The Question That Burns in Your Soul

The Question That Burns In Your Soul

If we set our hearts to answer “What is the meaning of life?” then all other questions & doubts will vanish.
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The question about the meaning of life is life’s most fundamental question. If a person doesn’t find this answer, he becomes so depressed that he cannot overcome it. He doesn’t feel pleasure in anything: not in food, sex, family, his children, in nothing. “Can I live without looking for the meaning of life or not?” If he can replace this question with some kind of hobby and not think about it anymore, it means that he doesn’t have this desire yet, although nature pushes us toward it.

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How to Discover a New World in Your Emptiest Space

How to Discover a New World in Your Emptiest Space

Kabbalah provides the deepest, emptiest space in a person—the question, “What is the meaning of life?”—with fulfillment. [Tweet This]

At first you didn’t feel that there was a point in the heart inside you, then you felt it, and now suddenly you reveal a whole world within it where you exist eternally. This spiritual desire is called the “point in the heart,” the innermost desire which is revealed in me now. You suddenly begin to see how this point becomes bigger and bigger, and you reveal a whole reality within it – an inner dimension not perceived before.

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Stop Feeling Empty

Stop Feeling Empty

Kabbalah develops one’s qualities of bestowal and compassion. This constantly expands a person’s perception and awareness of the world and allows him or her to be fulfilled by it while never becoming empty.

The study of Kabbalah not only expands and heightens one’s perception and awareness of the world, but also develops one’s compassion and ability to give, or ‘bestow to others.”    When we become fulfilled by giving rather than receiving, we are perpetually satisfied and feel no lack or emptiness.

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Now You Can Understand and Take Control of the System of Reality

Now You Can Understand and Take Control of the System of Reality

Some People Actually Understand the Entire System of Nature

Kabbalists want to teach you how to do whatever you want using a special program in your “computer.” The system in this computer is nature, but humanity is the only part in this system that actually operates, which is why it sometimes seems as though nature is caged in a box, in a computer, and only we are outside. We are the only ones who can work with this program—receive data, affect that data, and get a response to our actions on the screen.

Kabbalists are the only ones who use and control this program, and they pass on the knowledge about the right approach to nature and how to control it from generation to generation. Their books describe how this world can be managed. This wisdom is called Hochmat ha Nistar (the wisdom of the hidden), because only a worthy person can study it, and for the rest it remains a secret. If a person does not correct his or her attributes as nature demands, he or she cannot understand that wisdom. Even in our present situation, we can begin to learn this wisdom. And even if we use it egoistically for the time being, we will improve our situation and our lives.

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