The “Butterfly Effect” of Bestowal

The Butterfly Effect of Bestowal

Spirituality is what creates & cares for all aspects of life, which is why it’s called “the quality of bestowal”.
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The “butterfly effect” that operates in an integral system has an optimistic side: a small action on our part for the benefit of society can trigger a lot more goodness on the other side of the globe. This goodness sooner or later will return to us. Nature is stronger than all of our forces and will continue to “beat” us until we join it and fulfill the law of giving. Then, we will pave the safe way to happiness.

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Why Nature Can’t Break You If You Know the Goal

Why Nature Can’t Break You If You Know the Goal

The end result of an action is already contained in the initial thought.

We are talking about a law and there is nothing one can do against a law. Indeed, we are part of nature, which is the Creator. We find that there are only two rules to follow in society. These can be called reception and bestowal. This means that each member must, by nature, receive his needs from society and must benefit society. Understand that there is no point resisting nature, “the end of the act is in the initial thought.”

Egoism of a Part Leads to the Death of the Whole

Egoism of a Part Leads to the Death of the Whole

The cause of all conflicts is human nature: egoism, the desire to fulfill ourselves at the expense of others.

Human egoism is the only destructive force that exists; hence, the world will not be able to persist unless we change our egoistic approach to society. Egoism of a part leads to the death of the whole. If a cell in a living organism begins to relate egoistically to other cells it becomes cancerous. Such a cell begins to consume surrounding cells, oblivious to them or to the needs of the whole organism, and thus, eventually extinguishes the entire body, including itself. The same applies to human egoism with respect to nature: while developing for itself, detached from the rest of nature and not as an integral part of nature, the egoism leads everything to death, including itself.

Command the Force That Can End Human Suffering

Command the Force That Can End Human Suffering

Until we correct ourselves, change our nature from egoistic to altruistic, there will be hunger, disease and inequality in the world.

Today, Nature forces us to gain love for our neighbors since the only alternative to it is death from hunger, disease, and cataclysms. It’s our duty to form an alternate force that would oblige us to move towards mutual love. What kind of force is that? It is our surroundings that are organized in a way that pushes us to unite even more than ecology, economics, education, possible lack of food supply do. Society must be strong enough to sustain our egoistic nature, impose a new type of relations among us, and thus lead us from one edge to another—from hatred to love.

The Path to “Riches” for the New World

The Path to Riches for the New World

If we can make it so that the most appreciated thing in the world will be giving, then people will want to give.

There will be a society of people who are mutually connected through good relationships and the commitment to continuously improve the connections between them. In this way, they will discover the upper world between them under the leadership and guidance of the Kabbalistic method. This is the Kabbalistic model of the future society.

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