Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on Fox News Radio Show “A Few Moments With,” New York

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Fox News Radio

FOX NEWS RADIO (October 24, 2007): Todd Starnes, from the radio show “A Few Moments With,” interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on

* What is Kabbalah?
* Is Kabbalah is a religion?
* Is it possible to study Kabbalah if you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish?
* How connected are celebrities to Kabbalah?
* Why are people getting attracted to Kabbalah in our world today?
* What can the average American family living in the suburbs get from Kabbalah?
* What is fun about studying Kabbalah?

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More South Floridians finding answers to life’s meaning in Kabbalah – an Article & Video in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel


This article presents more conflicting views on the popularization of Kabbalah: the view of the person who takes up the study of Kabbalah due to searching for answers to life’s most fundamental questions, and how Kabbalah fulfills this person’s questions; and the view of those who believe that Kabbalah requires a rigorous preparation through religion before it can be approached correctly.

Bnei Baruch’s view is that authentic Kabbalah has no connection to religion. Authentic Kabbalah is a science founded thousands of years before the world’s first religion appeared, designed for answering the question “What is the meaning of life?” Since it is designed to answer this question, it is also for anybody who sincerely asks this question, regardless of religion, race, nationality or lifestyle.
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The Kabbalah Experience: The Definitive Q&A Guide to Authentic Kabbalah

For many questions with answers by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD precisely on this topic, see the 3rd chapter, entitled “The Study of Kabbalah,” in the free eBook The Kabbalah Experience: The Definitive Q&A Guide to Authentic Kabbalah.
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Kabbalah Lecture by Rav Michael Laitman PhD in Times Square, New York City

An introduction to Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD with more-heated-than-usual questions from an audience of 500, in Times Square, New York City. Lecture given on October 25, 2007.

This lecture was given as part of Rav Laitman’s The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah United States and Canada Tour, October 2007. More from this tour:

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Expert says Kabbalah best understood as a science – an Article in the South Jersey Courier Post

Courier Post Online

COURIER POST (October 20, 2007): Spirituality columnist Kim Mulford interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD for her Saturday column “Keeping the Faith.” As well as the usual ice-breaking questions about Kabbalah that Rav Laitman often gets asked by journalists, like whether it is a religion or mysticism, whether someone practising a religion can also study Kabbalah, and whether the Kabbalah Rav Laitman teaches is connected to the Kabbalah Madonna studies… Kim Mulford also asked unique questions about the experience of Kabbalah; what it’s like to connect to the Creator and how this is related to its dissemination.

Kim Mulford: What is it like to connect with the Creator?

Rav Laitman: It’s a personal connection. It’s as if you stop caring for yourself and you experience everybody else’s thoughts and cares. You become connected and related and you feel beyond. You don’t just feel it, you really are beyond time and place and motion. You become eternal in a way, because you have eternal perception. It gets you to a point where you just want to give and give.

Kim Mulford: Is that why you want to share this with other people, because you want to give them this same experience?

Rav Laitman: Yes, of course. You experience the harmony of nature and reality and you want to share it. Also, it’s not just a privilege. It’s really an obligation, because the whole of humanity must come to that point where all of us experience that harmony. Actually, the crisis we are experiencing today isn’t coming for no reason. It’s there to prompt us to think about life, to see how we can build our harmony with it. more…

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Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on The Brian Sussman Show, San Francisco

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KSFO - 560AM

SAN FRANCISCO (October 11, 2007): Rav Michael Laitman, PhD was interviewed on the Brian Sussman Show, KSFO-560AM. Sussman tried clarifying both what is Kabbalah and also extended the investigation to see what Kabbalah’s outlook is on political and religious issues.

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