The “Butterfly Effect” of Bestowal

The Butterfly Effect of Bestowal

Spirituality is what creates & cares for all aspects of life, which is why it’s called “the quality of bestowal”.
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The “butterfly effect” that operates in an integral system has an optimistic side: a small action on our part for the benefit of society can trigger a lot more goodness on the other side of the globe. This goodness sooner or later will return to us. Nature is stronger than all of our forces and will continue to “beat” us until we join it and fulfill the law of giving. Then, we will pave the safe way to happiness.

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Enter the Zohar to Build Your Soul

Enter The Zohar to Build Your Soul

The structure of the soul is reception, bestowal, and the middle line, which is the proper combination between them.

In our relationships we deal with the forces of bestowal and reception. They are both forces of nature. When I combine them in the right way, then the middle line or the soul is formed out of them. The Zohar shows us how to build our reality out of them so we are above the force of bestowal and the force of reception. The Zohar brings the middle line to us from Above. While reading it, we have to try to become included into that line. Then we are tuned to the same wave through which the Light comes to us and returns us to the Source, the Creator.

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How to Feel Complete and Whole in a Shattered World

How to Feel Complete and Whole in a Shattered World

When we become the same single whole as Nature, we will discover that all of its parts were always connected.

If we unite rather than disconnect, we get closer to the single bestowing upper force that created the entire universe, and the closer we get to it, the more we can enjoy it. Happiness from unity is a revelation of the force that governs all of nature. After all, the whole of nature came from a single point of the Big Bang.

Why Nature Can’t Break You If You Know the Goal

Why Nature Can’t Break You If You Know the Goal

The end result of an action is already contained in the initial thought.

We are talking about a law and there is nothing one can do against a law. Indeed, we are part of nature, which is the Creator. We find that there are only two rules to follow in society. These can be called reception and bestowal. This means that each member must, by nature, receive his needs from society and must benefit society. Understand that there is no point resisting nature, “the end of the act is in the initial thought.”

Creator=Nature=Law Of Bestowal And Love

Law Of Bestowal And Love

The goal of creation is to attain adhesion with Nature’s quality of love and bestowal.

The goal is adhesion to the Creator. Love is the means. The pleasure is in becoming like the Creator. Adhesion is attained through my bestowal to Him and His bestowal to me. In order for us to have a connection with mutual reception and bestowal, we need love for one another.