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January 15, 2025

Glossary – Shlach Lecha (Send Forth) – Weekly Torah Portion

The Land of Canaan

We are immersed in the desire. All we have is a desire that must be corrected from harming others into doing good to them. The land of Canaan is that desire when it is still uncorrected but is about to be corrected.

Forty Days

Forty is the degree of Bina. The gap between Malchut and Bina is called “forty.” It is the gap between the will to receive, the ego, and the degree of faith, Bina, the level of bestowal.

Flowing with Milk and Honey

Milk and honey represent the abundance we receive in the corrected desire.


Amalek is the foundation of all evil, it is the intention to receive in order to receive, which exists within our nature.

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Glossary – BeHa’alotcha (When You Raise the Candles) – Weekly Torah Portion

Menorah (Lamp)

The menorah symbolizes the soul. It symbolizes the seven Sephirot of the soul that we need to know how to light, in which way, and in which order.

Korban (Sacrifice/Offering)

A Korban is the will to receive that person corrects, and through it becomes more Karov (near/close) to the Creator.

Second Passover

Second Passover relates to desires that a person finds are impossible or not needed to sanctify. It is desires that one did not recognize. However, they can be corrected later, on a more advanced stage in the process.


Impurity is a force that works in order to receive, the egoistic force that appears in us.

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Glossary – Nasso (Take) – Weekly Torah Portion

Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai is a mountain of Sina’a (hate). If a person discovers all the evil within, it is considered being at the foot of Mount Sinai. However, it is possible to discover it only if the point within, called Moses, climbs up that mountain. There, in the chasm between the bottom of the mountain and its peak, under that condition one acquires the Torah. This happens because that person feels that he or she simply must correct, but does not know what to do. Such a person is worthy of receiving the light that reforms, called “Torah.”


A family is a whole person consisting of a man, woman, children, a house, and the entire world. It is a complete Kli.


One who is impure is fraught with self-interest. Such a person defiles everything he or she touches because anything that that person wants is only for self-gratification instead of giving to others. Conversely, giving, or bestowal upon others, is called Kedusha (holiness), purity.

Camp, or Being Outside the Camp

A camp is the part of the will to receive that a person can define and say that in this part one is advancing only with the intention to bestow. That is, a camp is our corrected desires.

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Glossary – BaMidbar (In the Desert) – Weekly Torah Portion


Tribes are a part of the will to receive, which is divided into HBD, HGT, NHY. In all of them there is HaVaYaH (YodHeyVavHey), and HaVaYaH times three is twelve. Our general will to receive is divided into twelve parts that—when corrected—are called “tribes.”

The Holy of Holies

The Holy of Holies is GAR of Bina, the absolute quality of bestowal.


The army is all the desires that can join the head, faith, the shepherd.

Banner (Flag)

A banner is the task that I assume. Each part and each group in the twelve tribes has its own banner, which indicates how each part progresses and corrects itself. The banner is unique to each tribe, hence the division into twelve tribes remains even after they achieve the corrected desire, the land of Israel.

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Glossary – BeHukotai (In My Statutes) – Weekly Torah Portion


Reward is what a person wants to have. You cannot give a person something that that person does not want. A reward is the thing that one desires. It is a good execution of the thing toward which that person would like to advance. That person cannot be elsewhere because he or she is correcting the desire. The execution itself is the reward, as it is written, “The reward of a Mitzva (commandment)—Mitzva.”[9] The reward of a Mitzva (commandment) is to know the Metzaveh (commander). To know means to connect, as it is written, “And Adam knew his wife again” (Genesis, 4:25).


Punishment is the opposite of reward. It is what a person neither wants nor likes. It is a degree where a person understands that progress is rewarded, and the opposite of that is the punishment. The reward and punishment are not egoistic, where a person does something and receives the reward elsewhere.


Fear means being afraid of failing to correct. Everything happens due to our effort and request of the light that reforms to come and correct us. It is possible that we did not work sufficiently in order to draw it.

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