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October 22, 2024

I Attain the World through Me!

I Attain the World through Me

A Kabbalah lesson is not meant for gaining knowledge. It is a process of self-discovery.

A Kabbalist studies everything on himself! He is his own lab! For a Kabbalist it is a field of discovery, and he immediately begins to understand the world he is observing, he sees it inside himself. We are part of nature that is made of vectors of different forces that cooperate mutually, including our feelings and our thoughts. But it is impossible to study them on the earthly level because these thoughts and feelings are above us! A Kabbalist, through spiritual methodology, rises to the level where the interaction of these forces and the birth of the desire, feelings, and our thoughts, man’s inner world, take place, and it is from this level that he begins to influence them.

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What Does It Mean to Discover the Zohar

Start Digging for Your Treasure

Discovering The Zohar means discovering your inner world and your unlimited potential.

Start digging inside yourself and look for the qualities that The Zohar names, as though you’re in the dark with nothing but a candle. Just as a child gradually begins to perceive his environment, so this new inner world will gradually begin to form within you. I must delve into myself and there discover which inner quality each word alludes to. This is how The Zohar changes us when we search for what is written inside of us. After all, a person is a small world.

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Get This Vital Message

Get This Vital Message

The picture of the mutual universal dependence is starting to be revealed in our world only now.

Currently, humanity has reached a new stage of development and now must work together to correct the world. There is no alternative because the current troubles are caused by the revealed Light that urges us to start to unite. Otherwise, it will still continue to move closer to us, but in catastrophic ways. The Light is really getting closer and day by day we are confronted with the consequences of it. Jobs are cut, diseases and problems multiply, the perversions of human nature are growing, mutations; in other words, serious changes for the worse are taking place in human society and the surrounding world.

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No Unity, No Future, No Love—Simple as That!

No Unity, No Future, No Love—Simple as That!

Humanity needs to develop awareness of its global unity, and through that awareness, experience universal love.

This simple message should be conveyed to every person: There is no future without unity. We need to fill the air with this message before we slide down to continuous military conflicts because the situation is getting worse all the time. So let’s get started.

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A Closed Circle of Goodness

A Closed Circle of Goodness

The world is gradually transitioning from reception to bestowal, & thus all of our systems need to become ’rounder’.

If a person goes out to the nations of the world and organizes them in a circle, they take on a form that resembles the upper. This circle is made of several people (let’s say ten) who unite equally as each one sees the other as higher than himself. Our mission is to draw the nations of the world to such discussions and roundtables, and to bring them to the form of the upper, which means to the force of love and bestowal. We have to bring them as close as we can to the upper force, to bestowal, by making them resemble it. The more we expand this circle and create more identical circles that connect, the more the upper force can be revealed.

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