Can Christians, non-Jews, Buddhists & Sufis Study Kabbalah? Does Satan Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist

Can Christians, non-Jews, Buddhists & Sufis Study Kabbalah? Does Satan Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist
Can Christians, non-Jews, Buddhists & Sufis Study Kabbalah? Does Satan Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 13, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • Can Christians, non-Jews, Buddhists, Sufis, etc. study Kabbalah?
  • Is Satan real or is it just the manifestation of our ego?
  • How can we overcome obstacles and insecurity?

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Finally, the Role of Jews in the World Explained

Finally, the Role of Jews in the World Explained

Kabbalah: A Practical Science to Arrange Reality Beneficially

Kabbalah is a practical, up-to-date science that answers everything a person looks for in life. It is time to reveal the secret wisdom to everyone. The wisdom of Kabbalah is becoming a practical science that anyone can learn to apply and use for his or her own needs. That is what Kabbalists have always been writing, and that is what The Book of Zohar says as well. Today, we are obliged to recognize the wisdom of the Kabbalah and study it to control reality by ourselves, according to its own instruction.


The Special Role of Jews According to Kabbalah

Kabbalah is a wisdom meant to lead the entire reality, which is meant for all people, not only Jews. However, there is an order of development. We Jews, the “chosen people,” have to be the first to get to know the forces that come from the upper world and use them correctly, in order to convey that knowledge to the rest of the world and thereby conduct the entire reality. That is the Kabbalistic definition of being chosen. We must be the first to study it and pass it on to the rest of humankind. The progress of the Jews determines the progress of all the others.

According to the plan of the upper world, all creatures without exception must rise from their present situation to a much higher degree, and that can be done only through the study of the upper force and the connection with it. We can change our lives while in this world. We can avoid unnecessary pains and attain happiness, wholeness, and eternity. Then, there won’t be any difference between life and a physical death, for we will be living in both worlds at once.

We Jews have a unique role: we have to find the way to rise from the corporeal life to a higher degree, to the spiritual life, and we have to show the world how it is done. That is the only thing that we are chosen for. In the meantime, we are not carrying out our mission, and that is why we look so bad and unworthy in the eyes of the nations. Because we have special souls, we have to be the first to work on attaining that knowledge and accordingly do what we must. We have no advantage over anyone, but only in that we have to start studying about the upper worlds, about the force, which comes from the upper world, immerse ourselves in that work first, and pass it on to all the other nations. This is what all the books of the prophets and Kabbalah say.

Continue reading “Finally, the Role of Jews in the World Explained”

TV Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on Bloomberg show “Night Talk” with Mike Schneider

Bloomberg TV

Download the Interview: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (WMV)

BLOOMBERG TV (October 24, 2007): Mike Schneider, on Bloomberg’s “Night Talk,” interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD investigating Kabbalah from a variety of angles. The interview was composed of 3 parts, each detailing a specific angle on Kabbalah:

Part 1: The Mystery Surrounding Kabbalah
• Kabbalah – What Is It?
• An Ancient Wisdom that Predates Judaism
• Kabbalah and Judaism – What Is their Connection (if any)?
• Is there One Individual Figure Who Occupies a Position of Leadership in Kabbalah?
• Prophecy – Is there such a thing in Kabbalah?

Part 2: The Buzz Surrounding Kabbalah
• Madonna in Kabbalah – What’s the Deal?
• Ethics – Why We Don’t Need Them
• Science and Kabbalah – Are they Competitive or Complementary?
• Kabbalah Involves No Rituals of Any Kind
• Kabbalah Is a Method. Is it a Philosophy as Well?
• You Don’t Need to be Trained in Traditional Judaism Before Studying Kabbalah

Part 3: The Modern World Surrounding Kabbalah
• World Problems. Their Causes. Their Solutions.
• Improve Personal Behavior, Relationships and Family Connections
• Terrorism – the Source of the Problem (Is the Same Source as Every Problem)
• Philosophers and Kabbalah
• What Is the Main Change that Happens to You When You Study Kabbalah?

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Kabbalah’s popularity, controversy are no secret – an Article in the Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune Logo

CHICAGO TRIBUNE (October 12, 2007): In advance of Rav Laitman’s upcoming lecture at the Oakton Community College in Skokie, near Chicago, entitled “The Kabbalah Experience: The Relevance of Authentic Kabbalah in Our Lives,” journalist Deborah Horan wrote an article briefly tracing differing views on the disclosure of Kabbalah in our times.
Read the Article in the Chicago Tribune

If there is one thing that becomes obvious from Rav Laitman’s recent contact with U.S. journalists, there is a lot of confusion between the Kabbalah that Rav Laitman teaches and other claims to Kabbalah which first need to be differentiated. Terms which have stuck to the word “Kabbalah” over the years, like “Jewish mysticism,” “religion,” and “Judaism,” are picked up on and explained in a response to the Chicago Tribune article by a Bnei Baruch student.
Read the Article’s Response in Suite101

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