Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Abraham realized that the world perceived through our senses is a superficial blanket covering a complex interaction of forces. [Tweet This]

When a person attains the revelation of the true nature and reveals an inner vision, he starts to see one more reality inside of him in addition to the one he felt before. This is a world of forces that becomes revealed to him. These forces, which act inside of his desire, bring him all kinds of experiences and impressions, depicting different forms and pictures inside of him. He perceives this new reality more intensely than our current one, and feels that it determines what happens in our reality.

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Enter the Zohar to Build Your Soul

Enter The Zohar to Build Your Soul

The structure of the soul is reception, bestowal, and the middle line, which is the proper combination between them.

In our relationships we deal with the forces of bestowal and reception. They are both forces of nature. When I combine them in the right way, then the middle line or the soul is formed out of them. The Zohar shows us how to build our reality out of them so we are above the force of bestowal and the force of reception. The Zohar brings the middle line to us from Above. While reading it, we have to try to become included into that line. Then we are tuned to the same wave through which the Light comes to us and returns us to the Source, the Creator.

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