What Would an Environment that has the Qualities of Bestowal and Love be Like?

If we create an environment that has the qualities of bestowal and love, it will be just like a mother

“If we create an environment that has the qualities of bestowal and love, it will be just like a mother.” – Dr. Michael Laitman

Dr. Laitman: In principle, this is what the great commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” talks about. You were instinctively made to feel what a mother is – the safest, kindest place in the world. You might already be a grownup, but you still instinctively aspire to this feeling just like a child.

So make the world be like that!

Dr. Ulianov: People really do long for it. What you are describing sounds wonderful, but it seems unrealistic.

Dr. Laitman: That means we have to think about how to make it happen. Besides, our nature obligates us to achieve this anyhow. The world is now starting to be revealed as an integral, global system. What does that mean? It means that the world is forcing us to treat each other the same as our mothers treated us. Then, together we will acquire precisely this state of being “in the mother’s womb.” Read More »

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How Kabbalah Lets Anyone Have a Relationship With Nature’s Source

How Kabbalah Lets Anyone Have a Relationship with Nature

Here Is a Method that Is Helping People Receive Endless Enjoyment

Kabbalah in Hebrew means “reception.” As its name testifies, Kabbalah teaches how to receive. With the right attitude towards reality, it is possible to experience endless enjoyment. This endless enjoyment is not from sex, food, a new car, a big house, or other transient, mundane pleasures. Instead, it is from those delights that can fill us with such utter bliss that we would transcend any sensation of time to receive them.

We sense the passing of time by the fluctuations between good and bad feelings, or sensations of fulfillment and absence of fulfillment. However, when we are in a state of elation, we are unaware of time. The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us that we can eliminate time altogether, along with the sensation of distance and any other limits or boundaries. One who has reached such a state is clearly living in an infinite, unlimited world.

Our lives will always contain two opposing elements—pleasure and desire, plus and minus. A pleasure that pervades a desire satiates it and cancels it. We come across this phenomenon in every area of life. When the plus neutralizes the minus, we end up feeling nothing at all. As long as we short-circuit pleasure and desire, we will be locked in a zero-sum equation. However, put a resistor between these opposites and they will work perfectly, creating everlasting enjoyment.


How Giving Is Possible through Receiving

Kabbalists explain that pleasure stems from the Upper Force. This Force sends us pleasure because It loves us. When we try to receive the pleasure directly, the pleasure cancels our desire to enjoy it and the pleasure stops.

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What Would Happen If We Could Suddenly Influence, Educate and Correct the World to a Course of Love and Care?

Love Quote

Everybody wants to live in a world founded on love, but no one believes that it can be a reality. We speak about love when telling fairytales to our children because everyone understands that love is good to speak about to a child, that it makes life safer than animosity.

However, what if it were possible to make a world out of love? Our world today is hostile, competitive, dog-eat-dog and life is becoming increasingly worse.

As Baal HaSulam wrote, “A person is a small world.” A person’s anger and cruelty toward the world boomerangs back against him, when implementing his egoistic desires and hating himself. This split personality is becoming increasingly prominent.

Now picture to yourself that you could transform your outlook and your relationships to a course of love and care. What would happen if we could suddenly influence, educate and correct the world so that there would be no theft, damage or exploitation?

We would then perceive an opposite world and no one would fear that their life would become wiped out tomorrow. People would not be afraid that tomorrow we would eradicate the planet and bury ourselves under the waste from our own production.

Love would oblige us to act in the best and most correct way. We wouldn’t have to search for billions of occupations just to keep the population busy, producing things no one needs. Even if everyone would be unemployed, every person would receive what is necessary because then people also wouldn’t need any excesses since they would live in a kind, amiable world.

Then we wouldn’t pollute the earth with unnecessary products, which is 90% of all the things being produced. If we look at nature, there is nothing wasted. Look at how life is organized in the animal kingdom, from the beginning of creation to its end, in all the forms that are included in nature’s cycle where everything is repeatedly used to 100% capacity.

All the cycles are absolutely closed, with the exception of the things the person does. When people produce anything, it does not return to nature in the natural form, but in the form of toxins that poison nature.

However, if we treated each other with love, we would make the world clean as well. Love would ensure that we will not demand any excess for ourselves and then everything would normalize. How different would things be from today where all the oceans are full of garbage and radioactive waste?

All we lack in our world is attention toward one another and mutual participation in the integral system, and we will get there out of our desperate state.

Based on the post “Love Is the Most Powerful Weapon” on Laitman.com – Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog.

What is love? How do we come to realize love in all kinds of different relationships, whether it be among couples, family, or society at large? What is the source of love and how can we draw this force into our lives? Love is one of the many topics tackled in the Free Kabbalah Course. Registration for the Summer 2014 semester closes soon, don’t miss out!…

Free Kabbalah Course

Kabbalah: The Answer to All of Your End of the World Predictions

Kabbalah: The Answer to All of Your End of the World Predictions

Getting to the Bottom of the “Keeping Up With the Joneses” Phenomenon

We can see just how much we always want what others have in Item 38 of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” stating that “Man [Stage four], who can feel others, becomes needy of everything that others have, …and is thus filled with envy to acquire everything that others have. When he has a hundred, he wants two hundred, thus his needs forever multiply until he wishes to devour all that there is in the whole world.”

But earlier in the introduction (Item 25), Ashlag writes, “Since the Thought [of Creation—the Creator’s goal] was to delight His creatures, He had to create an overwhelmingly exaggerated desire to receive all that bounty, which is in the Thought of Creation [to give us unbounded pleasure].” And he continues, “If the exaggerated will to receive perished from the world, the Thought of Creation would not be realized—meaning the reception of all the great pleasures that He thought to bestow upon His creatures—for the great will to receive and the great pleasure go hand in hand. And to the extent that the desire to receive it diminishes, so diminish the delight and pleasure from receiving.”

Hence, if we want to become Creator-like, we must not diminish our desires. But if we do not diminish our desires, then our ability to eliminate self-centeredness and become Creator- like will fail if all we have in our medicine cabinet are the old remedies of religious fanaticism, oppression, tyranny or any other of the old means of discipline. Those methods were good for “taming” the desire to receive in its earlier stages, but they will not suffice for today’s level of desire to receive.

A new method, a fresh code of action is required, something that will not try to suppress the insuppressible, but will harness the new powers that extreme egoism evokes to improve life, instead of destroying both humankind and our pathogenic egocentricity.


Competition or Cooperation? The Need to Choose Wisely

In Stage Three of the evolution of desires, our envy has created an interconnected and interdependent world where we compete against, yet depend on each other for sustenance. Again we can quote Ashlag, who wrote, “Because each person in the world draws his life’s marrow and his livelihood from all the people in the world, he is coerced to serve and to care for the well-being of the whole world.”

We can also quote McGrew’s statement: “This [single global system] defines a far more complex condition, one in which patterns of human interaction, interconnectedness, and awareness are reconstituting the world as a single social space.” These quotes accurately reflect our situation at the start of the 21st century: we are tied together, and hateful of each other.

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Trying To Love Others – 5 Minutes Of Light

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

The quality of loving others is hidden from us, so that through trying to relate correctly to others, we attract the Surrounding Light.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 30 October, 2009:

  • Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 2, Lesson 2
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Baal HaSulam’s writings, Introduction to the Book “From the Mouth of a Sage”, Lesson 6
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.