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October 22, 2024

How To Step Out Of Illusion And Into True Reality

How To Step Out Of Illusion And Into True Reality

The world’s true state will be revealed when we become similar to the integral nature.

How do we find the true world, the true image where we really dwell, and not this nature that we supposedly feel ourselves in now? To do this we must study and engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Kabbalah translates to reception, perception, and feeling. Our imaginary world, which is formed for us today through our very limited physical senses, splits and opens before us and we begin to see another world, which is the next level of human development.

To develop new senses within us, we must go outside of ourselves, out from our present senses. Going outside of ourselves means to begin to link, participate, and connect with people like us.

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The Thread to Love

The Thread to Love

The point in the heart is the beginning of the soul, the first step toward discovering true love.

Once, or several times in life, in each of us, a point in the heart awakens.

At times it feels like you are empty, at times you feel unhappy for no apparent reason.

At other times it is for seemingly mundane, worldly reasons, even familial.

You think, “It’ll pass; the storm will calm and all will be well again.”

You may not realize it, but this is how the point in the heart is awakened in you.

It is the beginning of the soul, the first step toward revealing love.

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Endless Life and Absolute Fulfillment

Endless Life and Absolute Fulfillment

If you equalize your inner attributes with the attributes of the Upper Light, you will reach perfection & eternity, “the world of infinity”—endless life and absolute fulfillment.

All this depends exclusively on changing our inner qualities. This is why the science of Kabbalah aims at showing us that by changing ourselves (and doing it quickly, within one lifetime) we begin to transcend this earthly existence. Our bodies remain in it and we go on living our usual lives with families, children, the world and society. But we receive an addition to all this—the Upper Reality—where we live in our supernal sense organ.

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How to Navigate through the Financial Crisis


An important quote in the wisdom of Kabbalah states:

Two people were in a boat, and one of them took a drill and began to drill a hole beneath himself. His companion said to him: Why are you doing this? He replied: What concern is it of yours? Am I not drilling under myself? The other replied: But you will flood the boat for us both, and we will both sink. (Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Midrash Raba, Leviticus 4:6)

In the global boat we all share, whoever thinks he can drill a hole under his or her own seat and ignore the well being of others is gravely mistaken. If one person drowns, everyone drowns right along with him.

Why is it so important for us to understand this? It is because we live in a new reality, a reality where we all depend on one another, for better or for worse. From now on, we have no choice but to work together, as one big family. Only then will we be able to navigate our global ship through this winter of our hardship toward the haven of bounty and prosperity.

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The Secret to Why You Suffer in Life

The Secret to Why You Suffer in Life

A Hidden Hand behind Anti-Semitism

When I read the newspapers and listen to the radio, I see that the nations of the world treat me differently because I belong to the Jewish people. The attitude is laden with hostile, anti-Semitic emotions.

Even within Israel and around it there are peoples who wish to destroy, or at the very least, subdue the Jewish people. Our challenge is to treat this situation as one that comes to us from the Creator and that it is happening in our favor, so that we will change our line of thinking and the way we work. It is happening so that we will rise above our normal human reaction, from an instinctive reaction to what our eyes see to questioning the reasons for what is happening around us.

If I do not relate to the phenomenon of anti-Semitism as it is, but to the reason behind it, I will then be operating in the spiritual degree called “humanity.” This is the only way for me to develop an ability to understand the essence of events. Instead of running away from situations, like an animal runs from a hunter, I can actually change external causes.


Kabbalah Unveils the Purpose behind all Human Suffering

There is only one reason for all the pains of this world: to make us wonder at their meaning, to raise us from a level of aimlessly suffering to a level where we think about and analyze the reason and the purpose for the pains. The spreading of the wisdom of Kabbalah brings the purpose and cause of the pains to the public awareness. By doing so, we can shorten the amount of time it takes for every person to understand the cause for suffering and realize that there is no pain without a reason, that it comes from the Creator. The purpose of the operations that the Creator performs on us is to develop in us, through a series of negative situations, a grown-up attitude toward pain. Therefore, we should not escape them, only use them and see them as a gift from the Creator.

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