What Will Humanity’s Future Look Like?

What Will Humanity's Future Look Like?

In humanity’s future, we will produce no more than we will need in order to exist. Existence depends on the importance of spirituality in relation to corporeality. If a person is wholeheartedly devoted to spirituality, then what kind of corporeality does he need? A bit of sport, food, sleep, family, all kinds of necessities for one’s existence, as well as some special things, e.g. suits and/or dresses, for one’s presentation toward others. Everything other than necessities will feel like a stress to deal with.

Today, we produce an abundance of unnecessary commodities, and are in constant routine consumption. In the future, however, we will buy less, not because we will not have the money, but because of inner reasons: We will not want to buy all kinds of commodities since we will realize that they contain no fulfillment and provide no meaning to our lives.

Thus, humanity will reach a state where the spiritual desire, which needs to awaken on a mass scale, will start neutralizing the corporeal desire. We will see this replacement of desires taking place in the near future. We will see how we will stop feeling a need for all the consumer goods outside of our necessities.

What Will Humanity’s Future Look Like?” is based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of May 4, 2014, “Unity of the People.” You can watch and/or download this lesson in video and audio formats from the Kabbalah Media Archive.

What is spirituality? What is corporeality? What is the spiritual desire? Why is the spiritual desire awakening on a mass scale in our era? These questions and more are dealt with in the Free Kabbalah Course, which provides the fundamental principles and tools by which to correctly approach the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is recommended to take the Free Kabbalah Course before approaching the Daily Kabbalah Lessons with Dr. Michael Laitman. Click the banner below to sign up…

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Happiness, Virtuality, Freedom, Evolution: 4 Kabbalistic Twists on Concepts You Always Hear About but Know Nothing About

Kabbalah Today - Issue 11

* Cracking the Happiness Code – To crack the happiness code, we must start by realizing who we really are, what our nature is. more…

* Better than the Virtual World!? – Our attraction to the virtual world indicates great progress in human evolution. It plays an important role in humanity’s preparation for spirituality. more…

* The Freedom Blues – When you realize that there is no freedom in this world, you’ll begin asking about the meaning of it all, and then you’re on your way to real freedom. more…

* The Desire Grows – Humanity Evolves – Whether it is the tiniest movement of our body, or humanity’s entire evolution, all we do is motivated by one thing only – the desire for pleasure. more…

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