VIDEO: Will Our World Exist Forever?

According to Kabbalah, the answer is: “No, our world will not exist forever.” In fact, our world – in the way we normally think about it – doesn’t exist at all.

How so? Because our world only exists in our perception.

The below video, taken from Rav Laitman’s daily Kabbalah lesson, describes what happens to our world when humanity, as a whole, rises to a new level of perception.

Find Out More About Kabbalah and Our Perception:
* Video – Introduction to Kabbalah
* Video – Kabbalah, Science and the Perception of Reality
* Kabbalah Today Article – I Saw a Reversed World
* Kabbalah Today Article – Our World Is an Illusion—See for Yourself
* Kabbalah Today Article – Garden of Eden / The Revival of the Dead

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From Egoism to Altruism – the Key to Social Change

Social Change – A Rare Approach

A Kabbalah-Inspired Squidoo Lens

Cells in organisms unite by reciprocal giving for the sake of sustaining the whole body. Each cell in the body receives what it needs for its sustenance, and spends the rest of its energy tending to the rest of the body. At every level of Nature, the individual works to benefit the whole of which it is part, and in that finds its wholeness. Without altruistic activities, a body cannot persist. In fact, life itself cannot persist.

Humanity, too, is actually one whole body. In truth, we have always been individual parts of a single system. The problem is, we human beings are still unaware of it. Nature reveals it in the way that two forces act in sync: there is a connecting force that connects us all as one, and a rejecting force that pushes us away from one another. Thus, when these two forces begin to manifest their orientations more acutely, we begin to discover how dependent we are, and at the same time, we revolt against this dependency because of our growing egos. Read the Full Squidoo Lens on Social Change >>>

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The True Story Behind the Book of Zohar and Its Author – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

Zohar means Radiance, and The Book of Zohar is the fundamental book in the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is the key enabling one to reveal the spiritual part of the universe, hidden to our five senses, and the Upper Force that governs everything and brings everything into being.

It was written by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, or Rashbi, a great Kabbalist who lived in the 2nd century CE. Rashbi attained all the wisdom that was to be recorded in The Book of Zohar while hiding from the hostile Roman authorities in a cave in Northern Israel. Together with his son Rabbi Elazar, Rashbi spent 13 years living in this cave, eating fruits of a carob tree and drinking water from a nearby source. In that time, the father and son had attained all the degrees of the spiritual world, and were able to feel the Upper Force or the Creator with utter clarity. Continue reading “The True Story Behind the Book of Zohar and Its Author – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai”

Kabbalah – Explaining Why Things Happen and How to Make Them Happen Better Since the Time of Abraham

Kabbalah Chronicles
Kabbalah Chronicles

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 1

The Rambam (Maimonides) wrote that when the whole of humanity was deep in idol worship, one man could not go with the flow. His name was Abraham. He pondered and searched until he found the truth: that the world has only one leader. When he discovered this, he realized he had discovered life’s eternal truth and ran to tell the world. Since then, the world has had a method that reveals this truth. Today this method has a different name – “Kabbalah” – but it is essentially the same. If we open our hearts to it, it will teach us why things happen, and how to make them happen better. Read the Full Article…

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Expert says Kabbalah best understood as a science – an Article in the South Jersey Courier Post

Courier Post Online

COURIER POST (October 20, 2007): Spirituality columnist Kim Mulford interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD for her Saturday column “Keeping the Faith.” As well as the usual ice-breaking questions about Kabbalah that Rav Laitman often gets asked by journalists, like whether it is a religion or mysticism, whether someone practising a religion can also study Kabbalah, and whether the Kabbalah Rav Laitman teaches is connected to the Kabbalah Madonna studies… Kim Mulford also asked unique questions about the experience of Kabbalah; what it’s like to connect to the Creator and how this is related to its dissemination.

Kim Mulford: What is it like to connect with the Creator?

Rav Laitman: It’s a personal connection. It’s as if you stop caring for yourself and you experience everybody else’s thoughts and cares. You become connected and related and you feel beyond. You don’t just feel it, you really are beyond time and place and motion. You become eternal in a way, because you have eternal perception. It gets you to a point where you just want to give and give.

Kim Mulford: Is that why you want to share this with other people, because you want to give them this same experience?

Rav Laitman: Yes, of course. You experience the harmony of nature and reality and you want to share it. Also, it’s not just a privilege. It’s really an obligation, because the whole of humanity must come to that point where all of us experience that harmony. Actually, the crisis we are experiencing today isn’t coming for no reason. It’s there to prompt us to think about life, to see how we can build our harmony with it. more…

Click Here to Read the Full Article in the Courier Post Online

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