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October 23, 2024

The Law of Success

The Law of Success

When one considers society’s success equal to one’s own success, it provides correct motivation for everyone.

Our success is motivated and measured by others—we are constantly working to fulfill the goals of our society.

We are usually unaware of this dynamic and attribute all of our accomplishments to ourselves.

Our individual perception isolates us from one another—we are not aware of how we affect the entire system. At the global level, this creates crisis in all realms of life, threatening the very survival of the whole. We must change our perception to consider the success of society to be equal to our own.
This change in perception provides the correct motivation for all individuals, and the survival and prosperity of the whole.
This is the law of success.

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Being a Cogwheel Doesn’t Mean Being a Shmuck

Being a Cogwheel Doesn't Mean Being a Shmuck

We are entering a system in which we are all cogwheels, i.e. we are beginning to make contact with each other.

Our entire world is mutually connected just like cogwheels in a system; none of the cogwheels can turn independently without turning all the other wheels and being turned by them.  It’s just like two clutch discs when they touch each other.

The law of development operates in this mechanism. First, the clutch pedal is pressed and the connection between them is still weak–at this point we don’t disturb but rather help one another by spinning but not feeling that we are connected.

With time, cogwheels become more closely connected i.e.,  the clutch pedal is released and the discs get progressively closer to one another, until they are very tightly connected. This is how all of humanity develops towards mutual cooperation:  countries establish connections, international commerce and industry flourish, societies change, the number of different professions grow, and people are becoming increasingly interdependent until they are totally interdependent.

The integral system possesses a remarkable property we can’t comprehend: everyone is just as vital in it as the whole.

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A Science of the Superior Guidance Behind the Whole of Creation [Quote Poster]


The wisdom of Kabbalah is a science that reveals the superior guidance behind the whole of creation

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Now You Can Unlock the Sixth Sense and Realize Your Full Potential

Now You Can Unlock the Sixth Sense and Realize Your Full Potential

Why Your Continued Development Depends Upon Attaining Reality Itself 

Unlike any other science, Kabbalah reveals to us the Upper World. This is why it is most often referred to as a “wisdom” instead of a “science.” The empiric, scientific approach of the wisdom of Kabbalah is based on the same research principles that apply to other fields of research. Kabbalah, too, regards the observer as the researcher and studies reality as it is sensed by a human being, from a subjective perspective. The uniqueness of the wisdom of Kabbalah compared to any other fields of human study is that the subject of its research is the higher part of reality.

The wisdom of Kabbalah enables one to attain the roots of reality, not just another segment of the whole, but reality at its highest levels, before we ever reached it. Attaining the roots of reality grants researchers control over events before they clothe in our world, and the ability to interfere and change them, to lead and guide them using their unique approach.


The Secret of the Elusive Sixth Sense

If we determine our desire in such a way that the entire reality will appear to us in the direction of bestowal upon the Creator, if we want to live in a reality where the five senses are devoted to a single aim, to delight the Creator, then in that state we will determine our attitude to reality in the realm and at the level of the “sixth sense.” This means holding an altruistic attitude to reality, which yields an entirely different characteristic to the reality perceived through the five senses. We will no longer attain a mere speck of reality, but its very root, ascending to the control room, the headquarters of reality.

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At Last, an Introduction to the Secret Laws of Nature and What They Mean to Your Life!

At Last, an Introduction to the Secret Laws of Nature and What They Mean to Your Life!

Why Some Laws of Nature are Apparent and Others are Not

We live in a world we know only partially. There are many rules in Nature, some of which we discover easily because they are evident from our own existence. The law of gravity, for instance, is evident because when we try to fly without the proper instruments we fall right back to Earth.

Some laws apply only to Earth and some also apply to space. Some of these rules are perceived through our senses and our bodies, but there are other laws, such as the laws of radiation, whose action we cannot feel. We can only see the phenomena they produce. We cannot perceive, hear, or see waves, but we do recognize their effects.

There are other rules whose effects we do not know. At times we feel certain phenomena, but we cannot clearly identify their origins. Either way, our experiences demonstrate that if we knew all the rules that affect the world, we might be happy and successful.


How Society Is Organized according to Nature’s Laws

Some rules we learn from experience, some rules of behavior children pick up from their parents, their friends, the environment, and the general society. The rules we learn by education are not innately known to us. It is not clear that this is how they actually exist in the world, but our educators persuade us in various ways that it is so, and that this is a path worth treading. If children could see for themselves that something was wrong, they would not do it.

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