Zoom-Out on Egoism to Zoom-In on World Peace


Interdependence + self concern = crisis. Interdependence + global concern = harmony.

We are in a closed sphere, which affects us all around through the principle of unity. However, our egoism is opposed to this; on the contrary, it divides us, literally tears us apart. The world is integral; we are not. So, we need to change. Today, whether we like it or not, it is already impossible to play protectionism. A good connection is not a nice slogan, but an urgent necessity, stemming from all the studies, the facts.

Your Spiritual Correction Self-Test


The law in the love of friends is to want to see the friends’ merits and not their faults. If one sees some fault in one’s friend, it is a sign that the fault is not in his friend, but in his own love of friends.

If we want to see the world as a perfect place, we have to perpetually change ourselves and correct our egoism to be adequate for a new perception of the world. It’s called “loving one’s friends”. Look at what great possibilities for work that the group (friends) and the environment give us. It’s totally enough if we perpetually test ourselves by asking, “What do I think about them? How do I support my friends? How do I connect with them? Are we together or not really?”

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The 100% Contagious Virus You Want to Catch

Art work by Zenita Komad
Art work by Zenita Komad

This is how beginner Kabbalists, who haven’t yet attained the greatness of the Creator, infect each other with the feeling of His greatness in order to artificially rise above egoism. While they still don’t have the quality of love for each other, they artificially cultivate love, they “play love,” and then it really emerges because their desire evokes the Light of Correction from above.

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What is the Body’s Role in Spiritual Development?



Dr. Michael Laitman: In the wisdom of Kabbalah we learn about the birth of the spiritual Kli, about its growth and about changes of state.  The same thing takes place with us in our world, the birth and growth of our beastly body, which in principle is that ego.  Our body is what exists in our imagination, in fact, it is formed within our ego.  After that it melts, disappears, dies, and in its place another body appears, and another, and so forth until we go out to the level of the completed correction.  We return into the bodies all the time because they are imperative for us for our independent attainment of every spiritual level.

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