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October 22, 2024

What Kabbalah Means To Me

What Kabbalah Means To Me

When I found Kabbalah, I had many questions about God, creation, and mankind. I was glad to find that Kabbalah is a science and not a religion. That means that all I had to do was follow the steps of others and I could have the same results.

I was seeking for a way to connect with the Creator. I was in a religion for many years and was not being fulfilled. I kept feeling that something was missing but was not sure of what it was. I had been a student of the Bible for many years but things in there just did not add up to me. I did not realize that the Bible was a code for spirituality and was all about me until I started studying Kabbalah. Now I can say that it makes sense to me.

I was always trying to figure out why things were happening as they were and what was really behind it all. Kabbalah had the answers for me and I can see how this world operates. It really gave me a better understanding of the Creator. There were many times I asked myself the question of where was God. Until I started studying Kabbalah, I did not know that the Creator was concealed from us and why.

Through Kabbalah, I understood the upper worlds and creation. I knew that it could not have been set up the way that I had been taught; there being a heaven and hell. I had always sought spirituality, but could not understand why it was not available to me. Through Kabbalah, I understand the process of obtaining spirituality. I also have a better understanding of reality.

I am sure that there are others with the same questions that I had. Questions like, what is God and what God is like. How does one reach God? What is the purpose of creation and what did I need to do to sense the Creator. I had been looking for these answers for a long time and found them in studying Kabbalah.

I would like for everyone to know that the answers to their questions are available in the studying of Kabbalah. Not only that, but it will also give you a purpose for your life. You will feel that your life counts for something. All you have to do is check it out for yourself.

Allow me to pass on a warning to you: Studying Kabbalah, understanding it, and getting your answers from it, will take a lot of effect and time on your part. The things that it has to offer will not come overnight. However, I do feel that it will be worth it to you. The reward from it is great and I believe that you will not be disappointed.

by Willie Starks


Learn How to Widen Your View and Change Your Reality

Learn How to Widen Your View and Change Your Reality

Spiritual correction cannot happen in one limited field of life, in a single atom or a particle. It can happen only between all of them.

By correcting our perception of reality to the right perception, we change our entire life. Kabbalah teaches us how to discover the true reality and a new world. This correction isn’t meant to change our corporeal life, but actually to change all of reality from one end to the other. Thanks to the change of our internal attributes, we also change the external world because the world we see is the imprint of our internal attributes.

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Know How to Handle Nature’s Greatest Power

Know How to Handle Nature’s Greatest Power

There is no perceptible reality at all outside you – there is only constant Upper Light. The entire world is inside you.

There is a very serious warning that it is forbidden to use the method of Kabbalah in the wrong way. The power of the Light is the greatest power in nature. We have to know how to use it. There is Light in all the Kabbalah books, and if a person uses them the wrong way, instead of the potion of life he receives the potion of death. It is a very strong weapon that is like radiation which can be used beneficially in different techniques and in medicine, but which can also kill. Fire too can be destructive on the one hand while on the other it can help us and warm us.

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Kabbalah – The Super Science and the Secrets it Reveals

Kabbalah - The Super Science and the Secrets It Reveals

Can We Study What We Can’t Perceive?

The corporeal world is full of forces and phenomena that we do not feel directly, such as electricity and magnetism, but even small children are familiar with their names and the results of their actions. For example, although our knowledge of electricity is limited, we have learned to utilize this phenomenon for our purposes and define it as naturally as we give names to such things as bread and sugar.


How Our Senses Box Us In

Similarly, it is as if all names in Kabbalah give us a real and objective idea about a spiritual object. On second thought, just as we have no idea about spiritual objects or even the Creator Himself, so are we equally ignorant of any objects, even those we can grip with our hands. This is because we perceive not the object itself, but our reaction to its impact on our senses.

These reactions give us the semblance of knowledge, though the essence of the object itself remains totally concealed from us. Moreover, we are utterly unable to understand even ourselves. All that we know about ourselves is limited to our actions and reactions.


What’s the Matter and Why?

As an instrument of the world’s research, science divides into two parts: the study of properties of matter and the study of its form. In other words, there is nothing in the universe that does not consist of matter and form. For example, a table is a combination of matter and form, where matter, such as wood, is the basis that carries the form—that of a table. Or take the word, “liar,” where matter (one’s body) is a carrier of the form, falsehood.

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4 Things You Should Know to Live Fully and Well

4 Things You Should Know to Live Fully & Well

Ask the Right Questions

According to Kabbalah, there are four mandatory kinds of knowledge to attain. Armed with these four kinds of mandatory knowledge provided by authentic Kabbalah, you will have the tools to live fully and well…


Where Are We From? Where Are We Now? Where Are We Headed?

1.  Creation: The study of Creation and the evolution of the worlds, namely:

  • The way the Creator created the worlds with the creatures that populate them through consecutive restrictions;
  • The interaction laws between the spiritual and material worlds, and their consequences;
  • The goal of man’s creation is to form a system with an illusion of the existence of free will by combining the soul with the body, and by controlling them through nature and the apparent factor of chance with the help of two mutually balanced systems of light and dark forces.


How Can We Operate Reality?

2.  Functioning: The study of the human essence – its interconnection and interaction with the spiritual world. Functioning deals with one’s arrival to – and departure from – this world. It also includes the Upper Worlds’ reactions to our world and towards other human beings, caused by man’s actions. It researches everyone’s individual path, from the creation of worlds to the attainment of the ultimate goal.


Is This Life All There Is?

3.  Incarnations of the Soul: The study of every soul’s essence and its incarnations, as well as our actions in this life and their consequences for subsequent lives. The research of incarnations examines how and why a soul descends to a body, and what determines the acceptance of a certain soul within a certain body.

Incarnations of the soul also deals with the mystery of chance, and researches human history as a result of a certain order and cycles of souls. It also follows this path over 6,000 years and studies the connection of the soul with the general governance of the system of worlds and its cycles of life and death. It also states upon what factors our path in this world depends.


Who Is in Control?

4.  Governance:  The study of our world: inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels of nature, their essence, role, and how they are governed by the spiritual world. It studies the Upper Governance and our perception of nature, time, and space. It researches the Upper Forces that move material bodies, and the way one’s inner force pushes all things, animate and inanimate, to the preordained goal.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“4 Things You Should Know to Live Fully and Well” is based on the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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