The Door to Eternity Is Inside You

By studying how we can change ourselves, we can do so quickly & enter the state of perfection & eternity. [Tweet This]


In order to enter the level of eternity, perfection, we must study harmony from nature, its perfection, the mutual cooperation there, its interdependence, and imitate it. By knowing themselves and by their efforts, each person enters into the level of mutual cooperation like the cells in our body. Full mutual cooperation brings a guarantee for an absolutely healthy system, and then we feel ourselves at the level of eternity, perfection, complete harmony.

You Can Uncover a Surprising Hidden Reality

You Can Uncover a Surprising Hidden Reality

Kabbalah is a wisdom that reveals the comprehensive reality that is normally hidden from our senses.

The reality that exists within our ego is changing day by day and every moment. If we rise above our egoistic feelings, we attain an external reality, the true reality. This reality does not change and is indeed eternal. The method of achieving this attainment is called the wisdom of Kabbalah. Therefore, it is considered a hidden wisdom that uncovers the hidden reality for us.

Congratulations, Your Generation Possesses the Truth!

Congratulations! Your Generation Possesses the Truth!

I am glad that I have been born in such a generation when it is permitted to disclose the wisdom of truth. Baal HaSulam.

Kabbalists throughout the centuries have concealed this science, waiting until humanity reached a state in its development where it began asking about the meaning of life. We see this now in the great problems of the world– alienation and powerlessness reign in the world. It’s precisely in this generation that the science of Kabbalah must be revealed because from it they will not only understand how to exit the current state, which has left them hopeless, but also to discover what awaits them in the future: an eternal, perfect, whole, exalted state, which is billions of time greater than anything we could ever feel in this world.

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Balance Your Life Once and for All

Balance Your Life Once and for All

Spirituality is what creates and cares for all aspects of life.

The meaning of our world is to enable us to ascend consciously above it to the next spiritual dimension. In the spiritual world a person who attains the meaning of everything that happens and what is beyond him, creates a feeling of wholeness harmony, balance and eternity within him. In spirituality a person begins to attain the meaning of his existence and this attainment fills him with an inexplicable feeling, an indescribable feeling, of attaining harmony, the upper existence, the truth, the real goal.

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