Are You Fulfilling the Desire that Will Give Your Life the Most Meaning?

Are You Fulfilling the Desire that Will Give Your Life the Most Meaning?

Introducing the Pyramid of Your Desires

A pyramid of souls exists, based on the desire to receive. At the base of the pyramid are many souls with small, earthly desires, looking for a comfortable life in an animal-like manner: their focus is food, sex, and sleep. The next layer comprises fewer souls, those with the urge to acquire wealth. These are people who are willing to invest their entire lives in making money and who sacrifice themselves for the sake of being rich. Next are those who will do anything to control others, to govern and reach positions of power. An even greater desire, felt by even fewer souls, is for knowledge; these are scientists and academics, people who spend their lives engaged in discovering some- thing specific. They are interested in nothing but their all-important discovery. Located at the zenith of the pyramid is the strongest desire, developed by only a small number of souls, for the attainment of the spiritual world.


How to Enlarge the Importance of Your Best Desire

We all have this pyramid of desires within us, which we must turn upside-down so that the sheer weight of the top will compel us to aim for the purest desire, the infinite desire for truth. We must reject and discard all our earthly, egoistic desires and put every effort and energy into increasing the desire for spirituality. This is achieved through the proper way of studying.

When people truly wish to increase their longing for spirituality, then the light around them, the spiritual world hidden from them, starts to reflect back on them, making them long for it even more. At this stage, group study under a Kabbalist’s guidance is crucial. A major change in the souls descending today is that they have a definite desire to achieve spirituality. Even ordinary people are seeking something spiritual, something beyond our world.

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Desires And Their Fulfillment – 5 Minutes Of Light

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

One cannot fulfill one’s own desire, but can discover infinite fulfillment through fulfilling the desires of others.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 18 December, 2009:

  • Preparation to the Lesson
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati, Article 26, “One’s Future Depends and Relates to Gratitude for the Past”
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 17, Lesson 9
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Article “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”, Lesson 3
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

Is Kabbalah the Cause of A-Rod’s Divorce?

A-Rod’s Divorce and Madonna Have Nothing to Do with Kabbalah

An Article by a Bnei Baruch student

The news has been filled the last few days with stories about the problems baseball player Alex Rodriquez and pop star Madonna are having with their spouses. When Cynthia Rodriquez filed for divorce, she cited A-Rod’s involvement with Kabbalah as a key contributor to the breakdown of their marriage.

The news stories generate more questions than answers, so one can only speculate on what is really happening. A key question that comes to mind is what these two superstars are expecting to find in their pursuit of Kabbalah. Here are two people who have almost everything this world can offer – money, good looks, talent, fame and power – yet they are still searching for something to bring them happiness and fulfillment. Read the Full Article>>>

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