What Is The Meaning Of ‘And God created man in His own image’ In The Bible?

What Is the Meaning of ‘And God created man in His own image’ in the Bible?

The Creator created only one desire—to enjoy. However, this desire is so all-encompassing that bringing us all to the end goal right away is impossible. After all, we’re talking about infinite bliss, which is precisely the goal of man’s creation. So instead, it is done in phases because the desire to enjoy within us divides into myriad smaller desires. By correcting them one at a time, progressing from “easy” to “difficult,” we will achieve infinite bliss, the absolute and everlasting fulfillment prepared for us by the Creator.

For those in whom the point in the heart (the striving for spiritual pleasure) has awakened, working with one’s desires becomes a fascinating journey into the Upper World.


Becoming the Ruler Over all Desires

“And God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’ And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.”

In other words, inside of you, a “human” is born to rule over all other desires: “And let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” All these desires were created exclusively for man.

The “human” inside you is destined to walk a difficult path before he realizes that ruling over them doesn’t mean using them for his benefit, for it only harms him and the world. Quite the contrary, these desires must be used exclusively to others’ delight, because with respect to the desires of others, all of us are always free, able to clearly separate ourselves from each other.


The Inanimate, Vegetative and Animate Desires

Before “the birth of a human within you,” you were filled only with the inanimate, vegetative, and animate desires.

An inanimate desire is when you want only one thing—to be still and not think of anything, like a rock by the wayside, totally passive, with only a single thought: “Leave me alone.”

A vegetative desire is when you react to external stimuli, but are not yet able to move from your place, as if tied to the ground (by egoism).

You begin to ask yourself questions like, “Why do I suffer?” You aspire for the Light, wishing to be “watered.” You are concerned only with your own growth, you consume, you are no longer a rock—and that is progress.

An animate desire implies movement and searching for subsistence. At this stage you may connect with others like you, and band into a pack because together it will be easier to acquire food. You are concerned with breeding and raising your progeny.

And then, suddenly, inside of you emerges the most complex and exalted desire that comprises all the others, called the “Man within us.”


Man in the Image of the Creator

The word “man” in Hebrew is “Adam.”

Adam” derives from the word Domeh—similar, alike, similar to the Creator.

It follows that only one who aspires to be like the Creator, to take on His qualities and to be born spiritually, can be called Adam (“man,” similar to the Creator).

The Creator’s qualities are pure bestowal, absolute and unconditional love.

A certain point named “Adam” or “the point in the heart” has awakened within you. This point is one with the Creator and wants to be like Him because He is its root.

There exists an apparatus of the Upper Governance, in charge of all the souls, their paths and order of correction. This managing apparatus is directly connected to man’s point in the heart, the Adam in you.

What is the purpose of this apparatus? It will provide you with the information about the program of Creation, the path you must traverse. Without it you cannot know what to do, what your next step should be, or what is required of you.

In order for you to acquire the qualities necessary to advance, the Upper Degree must teach you exactly what you need to do and how to do it. For this reason it issues this auxiliary device called Tzelem (image).

This device is implanted in the soul, where it activates all the necessary corrections. This is why it is written that man (Adam) is made in the Creator’s image.

The Secrets of the Eternal Book“Eternal Life through the Middle Line by the Study of Kabbalah” is based on the book, The Secrets of the Eternal Book: The Meaning of the Stories of the Pentateuch by Semion Vinokur.

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What Does The Fifth Day In Genesis Mean?

What Does The Fifth Day In Genesis Mean?

“And God said: ‘Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let fowl fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.’ And God created the great sea- monsters, and every living creature that creeps, wherewith the waters swarmed, after its kind, and every winged fowl after its kind; and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.’ And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.”


The Act of Creation as Preparation for Man’s Complementary Role

The Book of Zohar depicts each day of Creation as “erection of halls” within man, the so-called “celestial chambers” (Heb. Heichalot—hollow spaces of desires). As the soul’s egoistic qualities become corrected, these hollow spaces gradually fill up with the Upper Light. This is what every person subconsciously aspires to. A gradual filling of the hollow spaces brings all souls to a state of complete correction and perfection.

As discussed elsewhere, the sacred writings were composed using “The Language of the Branches,” where the Creator’s forces are described with words from our language. In the book, Genesis, for instance, they are called fish, fowl and so on: “…and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air.” As you read these lines, you should clearly visualize all the actions that you must carry out for your own correction.

Let’s look at the word “fish” (Dag), which stems from the word Daaga (concern). If you see this word in the text, know that it doesn’t allude to fish swimming in water (remember, also, that water denotes the Light of mercy), but to concern. What should you be concerned with? Only with growing closer to the Creator. There should be no other concern for you. These desires to enter the spiritual world are precisely what Genesis speaks of.


Correction with the Help of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

However, for the moment, we must keep in mind that all desires are within us. In their uncorrected form, they appear as objects in our world, but in their corrected form they are the Creator’s forces, governed by His Light.

So then, the Fifth Day alludes to the desires to be corrected first and foremost. This is because they are “easier,” that is, easier to correct: “…and let fowl fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.”

Such is your path as well, dear reader—to separate within you egoistic desires, to which you can attach an altruistic intention, and thus try to correct them. To do that, first try to simply think about it. Think and read Kabbalistic books, primarily the books of Baal HaSulam, who took all the ancient Kabbalistic sources from the times of Abraham, Moses, and the ARI, and adapted them to our generation.

The Secrets of the Eternal Book“What Does the Fifth Day in Genesis Mean?” is based on the book, The Secrets of the Eternal Book: The Meaning of the Stories of the Pentateuch by Semion Vinokur.

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What Is Day And Night In The Bible?

What Is Day & Night in the Bible?

“And God said: ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; (…)And God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; and the stars. (…) And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.”

The human being (Adam) inside of you has not yet been born. This excerpt speaks only of creating the environment for his birth and life. What is an “environment”? It is forces—the Creator’s forces that will influence the person. They exist only to bring one to the goal of Creation—unification with the Creator and eternal happiness.


The Spiritual Environment

So, which forces were revealed on Day Four? “And God said: ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night.’”

The lights are to govern “night” and “day”—the states one undergoes on the path to the Creator.

“Day” refers to an ascent, when you are filled with confidence that you are on the right path, flying on the anticipation of the doors into the spiritual world opening up before you any second now. “Night” is a descent, when nothing brings joy and the spiritual world seems nonexistent or made up, and you ask yourself, “Why am I wasting my life on this nonsense?”

These questions are thrown at you by your ego. The ego finds the perfect moment to attack because it knows that if you endure, and break into the spiritual dimension, you will escape its rule. Naturally, the ego doesn’t want this, so these common questions abound, “Whom do you work for?” “Can you even see Him?” “Where is your reason?” “Look around, people are leading peaceful and pleasant lives, while you’re struggling toward an unrealizable goal!”


The Tools for Enduring the Night

There is only one thing to suggest: when “night” falls, make sure you are surrounded by people like you, who are seeking the path into the spiritual world. Friends who have the same goal as you will bear the brunt of the ego’s blow, and you will realize that alone, you are helpless, but together, you will endure.

Another useful advice is to go to sleep. What does it mean to “go to sleep?” It means to disconnect from all the pestering questions, block them out, and not look back. You “sleep” through this period.

It’s as if you cancel, nullify yourself, waiting it out as you gather your strength. You think no thoughts, make no actions or movements, and rightfully so. You know that morning is right around the corner.

“Morning” signifies a new ascent, a way out of the state of descent.


Going through Ascents and Descents in Order to be Born into Spirituality

You may ask, “Why does the Creator send us these ascents and descents?”

He sends us these states because without them there would be no advancement, as progress is possible only via a continual change of states.

Only by overcoming is a true person born, a real “man.” This notion refers to the “inner man.”
Also, if the Creator had placed you in a good state right away, He would crush you with His Light. You’d be deprived of any free choice, having become a slave to that state.

But the Creator doesn’t want a slave of the Light. He wants a friend, an equal, which you can become only if you go through all the states and choose the Creator of your own volition.

Your task is to feel the immortal soul behind the mortal bodies, whereupon all your questions will fade away instantly; then, you will see the goodness emanating from the Creator and His individual attitude toward every soul.

The Creator will push the human toward attainment of the spiritual world. To this end you need to identify yourself with your inner qualities, with the “human” in you. If you succeed you will pass through all the states that lie ahead together with Him. The “nights” and the “days,” the “mornings” and the “evenings” are spiritual states designed to bring you to Infinity, to life in the Upper World.

The Secrets of the Eternal Book“What Is Day and Night in the Bible?” is based on the book, The Secrets of the Eternal Book: The Meaning of the Stories of the Pentateuch by Semion Vinokur.

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Eternal Life through the Middle Line by the Study of Kabbalah

Eternal Life through the Middle Line by the Study of Kabbalah

“And God said: ‘Let the earth put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit-tree bearing fruit after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth.’ And it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and tree-bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after its kind; and God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.”


The Middle Line as the Combination of Altruistic and Egoistic Forces

Man’s correction is built precisely on the ideal combination of altruistic and egoistic qualities within his soul, the “heavens” and the “earth,” the Creator and the creature.

This correction is called moving along the “middle line.”

Our innate egoistic nature is called “earth,” or the left line.

The quality of the Creator, “water,” absolute bestowal is the right line.

The middle line is what we must create on our own, by combining the right and the left lines.

That is, we must combine the “water” with the “earth” in a complementary way, which would allow the two qualities to “bear fruit.”

First we ought to ask for rain and not a storm, since we are not yet capable of bestowing like the Creator. However, we are ready to gradually advance, starting with correcting our smaller egoistic desires, as it is written: “And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind.” Subsequently, rougher desires emerge, as in “and tree bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after its kind,” followed by even rougher desires … until our eyes fully open to the wonderful world that the Creator has prepared for us.


Growing the Tree of Life through the Study of Kabbalah

First we ought to “ask for rain” so that these two qualities (“water” and “earth”) combine to ultimately grow the “Tree of Life”—a spiritual person who perceives the whole universe, existing eternally and blissfully in all the worlds.

Eternally, because by identifying ourselves with an eternal soul instead of a transient body, we begin to equate your being with our soul, relegating the body to its true role—an ephemeral shell that simply accompanies it. This transition to identifying ourselves with the soul, rather than the body, is strictly internal, taking place as we gradually acquire the quality of bestowal through working correctly with the Kabbalistic books.

The Secrets of the Eternal Book“Eternal Life through the Middle Line by the Study of Kabbalah” is based on the book, The Secrets of the Eternal Book: The Meaning of the Stories of the Pentateuch by Semion Vinokur.

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What Is Corrected Egoism?

What Is Corrected Egoism?

What is “corrected egoism”? It is a state where you feel bliss from bestowing pleasure upon the people around you, and not from using them for your own pleasure. This bliss can only be felt in such a state, which is characteristic of the spiritual world.


Egoistic and Altruistic Perception

What do you see in our world? All kinds of objects, plants, and bodies. How do you relate to them? You love them if they bring you pleasant sensations, and you hate them if they don’t bring you any pleasure. In other words, your attitude toward them is completely egoistic.

What happens when you correct your egoism, or even when you merely begin the process of its step-by-step correction? You suddenly begin to notice things you hadn’t noticed before. Through this imaginary world, you begin to see the real world, one that has always existed around you, a world that is full of Light, Love, and mutual bestowal, the Creator’s world, the so-called “world to come.”

You have never seen it. It was concealed from you by your own ego.


Our Next State, the “World to Come”

Your world and “the world to come” have nothing in common whatsoever, as they exist by different laws. Many people carry the false notion that “the world to come” is a place they go to after death.

Not so. “To come” means it is your next state, which you must attain not after death, but in your lifetime, here and now. The moment you adapt yourself to “the world to come,” you acquire the ability to see it.

It is as if you exit yourself, leave your egoistic body, and open yourself up to a new world, a world with only one law—the Law of Bestowal. And you aspire toward that world because the lives of its inhabitants are founded on mutual love. Thus, instead of perceiving only our world with its bodies and objects, you begin to perceive the force that governs it, to the extent that you grow more similar to this force. By aspiring to bestow, you realize that this force is the absolute good. This force is the Creator.

This is how you come to perceive the pure, genuine Light, just as it stems from the Creator. It is as if you come out to meet the Light before it enters and fills you. This, the Creator’s Light, is not yet weakened by your egoistic filters. It is still pure, and you are given the opportunity to feel it. The very fact that you are capable of detecting it is happiness in its own right. This is called, “to hear the Creator’s call.”


A Great Ego and a “Tiny Candle” as Tools for Answering the Creator’s Call

The pure Light trickles into our world through the thick wall of egoism that screens it. It enters here with the sole purpose of maintaining life in our world. This Light “hides” within all the objects of our world, dressed in all kinds of garments.

A small spark of this Light that you had felt as your point in the heart. It is what Kabbalists call “a tiny candle.”

The very fact that you have a desire (and a great one at that) to attain the depth of what is happening to you speaks of one thing and one thing only (no offense intended): that you are a big egoist, much bigger than everybody else. Whereas others are satisfied with this world, you demand nothing less than the spiritual one! You will not rest until you reveal it with the help of this “tiny candle”, and that is precisely what the Creator wants from you.

The Secrets of the Eternal Book“What Is Corrected Egoism?” is based on the book, The Secrets of the Eternal Book: The Meaning of the Stories of the Pentateuch by Semion Vinokur.

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