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October 23, 2024

What Would an Environment that has the Qualities of Bestowal and Love be Like?

If we create an environment that has the qualities of bestowal and love, it will be just like a mother

“If we create an environment that has the qualities of bestowal and love, it will be just like a mother.” – Dr. Michael Laitman

Dr. Laitman: In principle, this is what the great commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” talks about. You were instinctively made to feel what a mother is – the safest, kindest place in the world. You might already be a grownup, but you still instinctively aspire to this feeling just like a child.

So make the world be like that!

Dr. Ulianov: People really do long for it. What you are describing sounds wonderful, but it seems unrealistic.

Dr. Laitman: That means we have to think about how to make it happen. Besides, our nature obligates us to achieve this anyhow. The world is now starting to be revealed as an integral, global system. What does that mean? It means that the world is forcing us to treat each other the same as our mothers treated us. Then, together we will acquire precisely this state of being “in the mother’s womb.” Read More »

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10 Kabbalah Quotes about Self Transformation

The Creator Doesn't Change; We Change

We cannot attain any reality as it is in itself. Rather, we attain everything according to our sensations. And reality, as it is in itself, is of no interest to us at all. Hence, we do not attain the Torah as it is in itself, but only attain our sensations. Thus, all of our impressions follow only our sensations.

Baal HaSulam, Shamati [I Heard], Article no. 66, “The Giving of the Torah

Baal HaSulam, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”Therefore, we must not inquire how the sages of the Kabbalah, which fill the entire wisdom with their insights, differentiate between the various Lights. That is because these observations do not refer to the Lights themselves, but to the impression of the vessel, being the above-mentioned force, which is affected by its encounter with the Light.

In addition, the form itself will change in a person according to his ups and downs, as we have said above that the Light is Simple Light and all the changes are only in the receivers.“There is no change in the Light.” Rather, all the changes are in the Kelim, meaning in our senses. We measure everything according to our imagination. From this it follows that if many people examine one spiritual thing, each will attain according to his imagination and senses, thereby seeing a different form.

Baal HaSulam, Shamati [I Heard], Article no. 3, “The Matter of Spiritual Attainment

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10 Kabbalah Quote Wallpapers You Can Share on Your Social Feeds

Kabbalah Quote 1

1) When a certain thought about the meaning of life awakens in us, it’s a sign that the Creator has invited us to contact Him.


Kabbalah Quote 2

2) The only requirement for studying Kabbalah is a sincere desire to discover the meaning of life.


Kabbalah Quote 3

3) You shall see your world in your lifetime.



4) We think, feel and imagine what we feel close to, what we really want. This is our internal life.


Kabbalah Quote 5

5) Pain pushes us forward. Whether we feel depressed, empty or confused, all bad feelings appear in order to make us think about their purpose.


Kabbalah Quote 6

6) Happiness is achievable beyond our egoism, neither within the ego nor by suppressing the ego.


Kabbalah Quote 7

7) The visual arts are the most powerful means of influence. For this reason, a shift in our thinking must begin with what we see.


Kabbalah Quote 8

8) We can easily see that changing our attitude toward others will lead us to the resolution of the problems on the social-human degree. This will mean the end of war, the end of violence and terrorism, and the end of general animosity among people.


Kabbalah Quote 9

9) Changing one’s attitude from self concern to global concern affects the whole system positively and ensures its survival.


Kabbalah Quote 10

10) Our attitudes to society and life must go through a complete change. We will then discover that there’s an abundance of every resource in nature.

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