Now You Can Find a Perfect Environment and Never Feel Pain Again

If We Want to See Happy People and a Better World... [Kabbalah Quote]

Dr. Michael Laitman: All the changes in us can only happen through the environment, and we can see that. In whatever environment we grow, we arise as a result of the environment. So we can’t really come complaining to a person about why they do this or that, maybe bad things, but we really have to look at where they came from.

The main problem of humanity today is education. If we want to see happy people and a better world, we first and foremost have to see about how to build the right environment that will affect people positively. The right environment is the media, the education system in kindergartens, schools, universities, but especially the media.

Question: Dr. Laitman, what happens if we don’t start changing the environment, in your view?

Dr. Laitman: We are just going to suffer blows, serious blows. Until they nevertheless, force us to open our hearts and minds to what’s happening in the world. We have to be aware of nature’s changes.

Now we are in a situation that the use of the ordinary ego, the way that we are used to – I want to use you and you will use someone else, etc., etc., and the survival of the fittest and all that – these things are over now. If we are talking about the integral law, the integral system, we have different laws working there.

Unity works there, bonding, participation, consideration between parties in a single system; and not who is stronger, suppressing the weaker. In our bodies there is no such thing. If humanity is like a single organism, you have different rules playing: rules of consideration, unity, and bonding. We need to teach the new generation about these laws. Read More: Dr. Michael Laitman Interview with John St. Augustine »

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What Is Happiness?

Happiness Quote

Happiness is the sensation of fulfilling a person’s internal capabilities. It becomes completely clear when we discover exactly what we should fulfill, how we can fulfill it, what our goal is, how eternal and independent is that goal, and just how much it is the single purposeful aspect of the world now being realized.

In other words, happiness is the sensation of nearing the source of Nature, the Creator (the quality of bestowal and love), because that is the purpose of creation – a sensation of advancement toward a never-ending wholeness.

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The Secret to a Relationship of Complete Fulfillment

When a Man and a Woman Bond... [Kabbalah Quote]

When a man and a woman bond for the purpose of attaining a higher goal, they create a spiritual vessel between them, which doesn’t exist in reality. This vessel is neither feminine nor masculine, but a new vessel, in which they receive the sublime abundance – eternal and complete.

Such a life is unattainable alone. Couples who understand that mutual spiritual growth is the most precious gift that they can give to one another are the happiest couples. Their relationship acquires a deeper and genuine meaning, and they march together on a path of happiness and fulfillment. Read More »

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The Interdependence of Happiness

The Interdependence of Happiness

Happiness is feasible only when we reach balance. When people build correct mutual fusion with each other, when they feel they are in the right social environment, all problems will vanish. After our society establishes and promotes homeostasis, people will feel that they as if flow, are in a state of internal and external peace. This condition will instigate a state of bliss in them.

In other words, a sensation of happiness emerges not because we fulfill ourselves egoistically, without thinking about what’s next since besides each of us there are many other egoists who want to be happy at the expense of others.

The sensation of happiness emerges as a result of unity. It stems out of a sense of equilibrium, similar to a healthy organism that is alive when its organs function in balance. By the same token, human society must follow examples of nature and aspire to reach the same state. Then, we’ll realize what the goal of our life is. The sensation that we have while being in this state is happiness. Read More »


Is True Happiness Realistic?

If a person is immersed in his ego, in his desire to receive, then he certainly cannot be happy because it will only bring him pain. But if he rises above his ego so as not to worry about what goes on inside him, but to live on a higher level and to identify with the attribute of bestowal, with the world, with everything that surrounds him, he can be happy constantly.

It can be to such an extent that he will not feel what is happening with his body at all. The body can die, but a person will not feel that he belongs to his body anymore.

Now we totally identify ourselves with our body. But if we can develop so that we will gradually draw further away from it, we will eventually stop feeling that we are tied to it at all. It is as if I float above this body, and it is indeed so, because I identify with the attribute of bestowal and I live in it, and this is the key to advancing in happiness. Read More »


Happiness = Fulfillment

Happiness is fulfillment, because the whole of creation is the desire to be fulfilled. The sensation of being fulfilled is happiness.

Source: The Method of Attaining Happiness on


What Is Happiness?

Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the eternal nature of happiness in this Laitman Unplugged clip.

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At Last, an Introduction to the Secret Laws of Nature and What They Mean to Your Life!

At Last, an Introduction to the Secret Laws of Nature and What They Mean to Your Life!

Why Some Laws of Nature are Apparent and Others are Not

We live in a world we know only partially. There are many rules in Nature, some of which we discover easily because they are evident from our own existence. The law of gravity, for instance, is evident because when we try to fly without the proper instruments we fall right back to Earth.

Some laws apply only to Earth and some also apply to space. Some of these rules are perceived through our senses and our bodies, but there are other laws, such as the laws of radiation, whose action we cannot feel. We can only see the phenomena they produce. We cannot perceive, hear, or see waves, but we do recognize their effects.

There are other rules whose effects we do not know. At times we feel certain phenomena, but we cannot clearly identify their origins. Either way, our experiences demonstrate that if we knew all the rules that affect the world, we might be happy and successful.


How Society Is Organized according to Nature’s Laws

Some rules we learn from experience, some rules of behavior children pick up from their parents, their friends, the environment, and the general society. The rules we learn by education are not innately known to us. It is not clear that this is how they actually exist in the world, but our educators persuade us in various ways that it is so, and that this is a path worth treading. If children could see for themselves that something was wrong, they would not do it.

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