The Door to Eternity Is Inside You

By studying how we can change ourselves, we can do so quickly & enter the state of perfection & eternity. [Tweet This]


In order to enter the level of eternity, perfection, we must study harmony from nature, its perfection, the mutual cooperation there, its interdependence, and imitate it. By knowing themselves and by their efforts, each person enters into the level of mutual cooperation like the cells in our body. Full mutual cooperation brings a guarantee for an absolutely healthy system, and then we feel ourselves at the level of eternity, perfection, complete harmony.

Feel Ultimate Fulfillment Inside Nature’s Force

If we match our actions to Nature’s, then we’ll become like Nature & start feeling what Nature feels. [Tweet This]

By uniting with others, a person becomes similar to nature, which is entirely unified like a single organism. And when one puts oneself in balance with nature, in union with it, that person begins to feel the inner force that maintains all of nature, to sense its program and its course. A new sensory organ of integral perception awakens in him. Through this sensory organ, a person enters a new state that fills him completely; moreover, it gives him an opportunity for infinite fulfillment, because here he is interfacing with the common force of the entire universe, with nature.

How to Use the Hidden Power of The Zohar to Unlock Nature’s Laws

How to Use the Hidden Power of The Zohar

The Zohar expresses the system of Nature’s laws that flow down in a cause and effect chain from one law in Nature to direct this world.
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In order to understand what the holy Book of Zohar talks about, we must first acquire the same nature as that of the Kabbalists who wrote The Zohar. We have to rely on the power hidden in this book, which influences the reader. We will then receive the Light that Reforms, which will influence and change our nature. There are two forms of nature: reception and bestowal, and both are described using the same words, symbols, and letters. To the extent that our nature changes, we will understand what The Zohar talks about. It will suddenly become clear and the book will be revealed to us.

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One Force That Quiets Any Crisis

One Force That Quiets Any Crisis

Uniting in a time of crisis will require recognizing life’s force & a mutual effort to cooperate and collaborate, to live by this force.
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Humankind’s problem is to balance each person’s excessive desires with nature, to become an integral part of it and act as a single organism. Put differently, humankind’s task is to become altruistic. The world’s perfection lies in the unity of its elements; it is accomplished only through co-existence of all parts of nature, and while each part works to sustain the entire system.

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Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Abraham realized that the world perceived through our senses is a superficial blanket covering a complex interaction of forces. [Tweet This]

When a person attains the revelation of the true nature and reveals an inner vision, he starts to see one more reality inside of him in addition to the one he felt before. This is a world of forces that becomes revealed to him. These forces, which act inside of his desire, bring him all kinds of experiences and impressions, depicting different forms and pictures inside of him. He perceives this new reality more intensely than our current one, and feels that it determines what happens in our reality.

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