Kabbalah Today Issue 10 Out Now

Kabbalah Today Issue 10
Kabbalah Today Issue 10

In this month’s issue of Kabbalah Today:

* The Consumer Effect – Learning from Nature to optimize our globalization of economics.

* Ecology and Us – Will our increasing environmental awareness save us from the ecological crisis?

* Storks and Teamwork – Why do storks fly in a V?

* I Saw a Reversed World – Does reality exist without us? Or is it a picture created within us, depending on our inner qualities?

* Kabbalah Is Not Philosophy – “My teacher, Pythagoras, the father of philosophy, took his teaching from Kabbalists…”

* After 5,000 Years, It’s About Time to Meet the Master Planner – Becoming equal with the Master Planner is the purpose of creation

* Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD – Questions answered by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD–from an interview with New Jersey’s “Courier Post”

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Natural Disasters Explained through Kabbalah

The Tip of the Iceberg
Feature Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 8

As Rav Laitman spreads the word around the United States and Canada this month on how Kabbalah holds the solution for the global crisis, the feature article “The Tip of the Iceberg” in Kabbalah Today Issue 8 presents the same message, focusing on natural disasters.

The Tip of the Iceberg” discusses the major increase of natural disasters around the world in relation to what is causing them: the rules that control nature and our attitude to these rules. Nature’s most fundamental principle is interconnectedness and unity, and as human beings, we are not realizing our potential to actualize this interconnectedness and unity among ourselves. more…

Click Here to Read the Full Article

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