Don’t Break Yourself Against Unbreakable Laws

Don’t Break Yourself Against Unbreakable Laws

Humanity’s goal is to discover the single, fundamental force that creates and governs life.

The next stage of our development is being revealed: a single integral humanity. It is imposed on us by the forces of nature. We have evolved to the point where we should begin to converge until we reach the feeling of complete unity as one family, with one heart. To work together with the forces of nature toward this state, we must learn the integral laws of our development. And this is made possible for us through the wisdom of Kabbalah.

How to Find Happiness and Fulfillment as a Couple?



If you look at the spiritual roots of men and women, you will find it amazing that we can even see each other, much less communicate. So what can we do? Just that – communicate, but do it right, for a change

When men and women work together toward the spiritual goal, they build their connection at an entirely different level – a spiritual level. In doing so, they transcend their mundane conflicts and differences, since they have a higher goal that fills their lives with content. When a man and a woman bond for the purpose of attaining a higher goal, they create a spiritual vessel between them, which doesn’t exist in reality. This vessel is neither feminine nor masculine, but a new vessel, in which they receive the sublime abundance – eternal and complete.

Such a life is unattainable alone. Couples who understand that mutual spiritual growth is the most precious gift that they can give to one another are the happiest couples. Their relationship acquires a deeper and genuine meaning, and they march together on a path of happiness and fulfillment.

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If You’re Reading This, You Still Have a Chance to See and Feel the Whole of Humanity as One Family

The Whole World Is One Family [Kabbalah Quote]

The science of Kabbalah explains that we all exist in a net that binds us together. Because of this, we have to treat each other as if we are in one boat, or like the members of one family. Baal HaSulam writes that the whole world is one family, and we must therefore build harmonious relationships of collaboration among us, instead of our present egoistic relationships.

The general connection among us that has been revealed obliges us to be in agreement with one another. This means that there must be agreement in our actions, thoughts, desires, and everything else. However, no one knows how to make seven billion people interact harmoniously with each other. And yet, the interconnection that is being revealed to us obliges us to accomplish this.

The revelation will continue to happen gradually, one step at a time. No one knows how the next stage will be revealed because this depends on how we realize the current stage. For this reason, Kabbalists propose that the entire society be taught about the law of interaction that is being revealed in the world. This knowledge will enable people to make the right actions. –Dr. Michael Laitman, in “Our Future Depends on What We Do in the Present.”

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Global Warming – Its Cure Is also the Cure for the Apathy People Have Toward It

Global Warming—So What!?
Global Warming—So What!?

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

With the abundant information available to the mass public today, everyone knows about global warming and climate change. But as it turns out, knowing and caring do not always go hand in hand. Read the Full Article >>>

The more we know about global warming and the threats it poses—the less we seem to care! A recent survey of 1100 Americans, conducted by scientists from the Texas A&M University, showed that “The more informed one is about global warming, the less one feels personally responsible for this problem and the less one is concerned for global warming” (Risk Analysis, Vol.28, Issue 1, Feb 08). In total contradiction to what we would expect, research shows that the more actively the media publicizes the problem, and the more informed we are, the less concerned about it we become!

Kabbalah – The Antidote to Indifference

Perhaps our indifference can be attributed to the fact that no one has been able to offer any viable solutions for the impending disaster, or maybe it’s because we feel too overwhelmed by the overabundance of disturbing facts. Hence we choose to simply push the problem aside, for the time being. But clearly we cannot ignore it when it begins affecting us personally—for example, when you happen to be that person in New Orleans whose entire family is wiped out by Hurricane Katrina.

Because of the global nature of the problem, any one of us can be next—so why don’t we care?!
Kabbalah explains it very simply: What’s preventing us from thinking soberly and effectively about the problem is our cunning, narrow egoistic perception. It blinds us from seeing the broader perspective, from being able to evaluate the full gravity of the situation. Moreover, our ego blinds us to the fact that we are causing this to ourselves, and are therefore able to prevent it! Read the Full Article >>>

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Kabbalah on Love, Marriage and Family

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, Michael Sanilevich & Yevgeniy Litvar

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD discusses love, marriage and family in a talk with the principle instructors of the Russian Kabbalah Academy, Michael Sanilevich and Yevgeniy Litvar.

Read the Full Talk “On Love and Marriage”>>

Topics covered in this talk:
* What is love?
* About jealousy
* Love means giving yourself to others
* How can one learn to love?
* Condition of love
* Who invented marriage?
* What is the purpose of a family?
* Who dominates in a family?
* About biblical commandments

Read the Full Talk “On Love and Marriage”

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