Creator=Nature=Law Of Bestowal And Love

Law Of Bestowal And Love

The goal of creation is to attain adhesion with Nature’s quality of love and bestowal.

The goal is adhesion to the Creator. Love is the means. The pleasure is in becoming like the Creator. Adhesion is attained through my bestowal to Him and His bestowal to me. In order for us to have a connection with mutual reception and bestowal, we need love for one another.

Can I Really Know The Creator?

Can I Really Know The Creator

Every day I wake up and my day starts running. The kids need fed, diapers changed, dishes washed, laundry, lunch prepared, and the list goes on. If I do not stay on top of the chores, I know that I will feel overwhelmed, yell at the kids and things will be worse. Sometimes in the middle of this work I ask myself, “What is the point of all this?” or “How can I keep this up?”

The truth is that I can’t keep it up. I end up getting upset, or wearing myself so far down that I get sick. I reach an end. I look at myself and realize I am doing these things for myself. This will end in death.

I need to cry to the Creator, ask Him to teach me how I can really love the people that He has placed in my life. Instead of running around mindlessly, I need to look at my husband and my kids and see they are exactly what the Creator has put in front of me. The Creator is all around me.

By Anne Beck

Command the Force That Can End Human Suffering

Command the Force That Can End Human Suffering

Until we correct ourselves, change our nature from egoistic to altruistic, there will be hunger, disease and inequality in the world.

Today, Nature forces us to gain love for our neighbors since the only alternative to it is death from hunger, disease, and cataclysms. It’s our duty to form an alternate force that would oblige us to move towards mutual love. What kind of force is that? It is our surroundings that are organized in a way that pushes us to unite even more than ecology, economics, education, possible lack of food supply do. Society must be strong enough to sustain our egoistic nature, impose a new type of relations among us, and thus lead us from one edge to another—from hatred to love.

Use Your Egoism for Infinite Pleasure

Use Your Egoism for Infinite Pleasure

Selfish desire + pleasure = fleeting pleasure. Desire to fulfill others + pleasure = unlimited pleasure.

Once we expand our capacity to receive, we will feel life and existence based upon a new condition–we want to use our lives as a means to help us pass pleasure on to others, to bestow, to love, and to come out of ourselves–and the pleasure ahead is billions of times greater. Even now you are filled with Infinite Light. But you neutralize this Light with your egoism, because when the Light of Infinity reaches a desire, it immediately turns off, as though it short-circuits between two opposite ends that have no resistance between them. You have to use your own egoism as that resistance, and then you will feel the pleasure.

Listen to Nature’s Prescription for the Perfect Life


Nature operates by a law of bestowal & love. To discover a perfect life for everyone, we need only let Nature influence us the way it wants.

The Creator’s commandments are the laws of nature—both the laws of nature of our world that we partly see, understand, and know about, and the laws of the upper nature that is concealed from us—which are based on the attributes of love and bestowal, mutual cooperation, and understanding. The system is built so that if we are normally incorporated in it and fulfill our role, taking our niche in nature, all of nature operates harmoniously, thus filling each of us with harmony.