Larry King Interviews Dr. Michael Laitman [Full Interview]

Larry King Interviews Dr. Michael Laitman - Full Interview

Larry King interviews Dr. Michael Laitman on Kabbalah, anti-Semitism, belief in God, hope in the face of multiple wars and conflicts, and what happens when we die.

Larry King’s questions in the interview:

00:17 – What is Kabbalah?
00:35 – Is Kabbalah part of Jewish theology?
02:09 – What does the word “Kabbalah” mean?
02:27 – Would many Jewish leaders deny Kabbalah? Why?
03:45 – Are you worried that anti-Semitism is getting worse?
06:30 – Do you remain optimistic?
06:51 – Do you believe in God?
07:11 – Do you pray?
07:35 – Is the Jews’ responsibility toward the world a curse?
08:15 – When you see all the wars going on, people killing people, what makes you hopeful?
10:15 – Kabbalah is not faith. It’s science.
11:35 – What happens to us when we die?
12:13 – Do you fear death?
13:05 – What is the message Kabbalah is delivering?

Technology, Business And Profit In An Interconnected Humanity

Listen to this interview using the Flash player below:

Steve Rubel, Senior Vice-President in Edelman Communications, the world’s largest PR firm, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about technology, business and profit in an interconnected world.

Here’s an extract from the conversation:

Steve Rubel: There’s always going to be something new that comes around that’s different than what it was. I mean the stuff I’m talking about now is very different than I was talking about six months ago or a year ago. So I also think that people now growing up don’t know what the world was like before the Internet. I mean I do, you do, but they’re different now, and I think that we have to take…. And I think also the impact of mobile devices is just beginning.

Host: We’re going to talk about mobile devices. Dr. Laitman, where is all this taking us?

Michael Laitman: To throwing away all the phones, very simple. Because in the end, say after we have so many cars, where are we driving with our cars? – Into traffic jams. Where are we going to get with our phones or with computers? Into jams, too. It’s all going to jam because something more internal is missing. Technology is evolving only to bring us to a certain goal, a goal that exists in nature, and the goal is for us to rise above corporeality, to be connected in thoughts and desires to one mechanism, to one system. And if you get to that, then there’s no need for communicating through these devices.

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