Your Spiritual Correction Self-Test


The law in the love of friends is to want to see the friends’ merits and not their faults. If one sees some fault in one’s friend, it is a sign that the fault is not in his friend, but in his own love of friends.

If we want to see the world as a perfect place, we have to perpetually change ourselves and correct our egoism to be adequate for a new perception of the world. It’s called “loving one’s friends”. Look at what great possibilities for work that the group (friends) and the environment give us. It’s totally enough if we perpetually test ourselves by asking, “What do I think about them? How do I support my friends? How do I connect with them? Are we together or not really?”

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Build a Love Triangle That Will Heal Your Marriage


It is said: “A husband and a wife, and the Divine presence between them”. If a husband and a wife start cultivating a relationship of absolute giving, this connection is born, this triple union is formed between them.

Instead of our merely tolerating each other, we join together as one whole! This is called: “A man and a wife and Divinity between them.” We begin to relate to each other through the Creator since we are not alone: He always is between us. That’s why I perceive my wife through the prism of the Creator, that is, I see both the Creator and her. Accordingly, she sees the Creator and me. If we don’t take into account the third factor we won’t be able to build a triangle, nor will we be able to live together.

Learn How to Widen Your View and Change Your Reality

Learn How to Widen Your View and Change Your Reality

Spiritual correction cannot happen in one limited field of life, in a single atom or a particle. It can happen only between all of them.

By correcting our perception of reality to the right perception, we change our entire life. Kabbalah teaches us how to discover the true reality and a new world. This correction isn’t meant to change our corporeal life, but actually to change all of reality from one end to the other. Thanks to the change of our internal attributes, we also change the external world because the world we see is the imprint of our internal attributes.

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You Can Have Holographic Consciousness


The key to solve any problem is to be internally holistic.

How can you change a person? How can you make his recognition, his understanding, his perception of the world, and his attitude to the world as general and holistic as all the systems?

First people must be educated integrally. Its goal will be to teach a person certain habits, to feel to what extent his connection with others is good and desired and brings about mutual understanding and the right decisions and a totally new feeling of the self, and to feel the society and nature in a new way.

A person will begin to feel the general picture of the whole global integral system he is in.

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How To End Famine, Flood, Illness & War Forever


All disasters, epidemics, famine, floods & civil wars come from the person’s egoism & thus only a person’s egoism should be corrected.

When a person overcomes his ego through connection with other people into a good general system, the person influences nature so that all of the disasters, all of the undesirable phenomena, disappear.

We exist in a single integral system. The levels of still, vegetative, animate and speaking are found within nature and are a closed circle, a ball, a sphere. And we are the most important part of this sphere, the highest phase of evolution. If we bring ourselves into balance and harmony, then we also balance all the rest of nature.

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