If Creation Is a Garden of Desire, How Do We Help It Grow? – Gardening Tips to Turn Your Desires Toward the Light

If Creation Is a Garden of Desire, How Do We Help It Grow?

How to Get Back to the Garden – the Riot of Color, Texture, Fragrance That Is ‘We’

Kabbalah says that all that was ever created in all the worlds consists only of the Light and the vessel it fills. The only creation is the vessel that wishes to receive the Light coming directly from the Creator. This will to receive the Light that brings life and pleasure to the vessel is both the spiritual and the corporeal substance, depending on one’s intensity of desire.

The differences in nature, quality, and quantity among all created beings lie only in the extent of this desire, which is accordingly filled with the Light coming from the life-giving Creator. All that separates one object from another and produces colors, substances, waves, and other differentiating factors results from the capacity of the will to receive, and therefore, of the amount of Light that fills it. In other words, a desire of one size yields the form of a mineral; different sizes of desires form liquids, colors, or waves. Everything depends on the position on the scale of desire, while the amount of Light that embraces us and all the worlds is equal and invariable.

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Recognize 4 Filters That Obscure Free Will and Discover Your Wings

Recognize 4 Filters That Obscure Free Will and Discover Your Wings

Freedom Beyond Programmed Development—From Larva to Butterfly and the Limitless Sky

Every object in the world is constantly developing. This implies that every object constantly abandons previous forms and acquires new ones under the influence of four factors:

  1. Origin
  2. Evolution that stems from its own nature and is therefore invariable
  3. Evolution that changes under the influence of external factors
  4. Evolution and transformation of external factors

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How to Attain Freedom of Choice

How to Attain Freedom of Choice

The Enigma that Is Freedom of Choice

All throughout history philosophers have sought the answer to the question: “Is there freedom of choice?” They tried to define the concept of choice and reached the conclusion that only a limited freedom of choice in society is given to those who have a developed personality.

But among themselves, they understood that freedom of choice is always limited by our inability to control the future, because there is always the possibility that we could be run over by a truck, catch a fatal illness, or go into a coma. Of course, we can ignore such examples of the absence of freedom of choice, but that would not make life any easier. The evolution of genetics hasn’t improved our situation either, but only strengthened the feeling that we are in a closed compartment, surrounded by chains of genes from which we can never escape.


Freedom of Choice through Accelerating Your Development

And then comes the wisdom of Kabbalah, which Kabbalists regard as the last stage of the development of science, and we find that not only are we chained by our biological genes, but we are programmed throughout many lifetimes with a long and consistent chain of Reshimot that is set in the mind, the heart, and the soul throughout all time, and that is what determines our lives.

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The History and Future of All Souls Explained In a Nutshell

The History & Future of All Souls Explained In a Nutshell

Why One Soul Makes Up Reality

The structure of creation is a lot simpler than we think: Everything happens within one’s soul. The soul feels within it the Creator, itself, and the connection between them.

The soul is the only thing that was ever created, and it is all that exists besides the Creator. That soul doesn’t feel anything outside itself and is only aware of its inner world. It is called Adam or Adam ha Rishon (first man), and it is divided into many parts. Each part is an organ of the body of the first man. The soul is, in fact, the very same will to receive delight and pleasure. Its parts, called “unique souls,” are desires for reception of pleasure.


Why the First Soul Shattered into Many Parts

Each soul contains the 613 desires that the collective soul of the first man had before it sinned and broke into many pieces. In Kabbalah, a sin means receiving pleasure for our own delight, as opposed to receiving to bring contentment to the Creator. That was also the sin of Adam ha Rishon. As a result of his sin, his soul was divided into 600,000 separate parts, which came to be 600,000 individual souls. Each of these 600,000 souls consisted of 613 parts, also called desires. Those desires fell 125 degrees down from their original status, called the “root of the soul.” The last degree to which they fell is called “this world,” and it is the lowest spiritual degree of the soul. From that low state a person must correct his or her soul until it returns to its highest state, to the root of the soul. It must rise through the 125 degrees by a gradual correction of the 613 desires.


What Sin Really Is and How It Relates to the Soul and Freedom of Choice

Adam’s sin is misunderstood by us, as is the case with all the terms that take on a physical meaning in our world. Although the Torah seems to use the language of people, it really speaks of a different matter altogether, not about the issues between people. That is why there are misconceptions in the interpretation of the term sin.

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Here Is a Method That Is Helping People to Take Control of Their Destiny

Here Is a Method That Is Helping People to Take Control of Their Destiny

The One Aspect of Life Where You Have Free Choice

One of the most interesting aspects of the Wisdom of Kabbalah its the notion of “free choice”. As Kabbalah explains our only free choice is in choosing the right environment that influences us, since we are completely interconnected, and inter-dependent with our actual generation.

But Kabbalah also explains that our soul goes through multiple life cycles through reincarnation, thus we are interconnected with previous generations as well.

People often ask if previous lives dictate our present lives. They do, of course, but don’t forget that there are future lives as well, not just previous ones. Today, every person has a chance in this life to affect his or her future lives. Every one of us should know how to influence our lives correctly, how to study the laws by which the influence continues from life to life.


How to Control Your Own Destiny

A person can pass on a lot of vital information from one life to the next, thus preparing for a better life in the next round. We can advance toward the purpose of creation within just a few lifetimes and accumulate our attainments. We are the only creatures in the whole of creation that are given that opportunity.

We can determine our own destiny and consciously influence the surrounding environment. Our whole world depends on the light that comes down to us and clothes everything around us. This invisible light revives the entire reality. People can control the descent of this light to our world. The acquisition of a spiritual screen through the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah enables a person to control the descending of this light. That person can open a Kabbalistic prayer book and act according to the orders that are written there, instead of waiting for heaven’s mercy.


Why Kabbalah Is Needed to Attain Real Freedom

A man or woman who can follow these instructions feels the upper light pass through him or her and as a result feels confidence and the perfection of the attainment. He or she knows what is going to happen and how to control it. This is where the real freedom of choice appears. In this level of bestowal, a person has full control over his or her life, the future, and the whole of nature. He or she brings to our world all the goodness through the upper light, and that light reflects back doubled and tripled.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“Here Is a Method That Is Helping People to Take Control of Their Destiny” is based on the book, Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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