One Force That Quiets Any Crisis

One Force That Quiets Any Crisis

Uniting in a time of crisis will require recognizing life’s force & a mutual effort to cooperate and collaborate, to live by this force.
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Humankind’s problem is to balance each person’s excessive desires with nature, to become an integral part of it and act as a single organism. Put differently, humankind’s task is to become altruistic. The world’s perfection lies in the unity of its elements; it is accomplished only through co-existence of all parts of nature, and while each part works to sustain the entire system.

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Zoom-Out on Egoism to Zoom-In on World Peace


Interdependence + self concern = crisis. Interdependence + global concern = harmony.

We are in a closed sphere, which affects us all around through the principle of unity. However, our egoism is opposed to this; on the contrary, it divides us, literally tears us apart. The world is integral; we are not. So, we need to change. Today, whether we like it or not, it is already impossible to play protectionism. A good connection is not a nice slogan, but an urgent necessity, stemming from all the studies, the facts.

How to Navigate through the Financial Crisis


An important quote in the wisdom of Kabbalah states:

Two people were in a boat, and one of them took a drill and began to drill a hole beneath himself. His companion said to him: Why are you doing this? He replied: What concern is it of yours? Am I not drilling under myself? The other replied: But you will flood the boat for us both, and we will both sink. (Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Midrash Raba, Leviticus 4:6)

In the global boat we all share, whoever thinks he can drill a hole under his or her own seat and ignore the well being of others is gravely mistaken. If one person drowns, everyone drowns right along with him.

Why is it so important for us to understand this? It is because we live in a new reality, a reality where we all depend on one another, for better or for worse. From now on, we have no choice but to work together, as one big family. Only then will we be able to navigate our global ship through this winter of our hardship toward the haven of bounty and prosperity.

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Warning: Do You Recognize the Root Cause of Today’s Biggest Crises?

Warning: Do You Recognize the Root Cause of Today’s Biggest Crises?

Look How Much Our World Is in Crisis Today

An overview of the state of humanity in our time yields a sullen picture, one that could aptly be named “a crisis.”1 It seems that in all areas of life—personal, familial, national, and international—we are faced with escalating situations to which there are no solutions in sight.

Depression is soaring, followed by an increasing escape to drugs and alcohol. The family unit is disintegrating; domestic violence, alienation, and divorce are perpetually increasing; social polarization widens; and corruption in the government has become daily news. War and terrorism have become globally commonplace; social decline, natural disasters—all those and more have become a daily reality to many.

Thus, uncertainty and insecurity increase. While past leaders could make long-term plans for humankind and determine their short-term actions accordingly, today they cannot outline clear policies for the continuation of our existence.


Are Today’s Enormous Crises Unsolvable?

In and of themselves, crises are not negative. Humanity has been in crises before; and every time they have produced more highly evolved states. A crisis in one field leads to the rising of new fields. But today the situation seems essentially different: collapse is happening in almost every field of life and almost simultaneously.

This escalating crisis is even more perplexing in view of the achievements of science and technology, which have provided us the means to make our lives much more comfortable and easier than ever before. It seems that time and space have shrunk and that the world is truly becoming a small village.

Theoretically, science should have provided us a sheltered world, one where we could live peacefully and safely without a care in the world. Many thinkers, supporting modernization, were certain that industrialization and progress would place humanity on the brink of a secure and bountiful era.

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Interconnection + Protectionism = Crisis

Interconnection + Protectionism = Crisis

Question: A student from the Education Center is saying: You talk about unity and the need to disseminate the wisdom, and that we also have to study it. But how can I connect with someone? I never did it, ever before. I always felt separate. I couldn’t connect with anyone.

Dr. Michael Laitman: I’m not saying you need to do it now. I’m just saying we have to start explaining that our world is going through a crisis in our attitude toward the world, meaning toward humanity. Our attitude toward humanity has to change.

Through recent studies and everything that is happening to us, we are beginning to see that we are all interconnected, whether we want to be or not. Look at what is happening in countries, between countries, in commerce and industry, in the economy, all over the world, with the climate, etc. Everything is becoming more and more connected, except for the connections between us, and that is the crisis. The crisis is in our perception of where we are.

We are all connected, but everyone is only out for themselves, which is protectionism. What is going to happen if you are connected, but each is pulling his own way? That is today’s world. If they want to have a good life, and that is what the world is thinking about, then they have no choice, but to change their attitudes. The only question is: How much suffering and problems will it take? Because Nature will run its course no matter what attitude we have towards it.

Imagine that you are tightly connected with others and you are acting against this connection, and the whole world is doing the same: What kind of situation can you bring yourself to? You will reach a state where you will not be able to feed yourselves, and provide yourselves with the most basic necessities. That is written in the Kabbalistic books.

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