What Will It Take for Humanity to Wake Up to the Need to Connect?

Diagram 1 - ONE Convention Preparation Q&A Session,

Question: I wanted to ask a question that a student from the Education Center is asking in relation to the sketch you made with the different phases, 1, 2, 3.

Dr. Michael Laitman: They are not stages, they are types of people, 1, 2, 3.

  • In number 1, the spark in them is either on top, so a person discovers that he is attracted to spirituality.
  • In number 2, the spark is the one we have, so we only woke up recently to the wisdom of Kabbalah, say in the last 100 years.
  • There are people that we can see are not waking up. Those are number 3. They just won’t wake up, so we call them the rest of humanity. They have no questions, other than how to have a better life, better health, family, vacationing, business, all within the framework of this world, from birth to death, only wanting to satisfy those desires. Some people go beyond all that.

Question: What the student is asking is: Stage number 2, where the point in the heart is evoked, maybe it is through all the suffering…

Dr. Laitman: It’s all together.

Question: She is asking whether in number 3, they will have to undergo a catastrophe in order for that point in the heart to awaken in them?

Dr. Laitman: If we, through integral education, cannot wake them up, perhaps because we will not make sufficient efforts for it and perhaps for other reasons, then the world will undergo great suffering. Moreover, this suffering will be inflicted on the people who had to give this world the right direction to draw it to the surrounding light. If we don’t do it, the world will start suffering, and we will suffer more than the rest of the world. We are the ones who have to draw it to the light and we have enough power and means to do that.

This Q&A is based on the Special Q&A Session with Dr. Michael Laitman in Preparation for the ONE Convention, which took place on Sunday, June 16. Watch the whole video & stay up-to-date with ONE Convention preparation materials here »

North America ONE Kabbalah Convention - August 8-10, 2014 - New Jersey, USA

How the ONE Convention this August Will Aim to Explain the Wisdom of Kabbalah as Being the Wisdom of Connection

ONE Convention Outdoor Shot in New Jersey

We have been with you for many years now, some for a great many years, and we’ve been studying the wisdom of Kabbalah. When people come to study Kabbalah, they learn about Sefirot worlds, Partzufim, Aviut, Zakut, Zivug de Haka’a, lights, Kelim [vessels]—to learn the special mechanics between the light and the desire. It is unknown where this light is. It is “out there.”

Where is the desire? It’s also… we don’t actually attribute it to us. It turns out that we’re learning something abstract, but we do learn it. We have the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” and “The Study of the Ten Sefirot,” which is what we have been learning, without any seeming connection to ourselves.

Afterwards, we started studying the essays of Rabash. He also didn’t write them before he had new students, in the emergence of a new era. When I brought him students, then instead of the five veteran students who studied even with Baal HaSulam, all of a sudden there were new guys, 25-30 years old. So he started writing these social articles. Why? It was because he saw that here you could actually implement the wisdom of Kabbalah, but in a small group, a small society. That’s why he wrote these articles, such as “They Helped Every One His Friend,” how we should connect in a group, etc.

As we advanced, the next stage came. In the next stage we started circulating a little bit, disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah outside the group, and people started coming in. Many people came, learned a little, left, came again, left again, and time passed.

Then came an even more special time, when the world got into a crisis. The crisis was around long before 2008, but no one would talk about it. Experts saw that there was a crisis a few years back, but it was forbidden to talk about it.

Once the world was in global crisis, not just an economic crisis where the stock market fell or some bank collapsed, but the world started viewing itself as being connected in a bad system, where they are trying to do something together, unified, like the united Europe, and so on. We have no choice; we depend on each other, and it is not up to us. However, the laws by which we are connected to each other are egoistic, so instead of using each other correctly, we spoil it. Previously it was not like that.

Continue reading “How the ONE Convention this August Will Aim to Explain the Wisdom of Kabbalah as Being the Wisdom of Connection”

Got Questions about the Upcoming ONE Convention? Get Them Answered by Dr. Michael Laitman [Special Q&A Event]

ONE Convention 2014

Got questions about the upcoming ONE Convention? Well, join the club! You’re not the only one trying to figure out your approach to the biggest spiritual event taking place in North America this year.

In order to answers your questions, Dr. Michael Laitman will be teaching a special lesson for you on Sunday, June 15, 2014. Please join us for the first part of his lesson starting at 8:00 PM EDT (New York time).

  • When? Sunday, June 15, 2014 – 8:00 PM EDT (New York time)
  • Where? Kabbalah TV – Kab.tv
  • What? A special Q&A session with Dr. Laitman in preparation toward the ONE Convention this August 8-10, 2014 in New Jersey.

Ask Your Question about the ONE Convention Here »

North America ONE Kabbalah Convention 2014 – August 8-10, New Jersey

ONE Convention 2014

We’re happy to inform you that preparations are now in full swing toward the upcoming North America ONE Kabbalah Convention.

You’re invited to take part in this most important spiritual event taking place in North America in 2014!

  • When? August 8-10, 2014
  • Where? DoubleTree Hotel in Somerset, New Jersey
  • What? 3 days that’ll cover your whole life from one extreme to the other, including lessons & workshops with Dr. Michael Laitman, activities, cultural events, meals & much more!

100s of friends from all around the world will be taking part in this intensive 3 day event.

For 10 years running, the North America ONE Kabbalah Convention hosted by the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute has established itself as one of the world’s most culturally diverse gatherings for spiritual growth –a 3-day celebration of human unity and deeply transforming personal experiences.

Start the North America ONE Kabbalah Convention 2014 from this very moment in order to come prepared with the correct approach to the mutual study and connection, find ways to prepare and get a volunteer role in preparing for the convention and/or at the convention itself.

What are you waiting for? Don’t miss out your chance to register early in order to best organize your time, travel and accommodation, and come well prepared for this year’s greatest spiritual event in North America!

Go Here for ONE Convention Information & Registration »
Together as ONE!
The North America ONE Kabbalah Convention Team