The Secret of Whether or Not Humanity Has Freedom of Choice

The Secret of Whether or Not Humanity Has Freedom of Choice

The Big Question: Does Humanity Have Freedom of Will?

In our world, we are almost completely dependent on nature’s providence. We are compelled to be born; we do not choose our time of birth or our family, our talents, or the people we meet in this life. We enter an environment we never chose.

All my characteristics are predefined: the feelings, the aspirations, and the character. Everyone is born with his or her own Mazal (luck). Moreover, it is said that “there is not a blade of grass below [in our world] that has not an angel above [a force from the upper world] that strikes it and tells it: Grow!” So is there any freedom at all?

Both nature and society evolve according to their own laws, and so do all the changes in the universe and the ever- greater catastrophes that happen, hence there is nothing that depends on us. But if everything in humankind is dictated from above, not only our characteristics and inheritance, but everything outside us, including the forces that lead us to the end of correction, to a predetermined state, what kind of freedom can we talk about or even think about?


Predetermination vs. Free Choice

On the other hand, if we just obey nature’s orders, it is unclear why we were created in the first place, not to mention everything else around us. If everything is predefined and there is no freedom of choice, there seems to be no point to the whole of creation. The goal of creation, however, is not that everything will continue the way it has so far advanced, without any reason, but rather to attain completeness, precisely through our gift of free choice. For that reason it is vitally important that we find where and in what our free choice manifests.

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Unleashed – Moments From The Daily Kabbalah Lesson

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

The wisdom of Kabbalah gradually unleashes a person from having no control over his- or her desires.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 30 October, 2009:

  • Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 2, Lesson 2
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio
  • Baal HaSulam’s writings, Introduction to the Book “From the Mouth of a Sage”, Lesson 6
    Download: WMV Video | MP3 Audio

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

Free Live Interactive Kabbalah Course – Begins Sept. 3

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Upcoming 24-Week Semester at the Bnei Baruch Education Center
Begins September 3

What Does the Course Give You?

* A firm basis in authentic Kabbalah methodology, providing a deep understanding of nature, the world, and who you really are

* Practical tools with which to take control of every challenge in life by learning the real rules of the game

* A unique illumination that can be sensed only by the study of authentic Kabbalah texts, an illumination that reveals and helps you realize your life’s true purpose

What Is in the Course?

* 24 weeks of graduated study made simple, starting with fundamentals and progressing through technical aspects of the structure and inner nature of the force and law shaping our lives. You will learn how to connect with this force, and use it for yours and humanity’s benefit

* You’ll discover what Kabbalah is and isn’t, how it defines our perception of reality, what determines our feelings of pleasure and pain and how to correct the source of suffering, how to understand the “language of the Kabbalists” – what the texts are actually talking about, what free will is and how to attain it

* Instruction on how to study from authentic Kabbalah texts

* Study according to the schedule or at your convenience by downloading archived lessons

* Educational forum for direct personal answers by instructors to your questions as they arise in the study

* Free authentic texts and supporting books

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Three Sources for True Freedom You Don’t Want to Miss Out On

Three Sources for True Freedom You Don't Want to Miss Out On

Our modern idea of freedom is embedded in remoteness, individualism and isolation. The true idea of what freedom means has been inverted and long forgotten. Here are three sources of information on what true freedom is and how it can be attained in our world today.

1. Video: The Freedom Prison
In this excerpt from a morning lesson Rav Michael Laitman, PhD provides a definition of freedom that is completely opposite to society’s idea of freedom, but is more natural than anything else.

Download this Lesson: wmv video | mp3 audio [66:42]
Shamati Article #190 “Every Act Leaves an Imprint” (the article on which the above video’s lesson is based)

2. Freedom of Will (An article by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD)

3. The Freedom (An article by Baal haSulam)

Related Material:
Newspaper Articles:
* Kabbalah Today Article: The Freedom Blues
* Kabbalah Today Article: A Kabbalist, a Geneticist and the Meaning of Life
Short Clips:
* Do We Have Free Will or Is Everything Predetermined
* “Kabbalah Revealed” Episode 10: Free Will, Part 1
* “Kabbalah Revealed” Episode 11: Free Will, Part 2 The Four Factors

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!