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October 23, 2024

Should Rules Be Fixed Or Changing In The Global Game?

Should Rules Be Fixed Or Changing In The Global Game?

Dr. Anatoly Ulianov: According to game theory, the most important component of a game is the rules. Should these rules be fixed or should they be subject to change?

Dr. Michael Laitman: They constantly change because we constantly delve deeper into ourselves and into the surrounding world, constantly discovering ourselves as globally connected on deeper layers. Nature is integral and global on its every level; there is not a single atom in the universe that does not evoke changes in the entire universe whenever it changes. This globality is total. The problem is that we still cannot feel this system, and therefore cannot govern the human society.

Can you imagine that the ideal state that Nature has set for us is one where any movement we make—physical, integral, on the level of desires or in our minds—must be in total harmony with the entire universe!? It’s simply inconceivable what we have to reach, how we have to experience Nature at the end of our development. But Nature will bring us to that.

Comparing ourselves to this global, integral nature, and continuously moving toward it contains an element of play because there is a lot that we don’t know. We don’t know our next step. We have to somehow anticipate it, and act it out. Maybe we can act it out and somehow implement it in our society, possibly in parts of society where we are studying this phenomenon that we want to introduce into our immediate environment or into the general human society.

There are many game elements like that, which pertain more to research than to a game. But research is also kind of a game. And since we are studying Nature and ourselves on increasingly deeper levels, since the integral nature is becoming increasingly clearer, the game is constant all the way through total equivalence with Nature, a state that we cannot imagine today.

However, we can suppose that this is what Nature has enacted and instilled, and that this is where Nature is leading us. Apparently, egoism was deliberately created in man, to make it possible for him to play, meaning to develop, all the way to the point of understanding, awareness, adaptation, and even participation in the governance of this entire, integral nature.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov. Also available as eBook (PDF, Kindle & ePub formats).


Does The Idea Of ‘Keep Trying And Eventually You’ll Achieve’ Work Today?

Does The Idea Of 'Keep Trying And Eventually You'll Achieve' Work Today?

Dr. Anatoly Ulianov: My generation was raised to believe that if you don’t like something or can’t do something, you have to try harder and eventually you will achieve. But what you’re describing sounds quite different. So do I have to make efforts or should I stop and look around to see where I am and what I should do next?

Dr. Michael Laitman: Most of our actions lead to opposite results, so we shouldn’t keep trying, thus causing more damage. First, we must discern whether or not we are in harmony with Nature. That is, to what extent does Nature support our plans and actions? Then we have to ask ourselves: “What is required of us?”

We develop under the influence of the inner drives that Nature instills in us, which we just realize. Wouldn’t it be better to first discover what plans are inherent in our natural development, and then build ourselves according to them?

Nature can develop us mercifully or harshly, depending on how we position ourselves. This favorable positioning is our first task.

Dr. Ulianov: In many of the games we know, besides the players there is an objective character, a referee. If we are talking about integral, global games, is there a referee there, someone who acts more objectively than us?

Dr. Laitman: It would be nice if this was an assembly of researchers, serious scientists, sociologists, political scientists, and economists who would work together. That’s because we constitute one, single system in which everything is interconnected. We understand that decisions cannot be made by force. I think that today it is clear to everyone. Notions of power structures that can single-handedly decide, govern, and execute, are falling apart. Therefore, there has to be a referee, a serious research group that offers its decisions and solutions after observing what is happening, and which can truly compare society with Nature, discern the mistakes, and provide evaluations, making our subsequent actions more correct.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov. Also available as eBook (PDF, Kindle & ePub formats).


What Are The Rules Of The Global Game?

What Are The Rules Of The Global Game?

Dr. Anatoly Ulianov: Rules are very important in any game. Can you describe the rules of this global, integral game?

Dr. Michael Laitman: In technology there is a concept of an “integral, analog” system, where the entrance and exit are connected through the whole system and all of its parts are completely interconnected like cogwheels in a closed mechanism.

As we develop, the bond between us is becoming more and more rigid. In the past we were able to “slip through holes” in some way and attach our little wheels to one another only slightly. But today we are moving into a state where every person is necessarily spinning in a rigid clutch with others, thus determining whether humanity will move in a favorable or unfavorable direction.

Therefore, if we map out our lives less according to our egoism and in a more integrated manner, we would reach a common conclusion that it is necessary to create a joint system of governance, a world government that will unite all of our operations into a single system. That way we would achieve greater understanding of this integral system and would prevent many catastrophes.

We see the tremendous shifts occurring in the world today, such as the revolutions in the Near and Middle Eastern countries, and not only there. That is how a world government gradually forms. Life is forcing us toward it. But it would be better if everything happened in a more humane way and the approach toward that government would be more orderly.

Dr. Ulianov: If we suppose that man plays and acts by the laws of Nature, then who will be opposite to him?

Dr. Laitman: A corrected person is opposite to an egoist. First of all, it is necessary to act less egoistically.

Today any game of protectionism leads to horrible consequences. It’s as if you’re spinning the cogwheels in the opposite direction. This is first of all detrimental to yourself. That is why it is necessary to somehow stop this isolated, egoistic movement of every person in his own direction. The world has to be convinced that cooperation is necessary. And today we can do that.

What does this cooperation mean? We have to bring the whole world to follow the global decisions. But first let’s start by getting closer! Let’s imagine that there is no South America with its dictators, no Eastern rulers, no USA or Russia, no Europe, and no China with its exploding population, but we are all in one global, integral country. Today we have the power to do that because we depend on each other economically, politically, and especially for provision of raw materials. We can reach that state of cooperation, and then involve the game element.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov. Also available as eBook (PDF, Kindle & ePub formats).


The Difference Between An Instructor In Regular Education And An Educator In Integral Education

The Difference Between An Instructor In Regular Education & An Educator In Integral Education

Instructor In Regular Education:

  • One who instructs. Meaning, there are clear instructions and the instructor is in charge of making sure that they are observed to the letter.
  • An instructor is a rigid, military notion.

Educator In Integral Education:

  • The opposite of an instructor in regular education.
  • Gives a person a chance to find everything out on his/her own, to attain, touch, smell, and taste everything, and then to reach his/her own conclusion independently.
  • Helps the person take on a different image.
  • An educator is a more flexible notion than an instructor.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov. Also available as eBook (PDF, Kindle & ePub formats).

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