Getting A Glimpse Of Spirituality – 5 Minutes Of Light

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

One who makes an effort in truly desiring to be above one’s ego, to belong to a higher dimension, is capable of sensing spirituality.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 13 November, 2009:

  • Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 7, Lesson 4
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Baal HaSulam’s writings, Shamati, Article 58, “Joy is a “Reflection” of Good Deeds”
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Baal HaSulam’s writings, Introduction to the Book “From the Mouth of a Sage”, Lesson 8
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

The Time Of Preparation – 5 Minutes Of Light

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

The time of preparation on the path to spirituality is one of clarifying the environment by which one advances.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 5 November, 2009:

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

Crossing the Machsom!

The Machsom: Numbers and Statistics
Taken from

Machsom (Hebrew for “barrier”) is the barrier that stands between this world and the spiritual world. Here’s what Rav Michael Laitman wrote about the Machsom in this must read post…

A question I received: You’ve been the leader and mentor of the Bnei Baruch group for nearly twenty years. Maybe it’s time to make a public summary? How many people have crossed the Machsom over this period of time, and how has the world changed as a consequence? Or is this no longer the objective today? Are you now simply trying to change the world without your students’ personal correction?

I understand that this question will be deleted, but at least someone will read it. But if you do decide to publish an answer, then please don’t beat around the bush: give us real numbers and results, and the actual improvement in the world.

My Answer:

* Number of students in the world – around 2,000,000.
* Number of groups in the world – 73.
* Number of people who have crossed the Machsom – 19.
* Number of people who are about to cross the Machsom – 210. The rest will cross it by the year 2012.
* Annual growth of students – 700-900%.
* Number of hopeless students – 1. It’s you.

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