Expert says Kabbalah best understood as a science – an Article in the South Jersey Courier Post

Courier Post Online

COURIER POST (October 20, 2007): Spirituality columnist Kim Mulford interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD for her Saturday column “Keeping the Faith.” As well as the usual ice-breaking questions about Kabbalah that Rav Laitman often gets asked by journalists, like whether it is a religion or mysticism, whether someone practising a religion can also study Kabbalah, and whether the Kabbalah Rav Laitman teaches is connected to the Kabbalah Madonna studies… Kim Mulford also asked unique questions about the experience of Kabbalah; what it’s like to connect to the Creator and how this is related to its dissemination.

Kim Mulford: What is it like to connect with the Creator?

Rav Laitman: It’s a personal connection. It’s as if you stop caring for yourself and you experience everybody else’s thoughts and cares. You become connected and related and you feel beyond. You don’t just feel it, you really are beyond time and place and motion. You become eternal in a way, because you have eternal perception. It gets you to a point where you just want to give and give.

Kim Mulford: Is that why you want to share this with other people, because you want to give them this same experience?

Rav Laitman: Yes, of course. You experience the harmony of nature and reality and you want to share it. Also, it’s not just a privilege. It’s really an obligation, because the whole of humanity must come to that point where all of us experience that harmony. Actually, the crisis we are experiencing today isn’t coming for no reason. It’s there to prompt us to think about life, to see how we can build our harmony with it. more…

Click Here to Read the Full Article in the Courier Post Online

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Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on The Brian Sussman Show, San Francisco

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KSFO - 560AM

SAN FRANCISCO (October 11, 2007): Rav Michael Laitman, PhD was interviewed on the Brian Sussman Show, KSFO-560AM. Sussman tried clarifying both what is Kabbalah and also extended the investigation to see what Kabbalah’s outlook is on political and religious issues.

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VIDEO: Rav Michael Laitman PhD in Mexico


Highlights from Rav Michael Laitman’s tour of Mexico in 2006. Rav Laitman will be appearing publicly in Mexico (October 30, 2007) and in Monterrey’s Fórum Universal de las Culturas 2007 (November 4, 2007) after his United States and Canada tour. For more information, stay tuned to Kabbalah Blog or contact

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How to Understand Nature’s Program and Know What Path to Take – an Interview with Rav Michael Laitman PhD in Shalom Toronto

Shalom Toronto News

In an interview with Shalom Toronto columnist Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD explained that studying the Kabbalah can help humanity have a positive influence on the forces at work in the world and reach a high spiritual level to become one with nature and God. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Shalom Toronto: Does the Kabbalah have the power to solve global problems?

Rav Laitman: The Kabbalah is the answer to all the world’s problems because it deals with the world in general. Man is driven by his ego. The development of the ego leads to hatred, despair, drugs, terrorism and air pollution, and for all those things there is the Kabbalah which teaches us how to relate to the world and our fellow men to reach harmony, to have a positive influence and to reduce human suffering.

Shalom Toronto: How can the Kabbalah solve the problem of air pollution?

Rav Laitman: The Kyoto Protocol [an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions] and other agreements cannot reduce air pollution. Nature has another program. Nature needs to bring us into a state of balance. It is a mistake to think that all we have to do is burn less. What we have to do is understand nature’s program and then we will know what path to take. Air pollution is not the main issue, but human thoughts and behavior are what influence nature and everything else is completely marginal.

Click Here for This Issue of Shalom Toronto, and Read the Full Interview on Page 49

Rav Laitman will be giving a public lecture tonight in Toronto at the B’nai Brith Building, 15 Hove Street (Bathurst & Sheppard).
Click here for bookings, and for more information on Rav Laitman’s United States and Canada tour

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Beyond the trendy red string bracelets – an Article in the NWI Times

NWI Times

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD continued his United States and Canada tour last night with a lecture in Chicago on the global crisis—its cause and its solution—according to authentic Kabbalah. The media continues to follow Rav Laitman throughout his tour, and yesterday’s NWI Times article “Beyond the Trendy Red String Bracelets” by journalist Molly Woulfe, shows that the basic message of authentic Kabbalah is gradually becoming more clarified with regard to other ways people understand Kabbalah, however the confusion of differing opinions hovering around the word “Kabbalah” still keeps seeping into the discussion.

“Authentic Kabbalah is a science, pure science, that explains how we balance ourselves and nature. The more balanced we are, the better we feel,” Woulfe quoted Rav Laitman from a private interview.

Woulfe focused on Rav Laitman’s message for the cause of the global crisis we currently face: humanity’s growing egoism. “Look at films from 50 years ago. We see that people were simple people. They managed to get along with each other. They didn’t do much damage to nature. The (collective) ego constantly increased and intensified from generation to generation. Today, it’s at such a magnitude, that we hate even ourselves and our kids and everyone, the whole world. That’s why we’re so alienated,” Rav Laitman stated.

After quoting Rav Laitman on the cause of the global crisis, rather than getting into what Rav Laitman had to say about the solution to the global crisis, on how to balance ourselves and nature, Woulfe opened a discussion on the controversy surrounding the understanding of Kabbalah in religious circles: that one needs to have delved into the study of religious texts prior to studying Kabbalah, and that one needs to pay attention to Jewish beliefs and customs while studying Kabbalah…

This shows that prior to someone listening to the message of how authentic Kabbalah can fix all of the world’s problems through guided instruction on balancing with nature, a person who is still trying to find his feet in the wisdom of Kabbalah can easily get stuck on differing opinions surrounding the question “What is Kabbalah?

In order to clarify this question for first-time investigators, Bnei Baruch created the “What is Kabbalah?” environment, containing basic information about what is and is not Kabbalah, who can study Kabbalah, and why Kabbalah is becoming increasingly popular in our times. Once a person skips through this information, they can continue with Your First Course in Kabbalah – a short 5-lesson video cours

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!e covering Kabbalah’s fundamental principles.