Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center Students Get an Introduction to Integral Education from Dr. Laitman

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center Students Get an Introduction to Integral Education from Dr. Michael Laitman

Student: There are many questions from students in the Education Center about integral education. This is very new to them.

Dr. Michael Laitman: I have a question for them. Did they study only “The Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah”? Or did they also study the essays of Rabash?

Student: Let’s mention to the students and everyone what our friends from the Education Center actually study.

We have the first course which is the Fundamentals, where a person learns about the essence of the wisdom of Kabbalah according to the fundamental articles by Baal HaSulam. They also hear a bit about that when we start realizing the wisdom of Kabbalah we start feeling the need to disseminate it, publicize it to the world, and start doing it also through the method called “integral education.” But we’re not yet doing it in practice.

In the next, intermediate semester, one studies that a bit deeper. We learn the whole system of creation—the Sefirot, Partzufim and worlds—as well as how Kabbalah becomes realized in our daily lives.

Dr. Laitman: Where do I find these worlds? Inside the connection. Do they study that or not?

Student: Yep. Starting with the very first semester we learn that there was the shattering of the vessels.

Dr. Laitman: So if it’s in the connection, then we have to actualize the wisdom of connection. If we actualize the wisdom of connection within us, in a group, that’s in a group. But it’s time for us also to draw into our group and the rest of humanity…

Diagram 1 - Upper Light, Bnei Baruch, Humanity

Why have we come to it? That’s the Upper One, the Light. Do they know this concept?

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Tips for Preparing to Have a Great ONE Convention Experience

A Workshop Circle at a Convention

Question: In what way is attending the ONE Convention bestowal to the friends? How do we prepare for the maximum amount of bestowal to pass through us to the friends at a convention?

Dr. Michael Laitman: We need to determine—say once every two weeks, maybe even once a week, because I have a few trips in between—this type of lesson on a weekly basis and study things If you want we’ll go over the materials, we’ll have on the landing page of the convention site, and we’ll all advance together, so we all are on the same page in terms of the necessary materials, so that afterwards we will be more into the convention. I recommend this not just for the American Convention but for all the upcoming Conventions that we’ll have on the way to New Jersey, in Latin America.

Student: We’ve planned at least one more lesson, but now that you say, sure. If we’re on a series of Congresses in South America and North America, so maybe once a week is great!

Dr. Laitman: Yes, please! Choose a morning, something more comfortable for you because it’s the evening for you, and we’ll do it. I’ll be happy to. I get pleasure seeing you on screen. We see Chile too. I was in contact with South America and Chile yesterday.

Question: In terms of coming to the convention on the same page with the necessary materials, you alsomentioned that in the preparation talk we had a week ago, that we all have to come to the convention on the same page, so to speak, at the same level. What do you mean by that?

Dr. Laitman: It’s not an internal level, where a person who is not at this spiritual level is not worthy of the convention. No, this is a bit of information that you need to know so things won’t seem weird to you—desire, connections, Sefirot, a little bit; corporeality, spirituality, bestowal, reception, connection, breaking of the vessels, correction of the vessels.

Think that we will study. Prepare the material and we will study. The situation that I feel now is already compelling me to speak in a special style, i.e. if previously we thought of speaking in a certain way, once you come in contact with people, you see that you have to speak differently.

This Q&A is based on the Special Q&A Session with Dr. Michael Laitman in Preparation for the ONE Convention, which took place on Sunday, June 16. Watch the whole video & stay up-to-date with ONE Convention preparation materials here »

North America ONE Kabbalah Convention - August 8-10, 2014 - New Jersey, USA

There Is a Big Difference between Being Physically at the ONE Convention and Being Connected to It through the Internet

Dr. Michael Laitman giving a lesson at a convention

Question: There are English speakers in the U.K., Austral-Asia, South Africa, and all around the world. Is the New Jersey ONE Convention this August meant for them too? Should they make the extra step and come to the U.S., or should they get organized where they are?

Dr. Michael Laitman: I can’t say which is better. There are people who live very far. It’s hard for them to come. These people need to organize where they live, say in Austral-Asia. It’s hard to come from there to New Jersey. You have to go half-way around the world, from Africa or whatever. I would recommend for them to connect among themselves and determine a place where they are going to have a mirror convention and do it there.

By the way, that is true not only for English speakers, although the convention in New Jersey is in English. There will be mirror conventions all over South America, Europe, Russia, Asia. So you don’t have to come to New Jersey. If you can come and attend physically, it’s great. But if you can’t, go to a mirror convention close to your area.

Question: From July 25, we will be starting a whole string of conventions in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and then we will make it to New Jersey on August 8. The question is, how do we, the whole World Kli, have to get organized? Should we have mirror conventions for each and every convention?

Dr. Laitman: I don’t know how to answer that. Almost every day I’ll be in a different place in South America. At least, there should be mirror conventions held together with the New Jersey ONE Convention, which is the last and biggest one in this series. I think that there, we should all try to connect and be in our places, but together with all the friends that you can gather into that place.

Student: So the ONE Convention is happening the world over, not only in New Jersey, but really all over the world. People are getting together for mirror conventions and we really encourage anyone and everyone, whoever is in North America, to get to New Jersey.

Dr. Laitman: Yes, there is no doubt. From Alaska to even Mexico perhaps. I expect everyone to be there. There is no doubt that there is a big difference between being physically in the convention and being connected to it through the Internet.

Register for the ONE Convention, August 8-10 in New Jersey Here »

This Q&A is based on the Special Q&A Session with Dr. Michael Laitman in Preparation for the ONE Convention, which took place on Sunday, June 16. Watch the whole video & stay up-to-date with ONE Convention preparation materials here »

North America ONE Kabbalah Convention - August 8-10, 2014 - New Jersey, USA

Overcome Fears of Fitting In and Appearing Foolish through a Positive, Supportive Atmosphere of Connection at the ONE Convention

Overcome Your Fears at the ONE Convention

Question: I have corporeal fears of fitting in, of being smart enough, of knowing what to do, where to go and how to behave. I fear appearing foolish in front of people I wish to be more like. Dr. Laitman, did you ever experience these fears?

Dr. Michael Laitman: I never felt these fears because the convention is accessible. That is the atmosphere there. Everyone’s talking and chatting and laughing. They’re happy! It’s connection! There’s a lot of hugging and kissing. Most of the people know each other. Now that I’m looking at the screens I see the majority of faces are already familiar. [Participating groups are shown on the screen.] Toronto, I know the whole group. St. Louis, these friends I’ve known for at least ten years. Chicago too. New York. It’s a beautiful, big group today. San Francisco. Today it’s a full house, a full turnout, all of North America.

Of course there are faces I don’t know, new faces. Miami too. Some are there, some are new. Also, the Yashar Kel Virtual Group are all the people who are starting Kabbalah through Mike Kellogg’s system. They’re doing great work. I have to see all our friends from Yashar Kel at the convention.

It’s time for us all to come together, because it’s impossible to continue in this way. Those who aren’t moving toward connection cut themselves off from discovering the Upper Force. By not moving toward connection, you won’t actualize the wisdom of Kabbalah.

First of all, the connection has to be among us, and as much as we can, we need to also act toward the general public.

This Q&A is based on the Special Q&A Session with Dr. Michael Laitman in Preparation for the ONE Convention, which took place on Sunday, June 16. Watch the whole video & stay up-to-date with ONE Convention preparation materials here »

North America ONE Kabbalah Convention - August 8-10, 2014 - New Jersey, USA