. This is also the purpose of the Congress.
Intention and Spirituality
Intention is in the part of the Partzuf called Rosh, action is located in the Guf. However, whatever occurs in the Rosh controls the Guf, thus the Intention is the cause of the action and in the spiritual world is the action. In spirituality, Guf means desires; 613 desires. Each must be moved from a transgression to (with a changed intention) a Mitzva or action of correction, the desire of Bestowal—done by the light of the Torah with 613 lights to correct the 613 desires. Each desire has five levels of coarseness (Asyah, Yetzira, Beria, Atzilut, Adam Kadman). A person who performs the physical Mitzva without intent, is at the level of spiritual still. (Still, vegetative, animate, speaking) It is the intention and desire that are important. A spiritual intention must accompany a physical Mitzva for it to be of any benefit. It is the intention, not the physical/corporeal act that is of benefit. This explains why the physical ’Mitzva’ may be different in different cultures as part of different ‘religions of the culture’ and either be of benefit or not, depending on the Intention. The intention is the spiritual action.
Per Bal HaSulam, people of all religions are able to enter spirituality. No physical actions of any specific type are necessary. All religions are a part of the specific culture. The Kabbalist must do all the normal corporeal functions, job, family, life requirements; but work with the study and intention. People of all religions have equal right to Kabbalah and may continue within the framework of their culture; but there is a tendency to become less interested in religious events as the desire for spirituality increases.
Posted by Stan Handshy at 11:38 AM 0 comments
The Feeling
Many seek answers to help them understand what “something” is about. The Rav has taught that you can never understand anything any more than you feel it. The way to gain more understanding then, is to connect more with the feelings of “something”. A question about the group would require more time spent with it so one can feel more from it and about it. An inquiry about an intention would then demand more time developing it and keeping it the closest thing to ones heart. This would enable one to feel it much deeper, thus begining to comprehend its very essence. When we ask how to correctly and completly prepare for the congress one must work at all times with the material offered and the instruction given thus one shall begin to understand the purpose and full desire for the preparation itself. Peace….River
Are we ready for genuine altruism?
How life could be easier for each of us if we sometimes, just try to transcend our corporeal lifes feeling the spiritual sparks in Our Hearts such as reading-receiving the words of Isaac Luria /the Holy Ari/ poem ”The Tree of Life”. Than we could be able to feel Another’s heart as our own, what is genuine altruism.
If we try to Understand, to Feel:
…… when through one ”infinite, one name”, His young heart received the Light,
the whole earthly and havenly wisdom was opened to Him.
And when His pure, young soul felt the Light, one thiny, sparkly line easely fulfilled all of His sences, giving Him more sences to ”see”, that there is ”no head and no end”, to see the ”hidden unity”. And though as He had seen, that there is ”no mind that can perceive Him”, seems that holy Ari ”still” can ”see” all of those, for There is no Place, no Time, no Name, no Motions.
from my heart,
Problems, what are they? They can be overwhelming in this world at times, but is there a purpose? The more one feels the depths of despair, the deeper the vessel of the soul. But would a fair and just Creator be as cruel as this world indicates? Kabbalah teaches that we have two paths, the one of pain where we will eventually be driven to where we need to be, or the path to strive for similarity of form with the Creator (the path of Kabbalah). Sometimes these hardships are messages to teach us, sometimes mirrors of things within ourselves that need to be corrected, and sometimes just obstacles to be overcome to force our desire for the Creator to grow; and when they are insurmountable inspite of the utmost effort, to remind/force us to return to the Creator with a prayer from the heart to lift us above the egoistic pain, to grow to a higher level—-these things are termed “help against us”, and placed intentionally by the Creator whether we can see through or past them at this time or not. We don’t have to go it alone though, we are a group, and our strength magnifies with the members. Arvut!
Keeping the Intention
The congress is a symbol of the whole world and all its differences. The work to be done for sucess during this gathering is done before the first one arrives. Rav teaches that it is forbidden for man to think about the next moment and thus each thought of each moment must be with the desire for the correct intention towards the group and the goal.This congress will represent the perfect act of correction and if done with the highest desire and intention, the world may reach beyond the barrier and begin to work toward the final assention up the ladder. We will encounter obstacles and obstructions for certain as we prepare. Rav reminds us that these are sent from the Creator to those who are most serious about this process of climbing the mountain and the guards will up the security as well to be sure. These things that will come about must be seen as encouragments as this preparation for the assent is far more important than the actual execution of it.
There is work between man and God, and work between man and man. However, both are intended to bring us to the goal—adhesion. In fact, the two are one: if a person acts with the intention to give, without drawing self-benefit, he will feel no difference between working to love one’s friend and working to love the Creator. (From The Revelation of Godliness)
What BEAUTIFUL wisdom this is!! May our hearts burn for such love and connection as we prepare. Peace…..River
A friend awaits!
A friend in need awaits. Right now am I ready to answer the call?
I must feel in my very core that I have the missing ingredient for the friends in my hands. Without this my friends will not receive the cure. I must make sure that it is ready and constantly check it’s status. I must always be aware every second that it is with me lest I forget and I fail my friends. I have this key ingredient that without it we are doomed to failure. It takes every ingredient to make this work and I must be committed. I must make sure there is nothing that can stop me and work tenaciously to prepare. I cannot think that if I fail someone else will fill in. I am the only one who has this particular ingredient and our lives hang on my shoulders.
Baal HaSulam says in the article The Arvut “And once the whole nation unanimously agreed and said: “we shall do and we shall hear (Exodus 24, 7)”, then each member of Israel became responsible that nothing shall be missing from any other member of the nation, and only then did they become worthy of receiving the Torah.”
The thing that stands out here is that it doesn’t say 50% of the nation or even 99% but “whole nation unanimously agreed”. And only then with the whole nation did they receive the Torah. I need to accept that I am this missing piece.
Hello to all the friends from the world Kli. Although it’s not easy for me, I had for a long time wished to express my feelings to you about the upcoming congress in Israel.
These are feelings very similar to that of a captivated person who yearns for freedom but is put in such conditions that he cannot even make a single step. I must tell you that it is painful. However, this emotional suffering has come out as a cry for your thoughts. Though the limitations and restrictions of this world are keeping me from being among you physically, I want you to know that I will be there with all my desire and thoughts.
Every morning we gather for one goal. We see how distorted our nature is and all the conditions come together which makes us begin to build our desire, and we continue doing this. Every one of us has built a desire and with this congress all these desires have now a chance to join and be ONE. Knowing this makes me burn to be there with you since I have not desired anything more than this in my life.
Everything develops in this world, just like from babyhood to adulthood, I feel this congress as such an opportunity for all of us who are ready. The fire, which has started with only a small spark, is pushing us towards bonding and uniting, which the Creator gave the chance of making this come true through the congress. While making our internal preparation, and with the responsibility we all have, we must remember that we are ONE.
There is so much that wants to burst out of me; the whole of the world Kli, whatever language, religion, nationality, is a part of me, and I am a part of you. Let us pass the unity, and the love to each other and see that all barriers disappear. Let us see that we are free from our bodies and that we are souls full of desire for one man. Let us unite as such that we all feel the meaning of ARVUT and spread this all over the world.
This is the guiding force of Creation – the law of Nature, and it doesn’t matter if nature is
mindless or methodically calculated. We are enslaved by it,and at the end of the day,
still obliged to honor it. The ebb and the flow are part of the Process of Transformation.
So, I’m left to wonder if this Process of the soul from one body to the next over thou-
sands of years is an affirmation of His Providence. . .(?) Every moment is a lesson
on Love.
Good question. I’m constantly questioning My desire – scrutinizing my motive. The
only thing that I am sure of is The Goal, and that is the motivation. I have this “vision”
of the Future – and I’m in love with that vision. It’s all I think about. All of us do.
The Law of providence is: “Giving to one’s fellow person, in order to give to the Creator”
The very essence of His Providence is the Love of others. This is the motivation and
thus, a huge part of achieving the goal. It’s through His Providence that we are all here
today! We’ve been provided with a reason and a purpose and united together, we acc-
omplish the goal through sharing in the work for the sake of each other and ultimately
for Him. . .This group is the manifestation of this Providence, and I am honored to be a
small part.
In all of Creation there is only the Creator and his
creature, man. “Man” means, the inner man, his “desires
and thoughts”, not his physical body. The spiritual world
is pure will and desires without physical bodies. In the
spiritual world, the will itself is called the “body” or “the
vessel of the soul”. The pleasure that fulfills the will is
called the “Creator”, or “the light” or “the soul”. Other
than these two components, there is nothing else existent,
in the entire Creation.
—Breaking the Iron Wall
Some Interesting Questions!
Well, this is my first time blogging; who would have thought? So, here goes . . . . . . . .
Q: What is meant by the phrase, “The Providence of the Creator”?
A: The Providence of the Creator may be defined as the laws of Nature which act upon us, to move us to rise to the degree of the Creator,which is the Purpose of Creation.
Q: How does His Providence relate to my desire for connection with the group?
A: All of our desires come from the Creator, including the initial desire for spirituality which is called the “Point in the Heart”. When this initial desire awakens within us we begin to look until eventually, whether it takes years or lifetimes, we discover Kabbalah. Through the study of Kabbalah, we come to understand the importance of the group–that we can not attain the Creator without the group! This understanding increases our desire for connection with the group.
What’s Your Intention? Rav’s Lesson Dec 27/28 -07
What is your Intention?
Rav says, “…that intention is an attitude– relation… intention is… you know, they say: ‘What intentions do you have?’ What attitude do you have to your life? To the one who operates, runs your life– to what you do in life– to your purpose in life– what attitude do you have to all of that? When I ask ‘What is your intention?’ I as if ask, ‘What is your attitude to your reality; to your life– to everything. Do you have a certain attitude to it or not?
So they say, in order to avoid troubles and suffering; in order to come to the good state, you have to teach yourself to learn to stabilize your attitude to life properly– how to extract the best benefit. That is what the wisdom of kabbalah talks about.
What is your intention?
The Providence of the Creator
What is meant by the phrase “the Providence of the Creator”?
It is the law of nature that is in control of everything. It is his nature to give and not to receive for oneself. This is a law and thereby it is impossible to oppose. It is like jumping up in the air as high as you can. No matter how hard you get you will come down to the ground. If you jump than the fall will only be as a great as the exertion therefore one most have great force to do damage. So it is this great push called egoism which does us damage.
How does His Providence relate to my desire for connection with the group?
To turn this around we have to work against our nature which is egoism and towards his nature which is altruism. In that when we push against our nature we can only jump as high away from egoism as our effort is. It is when we work together that we jump together and thereby all the force is upwards can break the gravity of egoism and reach the force of nature. It will be like jumping as one and coming out of the orbit of egoism and coming under the gravity of altruism which is many times greater.
It is Arvut
Calling my desire to unite humanity!
My Dearest Friends….
We are only 36 days away from the Congress and I can hardly believe that I am actually going! I have talked to so many of you over the internet allready, yet I don’t know your face. I have connected with all of you in my heart, yet I don’t know the sound of your voice. But all that is going to change… It feels like I can finally embrace my family! You are all so beautiful and I feel so honoured that the Creator is giving me the chance to be there with you all! My heart becomes warm and tears well up in my eyes when I think of all of you… of our Goal… of our Desire… of our Kavana!
I can’t wait to meet you all in real live… we are going to unite my friends! I love you all very much!
“Intention is not a personal matter. It is written: “As one man in one heart.” The unification is the vessel; you must connect with others. Through that, you find your corrected vessel; you find that the Creator does not relate to you as an individual, but according to the extent to which you make of your self an adequate vessel through all of the other vessels.
Therefore, there can be no intention if you turn to the Creator while disconnecting yourself from others. You have nothing to turn to the Creator with, since it is only possible to address the Creator with the request: “Help me connect with the others, since through the connection with them I acquire a vessel for your inspiration, to become similar to you.”
Love, Karin
Dutch Group
The Providence
Every thought, feeling, perception, matter, or situation that
may disguise itself as an obstacle to my desire for Infinity…is intended by Providence to attain the goal of correction.
My desire can only be fulfilled by connecting: by knowing, understanding, and feeling
that the others have the same exact desire.
I learn to give “my desire” to the other despite any opposing
desire to withdraw and sever the purpose of Providence. The Providence engenders the entire methodology of the Wisdom of Kabbalah and it requires tremendous effort to substantiate.
The intention (inherent in His Providence) is an exclusive attitude
that is maintained “for the Creator” …through the group.
I am excited to join my huge lack to this wondrous occasion of the uniting of our souls with the correct intention. The congress is NOW!
The amazing thing to me is that no matter who i meet, or where I go when I meet one of you beautifull people from ari it is as it was when i found the Rav. just like re-uniting with an old friend. So far with every one i have met i still have not met a stranger. To me that is the most beautiful thing i have ever been a part of.
What Kabbalah means to me!
Kabbalah for me has been an eye opening, heart expanding and loving endearment that has only brought me a more peaceful, understanding to life. Ever since I was a young man and even a teenager I have searched for answers that have eluded me until recently. As a father of two who are grown and in college, I have learned more through Kabbalah then I have from my kids. The suffering I have been through in my life now has a meaning. Through the years of searching before Kabbalah, all the systems that I found did help only to bring me closer to where I was meant to be. For years I never could understand what it was all about only that every time I turned about I kept repeating a lot of things that I thought I had a handle on.
Through the wisdom of Kabbalah, I have an understanding about the suffering, and what and how to deal with it. I also understand how that suffering has been a helpful tool to me more then it is just suffering. May the Creator bring to you all … all that your heart and soul seek to experience.
Shalom Baruch my new friends
I am so excited to go to Israel and be a part of somthing that is so moving.
I love you all with all that I am
William s. Becker
sounds of life
as i sit in the back yard and listen to the sounds
of the people rushing feverisly around
trying to fullfill there desires of the past
never realizing that it wont last
totaly blind and living concealed
not ever knowing what to reveal
only seeing what they have learned
never trying for that wich is earned
waiting for that question that comes from the heart
alowing one such a painful start
again concealing that wich is known
by only a few that have grown
to love each other as they love there self
keeping all the rest up on a shelf
to use in our work as we beat and batter
our self in our work as we climb the latter
to meat a force that is so much greater
the force we know as the creator
there is none else besides him
I love you my brothers
William Becker