The Hidden Reason behind All Human Suffering

The Hidden Reason behind All Human Suffering

Why Each Person Must Enter Into Spiritual Correction

Reality can be changed by anyone, so long as he or she is thinking of the Creator. If his or her soul has ripened through all the cycles and its time has come to know spirituality, it is inevitable that he or she will have to enter the process of spiritual correction and learn to manipulate the spiritual powers. It doesn’t matter where we are in the world, there will be torments and catastrophes standing ready for us wherever we go, as long as we do not realize it. In the end, we are at the center of the world, and there is no escape from that.


It’s All about Taking Responsibility for Your Development

We can anticipate that if we do not wake up now, there will be an increase in our troubles. The more we neglect the matter, the stronger will be the force that we will need to put us back on track. It is just like physics: when you throw something and it is diverted from the right path, the longer it continues off track, the greater its deflection and the greater the force needed to bring it back to the right track. That pattern will happen with us, too, if we do not change our ways. We don’t have a choice but to start listening to what is happening with us.

It is most urgent to realize that nothing happens without a good reason, and that our behavior influences what comes down to us from the upper worlds. We cannot act like small children, crying and searching for ways to escape the troubles of life. We must become part of a mature humanity: one that knows what it is doing and can assume responsibility for its actions. This change in attitude will begin by keeping in mind that there is always a reason for our condition. That realization will prompt a larger shift in our consciousness, and then we will start to look for the reasons behind everything that happens to us in this world.

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What Is the Meaning of Life?

What Is the Meaning of Life?

Thorough the history of humankind, we as creatures have sought to find a way to live out this incredibly short existence all of us experience as “our lives” in a peaceful and tranquil manner. Yet for some reason the process seems to work backwards. Peace and tranquility seem to be present only in the first few years of our lives, followed by a long string of increasingly intense situations that lead us through a maze of chaos we call “adulthood.”

We live as children, young adults, middle aged people then as elderly, living through the usual life experiences.

But this incredible process called “life as we know it” can sometimes include an additional irritation. This particular annoyance can arise at any time in our lives, and with no apparent solution to its yearning. It is usually so subtle that at first we do not even recognize what the problem is. What is this troubling question with no apparent answer? It is a singular question, a wonderment that is both cruel, yet fair at the same time. That question is, “What is the meaning of life?

Continue reading “What Is the Meaning of Life?”

Emptiness – Moments From The Daily Kabbalah Lesson

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

Emptiness & the question about the meaning of life is growing in our world.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 19 November, 2009:

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

Celebrating Independence and Declaring Our Freedom


From the Daily Lessons – In following video, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD talks about freedom: what it is, what it isn’t, and where freedom can be found. He deals with the question “What does it mean to be free?” asking “What is free in you?” and explains how to attain a different kind of nature, and acquire the ability to exercise freedom against everything constraining us.

Video: Where Can True Freedom be Found Today?

Download this Lesson: wmv video | mp3 audio [54:02]

Additional Sources:
*Where Is Our Freedom?
*Upbringing – an article by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD

*Society’s Approval is the Greatest Reward – An Interview between Michael Laitman and TV anchor Lev Novozhenov
*Influence of the Environment – a post on – Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog.

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VIDEO: Introducing – Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog


In this video, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD sets the platform for his personal blog – – which hosts his daily posts answering questions from the public and students, giving Kabbalah’s response to what’s in the news, spiritual impressions of a Kabbalist, women’s topics, and a whole lot more. Go to the blog: – Kabbalah and the Meaning of Life: Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

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