See How Easily You Can Apply Kabbalah’s Principles to Your Life

Free Kabbalah Course

The Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center is happy to announce the start of the new EC Fundamentals semester with a brand new curriculum starting on Wednesday, June 11.

Whether you wish to share the wisdom of Kabbalah with friends or family, or you wish to get deeper into Kabbalah’s fundamental principles, the upcoming semester will have something for everyone as EC Instructors cover the following new modules and topics in this introductory course:

Module 1: Kabbalah Basics
1) How Changing the Way You Define ‘Kabbalah,’ ‘Creator’ and ‘Creation’ Changes the Way You Look at Your Whole Life
2) Who Are You? Where Did You Come From? Where Are You Headed?
3) History of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

Module 2: What Is Reality?
4) Do You Live in a Reality or in a Dream?
5) Why Your Intention Is the Only Place Where Reality Transforms

Module 3: The Language of Kabbalah
6) What Is the Law of Root and Branch? What Does it Mean to Attain Spirituality?
7) The Unique Learning Approach in Kabbalah: Learning Through Desire, Not Intellect
8) What are the Optimal Kabbalistic Sources for Our Generation to Progress Spiritually in the Fastest and Happiest Way?

Module 4: Free Choice
How You Are Completely Controlled in Every Aspect of Your Life and Why You Still Think You Can Achieve Freedom
10) How to Build Your Own Social Environmental Influence that Lets You Discover Your Freedom

Module 5: Introduction to the SefirotPartzufim, Worlds and Souls
11) What are the Four Phases of Direct Light?
12) What Is the Soul? What Is the Meaning of the Sin of the Tree of Knowledge & How Is Where You Are Today Related to It?

Module 6: Kabbalah in Society
13) Overview of Lessons Until Now and Q&A
14) What Is Love? Can You Love the Creator Without Loving Other People?
15) What Is Good and Evil?

Module 7: The Inner Work of Attaining Spirituality
16) How to Discover the Single Force of Love Acting in Every Life Situation
17) The Secret Formula for Attaining the Deepest Form of Independence: Independence from What You Currently Think You Are

Module 8: Methodology of the Study of Kabbalah
18) Fundamentals of the Methodology Part 1: How to Work with the Means of Spiritual Attainment in Order to Attain the Spiritual Goal
19) Fundamentals of the Methodology Part 2: How to Work with the Means of Spiritual Attainment in Order to Attain the Spiritual Goal
20) The Benefits of Learning Kabbalah You Should Start Seeing Even Before You’ve Attained its Goal

The course is free of charge and all students gain access to the following: 

  • 20 lessons that will transform your life in 10 weeks (2 classes per week)
  • Live interaction with instructors during lessons where students can ask questions.
  • Free, optional access to a web-based community where students can post questions that will be answered by instructors and moderators.
  • Free PDF versions of all course materials
  • A lesson archive where all lessons are posted if you miss a live class or wish to review.
  • Student discounts on special book packages at the Kabbalah Bookstore

Most importantly, this course and the whole of the wisdom of Kabbalah is there for anyone who has asked the question “What is the meaning of life?” and been unable to find an answer. We look forward to exploring this wisdom with anyone who is still asking this question. Just sign up for the course, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on June 11.

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You And Society – A New Curriculum In The Free Kabbalah Course

You And Society

Next week begins the new semester of the Free Kabbalah Course, an introductory course to the wisdom of Kabbalah, explaining the fundamentals of the wisdom and how it provides a person tools for realizing a wholly new and different life.

Due to popular demand, this semester will introduce a whole new curriculum for the Sunday lessons all about how this wisdom relates to you living in the society you’re in: the family you were born into, the locality and country you were born into, the school you went to, the education and upbringing you received, the workplace you are in, the circles of friends and acquaintances you have, your hobbies, interests, and more. It will provide foundations for how to realize integration and balance between you, society, nature and the reality connecting them all.

The first introductory class will be held on Wednesday, April 4, and there will be 2 classes per week (every Wednesday and Sunday) over a 12 week period. All classes will be available for download, and the entire course with its accompanying materials is available free of charge.

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Below is a sneak preview of what you will learn in the new Sunday classes…

Sunday Lesson #1: Evolution Of Creation (April 15, 2012)

You will begin relating to history as part of an overall developmental process that has occurred, and is still occurring. That process is the development of desire through levels known as “levels of existence.”

You will learn:

  • How the evolution of creation through still, vegetative, animate and speaking levels is development of different levels of desire
  • How each new level of still, vegetative, animate and speaking is a new level of existence
  • How humanity is approaching a new level of existence
  • How each evolutionary level contains these same 4 levels within it

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Sunday Lesson #2: Will To Receive – The Operating Program Of Society (April 22, 2012)

You will begin recognizing the single overall goal (or intention) to receive as much pleasure as possible for the least amount of effort.

You will learn:

  • How a single force acts upon every single thing on this level of existence, causing it to want to receive pleasure
  • This force is like an operating program constantly determining in advance what choices we make prior to one even feeling a desire
  • Societies rise and fall, wars are fought, depending on whether the society is receiving enough pleasure or not (this will be exemplified through historical and current events)

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Sunday Lesson #3: Perception Of Reality In Relation To Society

You will see how your perception is dictated by the society you are in.

You will learn:

  • How your perception of reality is based upon the levels of desire dictated by the society influencing you
  • How your perception can change when the levels of desire of the society change

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Sunday Lesson #4: Judgment

You will see how society not only sets what we perceive, but also influences what we say is good or bad.

You will learn:

  • How within our current level of perception, we base “good and bad” only upon what society dictates to us what is good and bad
  • How we can be under the influence of many different societies at once, and choose which one has the most influence on us
  • How society as a whole sets parameters for judgments based upon its given priority of desires

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Sunday Lesson #5: The Point In The Heart

You will see how there has been a progression in the quality of desire, which has led to an overall desire for pleasure that cannot be fulfilled in this level of existence.

You will learn:

  • How society as a whole has evolved to a level of desire that exceeds the ability to be fulfilled from this current level of existence
  • How the result of this change and increase of desire is responsible for wars and disasters in the world
  • How the point in the heart has gone through an evolution

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Sunday Lesson #6: Concealment

You will see that the society you live in only pursues desires at the animate level, and that until today, people have not needed the wisdom of Kabbalah and the additional sense one can attain through it, due to the goals always set by society.

You will learn:

  • How social goals for pleasure, even those we hold in highest esteem (e.g. helping earthquake victims), are based upon the simple want to feel good
  • How as long as society only pushes to receive pleasure on this level of existence, one does not need additional senses as one will always pursue goals dictated by society

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Sunday Lesson #7: Equivalence Of Form With The New Level

You will understand that equivalence of form means attaining the goals of the new level of existence.

You will learn:

  • How the true problem of not sensing on the new level of existence is in one’s lack of equivalence of form with that new level
  • How equivalence of form does not mean new desires, but rather a new method of operation – why one makes an act

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Sunday Lesson #8: Egoism

You will understand that the concealment of nature’s full picture is caused by your current operating program, which controls your entire current level of existence.

You will learn:

  • How egoism is the culprit that causes society to always dictate chasing desires in our current level of existence
  • How egoism is the desire to receive for one’s own personal benefit
  • How what doesn’t allow a person to feel the next level of existence right now is that all benefit is directed inward

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Sunday Lesson #9: Connection

You will understand that “connection” is what is concealed from you, and how connection is needed in order to sense the next level of existence. You will also understand that there is a concealed connection between you and every single thing that exists.

You will learn:

  • How the butterfly effect shows how connection is society has become global
  • How there is an overall connection between every single thing which causes us as a whole to operate as a single whole
  • How our egoism prevents us from sensing this force

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Sunday Lesson #10: Will To Bestow – Operating Program Of The Next Level Of Existence

You should understand that in the next level of existence there is an entirely different operating program than the will to receive.

You will learn:

  • How the next level of existence operates under an entirely different program, where enjoyment is attained by benefiting others
  • How without existing on this new level, it is impossible to feel or understand that one could feel pleasure from anything other than reception
  • How connection is a fundamental necessity in order to attain the next level. It cannot happen alone

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Sunday Lesson #11: The Necessity Of The Right Goal & The Right Desire

You should understand that the key to obtaining this new operating program is not knowledge, but rather the acquisition of a new desire from society.

You will learn:

  • How to accomplish a goal on this level of existence by acquiring knowledge followed by appropriate action
  • How attaining the goal of acquiring this new level of existence is controlled through desire, and requires a total mind shift
  • How society dictates what our goals are

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Sunday Lesson #12: The Necessity of Attaining the Right Goal & Desire

You should understand that although society provides this desire, you are responsible for its development.

You will learn:

  • How society is responsible for providing us our goals, and how one must seek a society with the importance of the desired goal
  • How after finding such a society, one must place that society on a very high level of importance or one cannot be influenced by it

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Free Kabbalah Course: Start Self-Study Immediately, Register For Live Classes Starting April 4

Kabbalah Education Center Winter 2010 Semester Has Kicked Off

Introductory Lesson in the Winter 2010 Semester of the BBLC

Last night, the Winter 2010 Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center semester began. In two introductory classes (one for the Americas and one for Europe), BBLC intructors introduced the wisdom of Kabbalah, overviewing what it is, who it’s for, and why it’s becoming popular in our era, and also answered questions asked during the class by attendees worldwide.

The Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center is currently hosting over 30,000 students, and over 4,000 students have signed up for this Winter semester. If you missed the first lesson, then it’s not too late to sign up, download the first lesson, and catch up with the rest of the course. New students are welcome to sign up until January 20.

Sign Up Free for the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center Winter 2010 Semester >>

Conveyance – Moments from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

How can Education Center students take advantage of their situation to draw the Light that reforms?

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 8 October, 2009:

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.