You Can Have Holographic Consciousness


The key to solve any problem is to be internally holistic.

How can you change a person? How can you make his recognition, his understanding, his perception of the world, and his attitude to the world as general and holistic as all the systems?

First people must be educated integrally. Its goal will be to teach a person certain habits, to feel to what extent his connection with others is good and desired and brings about mutual understanding and the right decisions and a totally new feeling of the self, and to feel the society and nature in a new way.

A person will begin to feel the general picture of the whole global integral system he is in.

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How To End Famine, Flood, Illness & War Forever


All disasters, epidemics, famine, floods & civil wars come from the person’s egoism & thus only a person’s egoism should be corrected.

When a person overcomes his ego through connection with other people into a good general system, the person influences nature so that all of the disasters, all of the undesirable phenomena, disappear.

We exist in a single integral system. The levels of still, vegetative, animate and speaking are found within nature and are a closed circle, a ball, a sphere. And we are the most important part of this sphere, the highest phase of evolution. If we bring ourselves into balance and harmony, then we also balance all the rest of nature.

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Your Guide to the Perfect State

Your Guide to the Perfect State

Salvation from all troubles is only in the likeness of the human being with nature, attaining the property of bestowal and connection.

We have to become similar to nature. No matter how much we try to run away from it, we will have to come back. It’s worthwhile for us to learn from nature. After all, we can’t escape it. We are just small parts of the great whole. If we will know this and keep it in mind without trying to jump over our heads, if we act precisely according to nature, then we will reach the perfect state.

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Why Nature Screams And You Must Integrate

Why Nature Screams And You Must Integrate

Today, Nature is showing us the new global, integral phase of its development.

Nature begins to become unbalanced, which is expressed in climate change, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and additional disasters.

We arouse the lack of balance in nature and human society in all its forms.

So we are to blame for everything! It is up to you to behave differently; it is up to you to carry things out independently, without the goading of the main law of nature, the Creator, the law of unity between all of its parts.

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Nature’s Way—Education for a World in Balance

Nature’s Way—Education for a World in Balance

In order to create a society that is balanced with nature, we need a unique form of education that emerges from the depths of nature.

Nature demands equivalence of form from us, balance. Nature is “round” and we must build human society in the same round form as well.

Our program of integral education is intended precisely for this. It will bring benefit to everyone and will lead us to a good state that is comfortable and balanced in all areas.

If we are united, nature will cooperate with us in everything: education, culture, everyday life, home life and family, ecology, our relation to nature and its response to us, and in general in all of our activities.

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