Know the Unified Theory of Everything—It’s Simply Elegant

Know the Unified Theory of Everything—It’s Simply Elegant

Kabbalah is a Grand Unified Theory letting us both understand the full scope of reality and experience its oneness.

Now we perceive the world only through our five senses or by instruments that expand their range of perception a bit, whereas Kabbalists perceive nature in its absolute form, because they develop abilities of exiting themselves, by ascending their egoism. Kabbalah meets all the requirements and the definitions of a science, more than all the other sciences because it explores nature in its real form—not in the narrow framework we receive in some confusion of a range of influences, reflections, refractions of our understandings and feelings, and out of our impact on the environment.

Don’t Break Yourself Against Unbreakable Laws

Don’t Break Yourself Against Unbreakable Laws

Humanity’s goal is to discover the single, fundamental force that creates and governs life.

The next stage of our development is being revealed: a single integral humanity. It is imposed on us by the forces of nature. We have evolved to the point where we should begin to converge until we reach the feeling of complete unity as one family, with one heart. To work together with the forces of nature toward this state, we must learn the integral laws of our development. And this is made possible for us through the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Why You Need to Study the Secrets of the Ultimate Science

Why You Need to Study the Secrets of the Ultimate Science

Nature is compressing the world into a single living system, where each country has an integral and cooperative role like a cell in an organism.

A Kabbalist is a person who studies nature and discovers its unifying force. This force produces the energy that has constructed the entire Universe. The wisdom of Kabbalah studies this unifying force and its effect on the matter it created and is the most general science. And all the other sciences are included in it.

You Can Wield the Force That Drives Life

You Can Wield the Force That Drives Life

Unity is the direction of the force that drives life. Our challenge, therefore, is to learn how to unite.

This is the force of unity because all of creation stems from one spark. This force exists in nature. It stems from the same source that the first spark once broke out from and from which the universe developed. Let’s pull it out of nature and learn how to use it practically, creatively, just like we use nuclear energy.

Command the Force That Can End Human Suffering

Command the Force That Can End Human Suffering

Until we correct ourselves, change our nature from egoistic to altruistic, there will be hunger, disease and inequality in the world.

Today, Nature forces us to gain love for our neighbors since the only alternative to it is death from hunger, disease, and cataclysms. It’s our duty to form an alternate force that would oblige us to move towards mutual love. What kind of force is that? It is our surroundings that are organized in a way that pushes us to unite even more than ecology, economics, education, possible lack of food supply do. Society must be strong enough to sustain our egoistic nature, impose a new type of relations among us, and thus lead us from one edge to another—from hatred to love.