Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Abraham realized that the world perceived through our senses is a superficial blanket covering a complex interaction of forces. [Tweet This]

When a person attains the revelation of the true nature and reveals an inner vision, he starts to see one more reality inside of him in addition to the one he felt before. This is a world of forces that becomes revealed to him. These forces, which act inside of his desire, bring him all kinds of experiences and impressions, depicting different forms and pictures inside of him. He perceives this new reality more intensely than our current one, and feels that it determines what happens in our reality.

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Use Kabbalah to Grow into your Fantasy Future

Use Kabbalah to Grow into your Fantasy Future

The demand to know ourselves is emerging because we have to enter the next level of perception & attainment.

Kabbalah advises us to fantasize in abstract form about the future, but then work on ourselves in order to “pull up” our desires and matter to the level of that fantasy. Then the abstract form will clothe into matter; we will change instead of simply mistaking our fantasies for actuality. Our greatest problems in life come from the fact that we attribute what we desire to actuality and build plans based on fantasies, thereby separating from matter.

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Egoism of a Part Leads to the Death of the Whole

Egoism of a Part Leads to the Death of the Whole

The cause of all conflicts is human nature: egoism, the desire to fulfill ourselves at the expense of others.

Human egoism is the only destructive force that exists; hence, the world will not be able to persist unless we change our egoistic approach to society. Egoism of a part leads to the death of the whole. If a cell in a living organism begins to relate egoistically to other cells it becomes cancerous. Such a cell begins to consume surrounding cells, oblivious to them or to the needs of the whole organism, and thus, eventually extinguishes the entire body, including itself. The same applies to human egoism with respect to nature: while developing for itself, detached from the rest of nature and not as an integral part of nature, the egoism leads everything to death, including itself.

Spiritual Sight Reveals We Are One – Above Time and Space

Spiritual Sight Reveals We Are One - Above Time and Space

Humanity is interconnected like parts of one integrated system, but human senses do not let people recognize this connection.

We strive to change ourselves and start sensing a new life, a new dimension within our corrected desires. To reach this revelation, we need to correct our desires and obtain spiritual “sight.” After it occurs, his own experience allows him to sense a new reality rather than trust someone else’s words. While we are still alive, we have to elevate to a level of existence that is above death, called “the world to come.”

How to Have One Perfect Body

How to Have One Perfect Body

Humanity is one integrated body.

We all unite into one spiritual body. Such a spiritual body, where all parts are in harmony with each other is called Adam, the first man. If every person corrects his desires and is ready to unite with the same corrected desires of other people, seeking to unite like brothers into one body, one desire, then we all are connected. And then inside this connection we feel the first man, Adam HaRishon, the joint desire assembled from many private desires.