What are the Research Materials of Kabbalah?

What are the Research Materials of Kabbalah?

Kabbalah has always been studied from books.

When Kabbalists write books, they have already reached a certain spiritual level. When we read the books, wanting to somehow make contact with that world from which the Kabbalist wrote, we are enfolded in an illumination from that place. We do not feel it, but it slowly prepares us for the phase when we begin to feel more and more of what the books describe.

This is how one begins the process of entering the spiritual world.

Throughout history, Kabbalists have written materials that were meant for a specific generation. The materials from different generations actually provide the same material, but are presented in a manner that is easiest for that generation to understand.

The text in genuine books of Kabbalah precisely describes how the mechanism that operates reality works. Using charts and formulas, it depicts the “control room of reality” in a form much like a user’s manual. These visuals teach us how the laws work in spirituality, and how we can influence them with mind and will, consequently affecting the results that will return to affect us.

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Kabbalistic Terminology: Klipot

Klipot (Heb. Shells) n.

1. Desires of a spiritual nature that want to rejoice selfishly in the Creator.
Rav Michael Laitman, PhD in the article “Selected Topics in Kabbalah.”

2. Uncorrected desires. Impure desires. Low, animal lusts.
Rav Michael Laitman, PhD in the interview “Heaven and Hell.”

3. Shinui Tzura (difference of form) separates and departs spirituals (see the definition for What is Separation?). Know that this Hofchiut Tzura (opposition of form) from one end to the other separates and drives them to the opposite ends until there isn’t any suction between them.

You already know that there is only a will to bestow in the Ohr Elyon (Upper Light), and not to receive even a bit. The Klipot are of completely opposite Tzura (form), meaning want only to receive and swallow everything; they haven’t any will to bestow whatsoever. For that reason they are separated from the Life of Lives and are therefore called “Dead” and so is anything that cleaves to them.

Baal HaSulam, in Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 3: Table of Questions and Answers for the Meaning of the Words.

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