The Thread to Love

The Thread to Love

The point in the heart is the beginning of the soul, the first step toward discovering true love.

Once, or several times in life, in each of us, a point in the heart awakens.

At times it feels like you are empty, at times you feel unhappy for no apparent reason.

At other times it is for seemingly mundane, worldly reasons, even familial.

You think, “It’ll pass; the storm will calm and all will be well again.”

You may not realize it, but this is how the point in the heart is awakened in you.

It is the beginning of the soul, the first step toward revealing love.

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The Law of Love and Harmony

The Law of Love and Harmony

The wisdom of Kabbalah is a science that reveals the superior guidance behind the whole of creation.

All of reality is guided by one inclusive law called “the law of nature” or “the law of the Creator.” This general law of nature, the Creator, is all-encompassing love, harmony and benevolence.

As we must understand basic laws of physics, chemistry and biology to lead normal lives, we must also realize this inclusive law of creation—and live by it–to spare us suffering, wars, and natural disasters and bring us to a state of balance and harmony.

Kabbalah teaches us how to discover this law.

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What Does the Great Commandment, “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself,” Talk About?


Dr. Michael Laitman: In principle, this is what the great commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” talks about. You were instinctively made to feel what a mother is – the safest, kindest place in the world. You might already be a grownup, but you still instinctively aspire to this feeling just like a child.

So make the world be like that!

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