What Is Life? How To See Life For What It Really Is

Free Kabbalah Introductory Lecture

Are you struggling to get a lasting, real feeling of fulfillment and happiness in your life?

And moreover, have you become disillusioned with the way modern society places all these materialistic goals for you to run toward, which you have absolutely no desire for pursuing in the first place?

Well you’re not alone.

Everybody is playing their role in this day-to-day “I’m trying to feel good!” movie.

And only few have developed the ability to exit this movie and see it for what it really is – a movie.

And we’re not talking about a select few rich, powerful or famous people either. They’re also characters playing their part in this same movie.

No. We’re talking about people just like you who came across a golden opportunity, and took it.

These people literally discovered the tools, the instruction and the teaching by which they learned how to exit their state as a “character” in this movie, discovered the hidden “actor” that was playing them, and by attaining more and more of what’s behind the scenes, they came to discover the “director” and the original script that literally describes how to discover what is outside of this movie we know as “life,” how to attain it, and how to use it to its fullest.

These people are called “Kabbalists.” There were only a few of them throughout history, and they studied in secret over the generations.

What exactly did these people discover?

They discovered that outside this movie, in which people are constantly chasing pleasures in their lives, there is a wholly different reality, one which contains the source of pleasure, where pleasure is constant and unchanging.

In other words, you don’t have to be chasing one pleasure to the next in life anymore – you can rather get the manual for how to discover the source of constant, everlasting pleasure, and learn how to live in it.

Sounds pretty good doesn’t it? Well, it is. It’s not only good, it’s the source of all that is good – of pleasure, fulfillment and happiness – and it’s not some fantasy utopia that doesn’t exist, but a real place that Kabbalists have attained a clear perception and sensation of, and which they have left a method so that you and anyone else who wants, can also attain that state.

Why have they kept this method a secret from everyone for so long?

This secret was kept simply because the majority of people in the past didn’t yet need it. Rather, the Kabbalists were holding this secret for the time when a real need would emerge in a lot of people.

And when did they say that time was?


That’s right – right now.

Right now, you have the ability to discover everything Kabbalists discovered.

And moreover, what took them dozens of years to discover in the past can be now attained in a much shorter time span.

How can that be?

And why is this being revealed specifically now?

And what exactly can you do to discover what they did?

And moreover, how is this discovery the solution for literally every problem you have, and every problem society in general is experiencing today?

Find out the answers to these questions, and start learning this method for attaining real, lasting happiness in your life at your upcoming local Kabbalah course.

This week, the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center is opening up 13 new locations of study centers where you can go to get a free Kabbalah lecture followed by a 10-lesson course that will give you the fundamentals for being able to take this journey into a whole new reality.

Sign Up For The Free Lecture In Your Area Here »

Kabbalah Lecture by Rav Michael Laitman PhD in Times Square, New York City

An introduction to Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD with more-heated-than-usual questions from an audience of 500, in Times Square, New York City. Lecture given on October 25, 2007.

This lecture was given as part of Rav Laitman’s The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah United States and Canada Tour, October 2007. More from this tour: http://www.kabbalah.info/engkab/kabbalah-worldwide/rav-michael-laitman-october-tour-2007

Download this Lecture: wmv video | mp3 audio

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

Kabbalah Introductory Lecture by Rav Michael Laitman PhD in San Francisco, Oct. 11 2007

SAN FRANCISCO (October 11, 2007): Rav Michael Laitman, PhD gave a public lecture at the Embarcadero Center, Le Meridian Hotel entitled “The Kabbalah Experience”—an introduction to the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Rav Laitman opened the lecture stating that the wisdom of Kabbalah has it written that the year 1995 would see the beginnings of the disclosure of the wisdom of Kabbalah to humanity. In order to explain this, Rav Laitman compared the state that humanity is in today to the state that humanity was in 5,000 years ago, and why this difference has come about.

Rav Laitman was asked to clarify what makes the Kabbalah he teaches authentic, as well as answering questions on how Kabbalah treats the ups and downs of everyday life, who or what is the Creator, how is peace found in one’s life, Kabbalah on the family, Kabbalah on the education of children, and whether there are age restrictions on the study of Kabbalah.

Download the Lecture: wmv video | mp3 audio

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!