Free Live Interactive Kabbalah Course – Begins Sept. 3

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Upcoming 24-Week Semester at the Bnei Baruch Education Center
Begins September 3

What Does the Course Give You?

* A firm basis in authentic Kabbalah methodology, providing a deep understanding of nature, the world, and who you really are

* Practical tools with which to take control of every challenge in life by learning the real rules of the game

* A unique illumination that can be sensed only by the study of authentic Kabbalah texts, an illumination that reveals and helps you realize your life’s true purpose

What Is in the Course?

* 24 weeks of graduated study made simple, starting with fundamentals and progressing through technical aspects of the structure and inner nature of the force and law shaping our lives. You will learn how to connect with this force, and use it for yours and humanity’s benefit

* You’ll discover what Kabbalah is and isn’t, how it defines our perception of reality, what determines our feelings of pleasure and pain and how to correct the source of suffering, how to understand the “language of the Kabbalists” – what the texts are actually talking about, what free will is and how to attain it

* Instruction on how to study from authentic Kabbalah texts

* Study according to the schedule or at your convenience by downloading archived lessons

* Educational forum for direct personal answers by instructors to your questions as they arise in the study

* Free authentic texts and supporting books

* Free access to a virtual community of other students of Kabbalah

Click Here for More Information & to Register

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Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

Is Kabbalah the Cause of A-Rod’s Divorce?

A-Rod’s Divorce and Madonna Have Nothing to Do with Kabbalah

An Article by a Bnei Baruch student

The news has been filled the last few days with stories about the problems baseball player Alex Rodriquez and pop star Madonna are having with their spouses. When Cynthia Rodriquez filed for divorce, she cited A-Rod’s involvement with Kabbalah as a key contributor to the breakdown of their marriage.

The news stories generate more questions than answers, so one can only speculate on what is really happening. A key question that comes to mind is what these two superstars are expecting to find in their pursuit of Kabbalah. Here are two people who have almost everything this world can offer – money, good looks, talent, fame and power – yet they are still searching for something to bring them happiness and fulfillment. Read the Full Article>>>

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

Celebrating Independence and Declaring Our Freedom


From the Daily Lessons – In following video, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD talks about freedom: what it is, what it isn’t, and where freedom can be found. He deals with the question “What does it mean to be free?” asking “What is free in you?” and explains how to attain a different kind of nature, and acquire the ability to exercise freedom against everything constraining us.

Video: Where Can True Freedom be Found Today?

Download this Lesson: wmv video | mp3 audio [54:02]

Additional Sources:
*Where Is Our Freedom?
*Upbringing – an article by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD

*Society’s Approval is the Greatest Reward – An Interview between Michael Laitman and TV anchor Lev Novozhenov
*Influence of the Environment – a post on – Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog.

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

VIDEO: Prayer in Corporeal and Spiritual Perceptions of Reality

From Today’s Daily Lesson:


After a month of public lectures and interviews with the media across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and finishing by attending the 4th World Wisdom Council conference in Monterrey, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD has returned to giving the daily lessons, aired live from the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center in Israel (viewable daily on Kabbalah TV, 8:15pm EST, 6 days per week).

This video was taken from today’s first lesson, on the 113th article from Rabash’s notebook Shamati (I Heard). Rav Michael Laitman, PhD answered a student’s question on prayer and the perception of reality, talking about confusions that arise when working to make the shift from a corporeal perception of reality to a spiritual one.

Click Here to Download the Full English Text Translation of Shamati (I Heard)

Download this Lesson: wmv video | mp3 audio (58 min)

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!