Connection Between People Is The Key To Happiness

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Caroline Adams Miller, life coach, speaker, and practitioner of positive psychology talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about goal-setting and fixing the connections among people.

Here’s an extract from the conversation:

Caroline Adams Miller: What has increasingly been found is that the happiest people have vibrant social networks; they work hard at cultivating relationships with other people. So it’s the togetherness, the bringing people together that brings people the most joy.

Michael Laitman: Do you teach them that if they want to be happy, they have to start connecting well to each other, or if you’re happy, then you will connect well to each other? Which comes first?

Caroline Adams Miller: It’s bidirectional; it’s bidirectional. People who have the goal of connecting with other people are happier, and happier people connect with other people. So it’s a circle; it’s on a continuum. And if you start somewhere in that process, you will gain all the benefits.

Michael Laitman: Do I need to connect to people? And what if I have a hard time doing that because of my nature?

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Being Happy At The Gate Of Tears – 5 Minutes Of Light

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Happiness comes when a person reaches the request to resemble the Creator.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 27 December, 2009:

  • The Book of Zohar – Selections, chapter Vayeshalah, Item 222
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

Is Kabbalah the Cause of A-Rod’s Divorce?

A-Rod’s Divorce and Madonna Have Nothing to Do with Kabbalah

An Article by a Bnei Baruch student

The news has been filled the last few days with stories about the problems baseball player Alex Rodriquez and pop star Madonna are having with their spouses. When Cynthia Rodriquez filed for divorce, she cited A-Rod’s involvement with Kabbalah as a key contributor to the breakdown of their marriage.

The news stories generate more questions than answers, so one can only speculate on what is really happening. A key question that comes to mind is what these two superstars are expecting to find in their pursuit of Kabbalah. Here are two people who have almost everything this world can offer – money, good looks, talent, fame and power – yet they are still searching for something to bring them happiness and fulfillment. Read the Full Article>>>

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Happiness, Virtuality, Freedom, Evolution: 4 Kabbalistic Twists on Concepts You Always Hear About but Know Nothing About

Kabbalah Today - Issue 11

* Cracking the Happiness Code – To crack the happiness code, we must start by realizing who we really are, what our nature is. more…

* Better than the Virtual World!? – Our attraction to the virtual world indicates great progress in human evolution. It plays an important role in humanity’s preparation for spirituality. more…

* The Freedom Blues – When you realize that there is no freedom in this world, you’ll begin asking about the meaning of it all, and then you’re on your way to real freedom. more…

* The Desire Grows – Humanity Evolves – Whether it is the tiniest movement of our body, or humanity’s entire evolution, all we do is motivated by one thing only – the desire for pleasure. more…

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