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October 23, 2024

Hope for Peace

Hope for Peace

Altruism is nature’s underlying principle, and it is humanity’s goal to equalize with this principle.

Everything living receives and gives to its surrounding environment.  This is nature’s underlying principle, the law of altruism.

An individual cell not only sustains itself, but also supplements other cells and organs:  they must “yield” to each other, know about each other, interact, and “help” one another.

This is what happens in any living body. Biologists describe it brilliantly: they say that this is “nature’s wisdom”; that nature lives by this principle, that this is the general law of nature, and that without it, even crystals could not unite, and atoms could not interact.

Researchers are discovering such “altruistic” behavior in the substance’s tiniest particles. Moreover, altruistic behavior of the entire organism and its components clearly manifest at the vegetative and animate levels, where growth is possible only when cells unite and allocate a role for each cell without seizing foreign territory in the “cell community.”

They are talking about self-denial, about mutual understanding and mutual support of cells, parts, body organs, about each being ready to kill itself for the success of the common program. We see that such actions take a form of mandatory law in nature, in general as well as in each of its parts—except for the conscious activity of humans.

In all of nature, this law of altruism acts according to the program inherently instilled in all creatures, without any room for free will—except man.  A person must reach such disillusionment with one’s own development and progress to realize the necessity to fulfill this universal law of nature, the law of altruism, within oneself as well.

When together, we exert to adapt to this law and its properties—to yearn for this law to enter our consciousness and to have the strength to establish this rule over us—we will correct the whole of nature and become an integral part of the entire creation.

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The Law of Success

The Law of Success

When one considers society’s success equal to one’s own success, it provides correct motivation for everyone.

Our success is motivated and measured by others—we are constantly working to fulfill the goals of our society.

We are usually unaware of this dynamic and attribute all of our accomplishments to ourselves.

Our individual perception isolates us from one another—we are not aware of how we affect the entire system. At the global level, this creates crisis in all realms of life, threatening the very survival of the whole. We must change our perception to consider the success of society to be equal to our own.
This change in perception provides the correct motivation for all individuals, and the survival and prosperity of the whole.
This is the law of success.

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Being a Cogwheel Doesn’t Mean Being a Shmuck

Being a Cogwheel Doesn't Mean Being a Shmuck

We are entering a system in which we are all cogwheels, i.e. we are beginning to make contact with each other.

Our entire world is mutually connected just like cogwheels in a system; none of the cogwheels can turn independently without turning all the other wheels and being turned by them.  It’s just like two clutch discs when they touch each other.

The law of development operates in this mechanism. First, the clutch pedal is pressed and the connection between them is still weak–at this point we don’t disturb but rather help one another by spinning but not feeling that we are connected.

With time, cogwheels become more closely connected i.e.,  the clutch pedal is released and the discs get progressively closer to one another, until they are very tightly connected. This is how all of humanity develops towards mutual cooperation:  countries establish connections, international commerce and industry flourish, societies change, the number of different professions grow, and people are becoming increasingly interdependent until they are totally interdependent.

The integral system possesses a remarkable property we can’t comprehend: everyone is just as vital in it as the whole.

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How to Navigate through the Financial Crisis


An important quote in the wisdom of Kabbalah states:

Two people were in a boat, and one of them took a drill and began to drill a hole beneath himself. His companion said to him: Why are you doing this? He replied: What concern is it of yours? Am I not drilling under myself? The other replied: But you will flood the boat for us both, and we will both sink. (Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Midrash Raba, Leviticus 4:6)

In the global boat we all share, whoever thinks he can drill a hole under his or her own seat and ignore the well being of others is gravely mistaken. If one person drowns, everyone drowns right along with him.

Why is it so important for us to understand this? It is because we live in a new reality, a reality where we all depend on one another, for better or for worse. From now on, we have no choice but to work together, as one big family. Only then will we be able to navigate our global ship through this winter of our hardship toward the haven of bounty and prosperity.

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What Does the Future of Art Look Like?


Dr. Michael Laitman: Today we are undergoing a great crisis even in art because there is nothing we could express ourselves with. How can it be expressed? Through some breakdowns? Our state is dead-end. On our current level, we have nothing left to express.

We have to rise to the next degree. We simply “crawled” from our level to a certain degree, but we are not able to ascend to it. We came to a dead end in all areas of our lives: culture, education, family, economy, finance—everything, even science. We hit this next degree and can’t climb it because we do not see it.

It is especially apparent in art and culture. We have always bore witness to the creation of masterpieces. But today we have mass culture that cannot even be called “culture.”

Unfortunately, in the field of art, we no longer concern ourselves with lofty, valuable interpersonal relationships, with searching for the meaning of life; instead, we present through our mass “art” (be it print or media) only what serves bodily needs: food, sex, and family. Within this entire framework dwell our so-called works of art.

On one hand, it is certainly a pity that such events take place, but on the other, they show us the crisis from which the new state must emerge.

The new art will be completely different. It will be founded on the unity of people. Its role will be to tell us about attainment of the upper world, about a whole new range of sensations that will be revealed in the connection between us. Those will be sensations and relationships of a completely different scale, and from then on, these very sensations and relationships will be expressed through art, and therefore, through our culture.

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