Food Shortages, Starvation and Obesity Are All Results of One Cause

Mankind\'s Growing Hunger
Mankind’s Growing Hunger

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

The current food crisis has been declared a ‘silent tsunami’ in recent headlines. Kabbalah explains the root of the problem, and shows us how to avert this growing threat.

Actually, food shortages are nothing new—they have shaped civilizations since the days when Pharaohs ruled Egypt. In the past 50 years alone, famines in Africa, North Korea, China, and Cambodia have claimed millions of lives. So why are world leaders today so alarmed by the current situation?

In Pharaoh’s time, a famine in Egypt didn’t affect tribes wandering the plains of America. In contrast, today’s crisis ripples across the entire world. Global food prices have risen 83% in the past three years, making it almost impossible for the world’s poorest nations to feed their people. More than 70 countries spanning every continent are now facing critical shortages. Moreover, famine is no longer limited to third world countries. Even developed countries like the United States are facing soaring food prices that are impoverishing the once-comfortable middle class. This time, hunger is truly global. Read the Full Article…

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Three Sources for True Freedom You Don’t Want to Miss Out On

Three Sources for True Freedom You Don't Want to Miss Out On

Our modern idea of freedom is embedded in remoteness, individualism and isolation. The true idea of what freedom means has been inverted and long forgotten. Here are three sources of information on what true freedom is and how it can be attained in our world today.

1. Video: The Freedom Prison
In this excerpt from a morning lesson Rav Michael Laitman, PhD provides a definition of freedom that is completely opposite to society’s idea of freedom, but is more natural than anything else.

Download this Lesson: wmv video | mp3 audio [66:42]
Shamati Article #190 “Every Act Leaves an Imprint” (the article on which the above video’s lesson is based)

2. Freedom of Will (An article by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD)

3. The Freedom (An article by Baal haSulam)

Related Material:
Newspaper Articles:
* Kabbalah Today Article: The Freedom Blues
* Kabbalah Today Article: A Kabbalist, a Geneticist and the Meaning of Life
Short Clips:
* Do We Have Free Will or Is Everything Predetermined
* “Kabbalah Revealed” Episode 10: Free Will, Part 1
* “Kabbalah Revealed” Episode 11: Free Will, Part 2 The Four Factors

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Kabbalah – Explaining Why Things Happen and How to Make Them Happen Better Since the Time of Abraham

Kabbalah Chronicles
Kabbalah Chronicles

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 1

The Rambam (Maimonides) wrote that when the whole of humanity was deep in idol worship, one man could not go with the flow. His name was Abraham. He pondered and searched until he found the truth: that the world has only one leader. When he discovered this, he realized he had discovered life’s eternal truth and ran to tell the world. Since then, the world has had a method that reveals this truth. Today this method has a different name – “Kabbalah” – but it is essentially the same. If we open our hearts to it, it will teach us why things happen, and how to make them happen better. Read the Full Article…

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Happiness, Virtuality, Freedom, Evolution: 4 Kabbalistic Twists on Concepts You Always Hear About but Know Nothing About

Kabbalah Today - Issue 11

* Cracking the Happiness Code – To crack the happiness code, we must start by realizing who we really are, what our nature is. more…

* Better than the Virtual World!? – Our attraction to the virtual world indicates great progress in human evolution. It plays an important role in humanity’s preparation for spirituality. more…

* The Freedom Blues – When you realize that there is no freedom in this world, you’ll begin asking about the meaning of it all, and then you’re on your way to real freedom. more…

* The Desire Grows – Humanity Evolves – Whether it is the tiniest movement of our body, or humanity’s entire evolution, all we do is motivated by one thing only – the desire for pleasure. more…

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Storks and Teamwork – Why Storks Fly in a V

Storks and Teamwork

Every autumn, flocks of storks fly on their way south. Their journey over land and sea covers a great distance.

They begin from cold northern lands and migrate south towards warm Africa. Next autumn, look up at the sky and you’ll see the V-shaped flock.

Why do they fly in a V? When a bird flaps its wings, it creates momentum that eases the flight of the bird behind it. This is why the V-shape lets the flock cover a much greater distance than one bird could ever do alone.

And another interesting fact: When one of the storks falls out of the flock because it is weak or hurt, two other storks immediately fly beside it to help and protect their fellow flyer.

They remain with the weak bird until it is strong enough to fly again, and only then do they rejoin the flock.

What can we learn from the storks’ flight?

People who have a common goal will reach it faster and more easily if they join together in a group. Each member will help another, and together they’ll move forward better than apart. This is why Kabbalists have always studied in groups.

Read the Original Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 10

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