“If we create an environment that has the qualities of bestowal and love, it will be just like a mother.” – Dr. Michael Laitman
Dr. Laitman: In principle, this is what the great commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” talks about. You were instinctively made to feel what a mother is – the safest, kindest place in the world. You might already be a grownup, but you still instinctively aspire to this feeling just like a child.
So make the world be like that!
Dr. Ulianov: People really do long for it. What you are describing sounds wonderful, but it seems unrealistic.
Dr. Laitman: That means we have to think about how to make it happen. Besides, our nature obligates us to achieve this anyhow. The world is now starting to be revealed as an integral, global system. What does that mean? It means that the world is forcing us to treat each other the same as our mothers treated us. Then, together we will acquire precisely this state of being “in the mother’s womb.” Read More »
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