How to Recognize True Love

A true act of love is when I do something good for someone I love only because I want to delight that person. [Tweet This]

“Love” in our world is just a feeling of attraction to something that fulfills you. True love is when you fulfill the desires of another as if they are your own. “Love” in our world is when something awakens a feeling in me that I might get pleasure from it. I then aspire to this thing, to this spark of light. I want to get closer to this light and connect to it, so it will fulfill me.
“Love for your neighbor” does not mean that you like someone’s face, personality, or status. It is when you work with and fulfill his desire. This means that you love your neighbor rather than yourself.

Your Short Cut Straight to the Source of Life

Your Short Cut Straight to the Source of Life

The sole purpose of authentic Kabbalah was never anything besides discovering the source of life, the Creator.

I must know that everything is derived from a single power. [Tweet This] This means that all the events that happen with me and with others, all of our feelings, all of the past, present, and future—everything comes from the Creator and for only one purpose, to bring us to Him. All creatures, including myself, the still, vegetative, animate, and humans, everything that exists in this world, what we know and what is still unknown, is received from this higher source. I must concentrate my attention specifically on that, on the Creator.I must know that everything is derived from a single power. This means that all the events that happen with me and with others, all of our feelings, all of the past, present, and future—everything comes from the Creator and for only one purpose, to bring us to Him. All creatures, including myself, the still, vegetative, animate, and humans, everything that exists in this world, what we know and what is still unknown, is received from this higher source. I must concentrate my attention specifically on that, on the Creator.

Kabbalah Revealed

Know the Unified Theory of Everything—It’s Simply Elegant

Know the Unified Theory of Everything—It’s Simply Elegant

Kabbalah is a Grand Unified Theory letting us both understand the full scope of reality and experience its oneness.

Now we perceive the world only through our five senses or by instruments that expand their range of perception a bit, whereas Kabbalists perceive nature in its absolute form, because they develop abilities of exiting themselves, by ascending their egoism. Kabbalah meets all the requirements and the definitions of a science, more than all the other sciences because it explores nature in its real form—not in the narrow framework we receive in some confusion of a range of influences, reflections, refractions of our understandings and feelings, and out of our impact on the environment.

I Attain the World through Me!

I Attain the World through Me

A Kabbalah lesson is not meant for gaining knowledge. It is a process of self-discovery.

A Kabbalist studies everything on himself! He is his own lab! For a Kabbalist it is a field of discovery, and he immediately begins to understand the world he is observing, he sees it inside himself. We are part of nature that is made of vectors of different forces that cooperate mutually, including our feelings and our thoughts. But it is impossible to study them on the earthly level because these thoughts and feelings are above us! A Kabbalist, through spiritual methodology, rises to the level where the interaction of these forces and the birth of the desire, feelings, and our thoughts, man’s inner world, take place, and it is from this level that he begins to influence them.

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